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Where There Is Will There Is Way


Table of Contents ................................................................................... 1

The Alphabet ........................................................................................... 3
Greeting .................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ............................................................................................ 5
Asking Condition And Health ................................................................ 6
Farewells or Leaving .............................................................................. 7
Numbers .................................................................................................. 7
Cardinal Number .................................................................................... 7
Ordinal Number ..................................................................................... 8
Multiplicative Number ........................................................................... 9
Day, Month And Date ............................................................................. 11
Telling Time............................................................................................ 12
Apologizing ............................................................................................ 13
Directions ............................................................................................... 15
Offering Help ......................................................................................... 16
Telling Something about Yourself ......................................................... 17
Invitation ................................................................................................ 18

Basic Speaking 1 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way


1. Listen up (mendengarkan)
 Hey, Listen very carefully! (dengarkanlah baik baik)
 Hey dude, what are listening o? (hey kawan, dengarin apa sih?)

2. Imutate (menirukan)
 Hello, my name is Sam. I am from U.K.
 What a lot of rot you talk? (kamu ngomong apa sih?)

3. Use your main key-mouth (pergunakan mulut sebagai kunci utama)

 Be a risk-taker in action, quantity is number one (berani mencoba
berbicara bahasa inggris dalam setiap aktifitas, kuantitas
penggunaan yang paling utama)
 Just spit it out baby (ngomong aja, ngapain takut)
 Keep your cool man (PD aja kalee)

4. Voic-powerful Vs weak (suara lantang Vs lirih)

 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
 Hello, can you hear me?
 Sorry, i can’t hear you
 Speak up, please!

5. Motion-fast Vs slow (gerakan cepat Vs lambat)

 Stand up
 Sit down
 Jump!
 Spin!

6. Smile Vs sullen (tersenyum Vs muram/cemberut)

 Don’t be panic guys!

Basic Speaking 2 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

 Cheer up, man! (semangat ya)

 Ok, I’ll try (baiklah)
 All is well (semuanya baik baik saja)
 G-O-O-D-J-O-B
7. Thank God Vs complain (bersyukur Vs mengeluh)
 Alhamdulillah
 Dear God, thanks for everything
 Say, “I am cool, I am so special, I am smart, I am great!”

8. Love Vs hate (cinta Vs benci)

 I really love it
 O God, I love english

(Abjad Inggris)

A (ei) H (eiʧ) O (oƱ) V (vi:)

B (bi:) I (ai) P (pi:) W (doble-u)
C (si:) J (djei) Q (kyu:) X (eks)
D (di:) K (kei) R (a:) Y (wai)
E (i:) L (el) S (es) Z (zi:/zed)
F (ef) M (em) T (ti:)
G (ji:) N (en) U (ju:)

Let’s sing the following song!

A .B. C .D. E. F. G, H .I. J .K. LMN.O.P ,
Q.R.S.T.U and V.. W and X.Y.Z
Now you have heard my ABC.
Tell me what you think of me.

Basic Speaking 3 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

1. Please, spell your name!
2. Spell the words below!
English /E-N-G-L-I-S-H Government /G-O-V-E-R-N-M-E-
Global / G-L-O-B-A-L Justice / J-U-S-T-I-C-E
Starter / S-T-A-R-T-E-R General / G-E-N-E-R-A-L

Game 1: Spelling A, E, I, O, U.
 Appoint the student and ask him to say “ A” , the next student
says “ E”, then another student on her right says “I” go to the
next student and says “ O “, then “ U”. Other students have to
continue by saying “ A “ then “E “ etc.


 Formal
Greeting Response
Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good Evening Good evening
Good night Good night

 Informal
Greeting Response
Hi, Laily Hi, Roby
Hello, Susi Hello, Usman

 Useful Phrases:
 Nice to see you.
 Long time no see. (I haven't seen you in a while.)

Basic Speaking 4 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

 What have you been up to?

 How are things?
 It's been a while. (It's been a while since I've seen you.)
 What's new?
 Not much. (answer to What's new?)


A: Hi Corey.
B: Hey, Jennifer. Good to see you. (hug)
A: You too. How've you been?
B: Busy, you?
A: Pretty good. How's your new job?
B: It's okay. There's a lot to learn. What's new with you?
A: Not much. The kids are back at school.


1. Introduce yourself

 Formal Response
I’d like to introduce myself. It’s pleasure to meet you
My name is................ It’s nice to meet you
May I introduce myself? I’m.......... I’m glad to meet you.
Hello, I’m...........

 Informal Response
Have we met before? I’m glad to meet you.
My name’s................ I’m happy to meet you.
I don’t think you know me Hello.
Hi, my name’s............. Hi.

Basic Speaking 5 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

2. Introducing others
 Jack, please Nicholas
 Jack, have you met Nicholas?
 I’d like you to meet Liza
 I’d like to introduce you to……..
 Laila, this is Ani, Ani, this is Laila.

Muda : Hello, I'm Ummi Mahmudah
Usman : Hi! My name is Usman Otw. But please call me Usman
Muda : Nice to meet you, Usman. You can call me Muda
Usman : Ok. What's your last name again?
Muda : Otw
Usman : Where are you from?
Muda : I'm from Indonesia.
Usman : And what are you doing here?
Mudah : I'm attending an English Conference.


 Formal Response
How are you? I’m fine, thanks and you?
How are you today? I’m very well, thanks
How are you this morning? I’m not so well now. Thanks

Informal Response
How’s life? Not too bad, thanks
How are you doing? Very well, thanks
How’s everything? Everything is fine, thanks
How are you getting on? Pretty good. Thanks
How is it going? Ok. what about you?
How have you been? Just fine, thanks.
Are you doing OK? I’m all right.

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Where There Is Will There Is Way

 Expressions Response
Good bye Good bye/bye
See you later Fine/ok
See you tonight Fine/ok all right
See you soon Fine/ok
See you OK
I go ahead Please
I’m leaving Please
I must go now Please
I’ll catch you later OK
Be good on the way Fine
Have a good time Thanks


Mr. Brown : Good morning, Mr. Green.

Mr. Green : Good morning, Mr. Brown.
Mr. Brown : How are you this morning, Mr. Brown?
Mr. Green : I’m very well. Thank you. And how are you?
Mr. Brown : fine, thanks. How is Mr. Black?
Mr. Green : He is fine, thank you.
Mr. Brown : Good bye, Mr. Green.
Mr. Green : Good bye, Mr. Brown. See you tomorrow.

0 = Zero/ 11 = eleven 30 = thirty
1 = one 12 = twelve 40 = forty
2 = two 13 = thirteen 50 = fifty
3 = three 14 = fourteen 60 = sixty
4 = four 15 = fifteen 70 = seventy

Basic Speaking 7 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

5 = five 16 = sixteen 80 = eighty

6 = six 17 = seventeen 90 =ninety
7 = seven 18 = eighteen 100 = one hundred
8 = eight 19 = nineteen 1000 = one thousand
9 = nine 20 = twenty 1000,000 = one million
10 =ten 21 = twenty one 1000,000,000 = one billion
Translate into english
1. 8.888.888.888
4. 123.456.789.000

Answer the following questions

1. How much money do you have?
2. How many brothers do you have?
3. How old are you?
4. How tall are you?
5. How far is your home?
6. How many hours drive is your office from here?
7. How much does it cost?
8. What is the size of your shoes?
9. What is the size of your home?
10. How much mony do you spend in a month?

Pertama : first keenam : sixth
Kedua : second Ketujuh : seventh
Ketiga : third kedelapan : eighth

Basic Speaking 8 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

Keempat : fourth keSembilan : ninth

Kelima : fifth kesepuluh : tenth

Answer the following questions!

1. What child are you?
2. What are you in a class?
3. What semester are you now?
4. On what floor are we now?
5. What stage is completed?

Satu kali : once Dua kali : twice
Tiga kali : three times Empat kali : four times

½ : A half/one second 1½ : one and a half
2/3 : two thirds 2¾ : two and three fourths
¾ : three fourths 3 4/5 : three and four fifths
4/5 : four fifths
0.3 : zero point three

Tambahan : plus/and
Perkalian : multiplied by/times
Pembagian : divided by
Pengurangan : minus
Sama dengan : is/are/equals

2+2=4 (two and two are four)
12x4=48 (twelve times four equals forty-eight
80-12=68 (eighty minus twelve are sixty-eight
8:2=4 (eight divided by two are four

Basic Speaking 9 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

Note :
 Compound numbers: Twenty-one (we put hyphen between the words)
 Number over 10 are often written in figures but in some contexts
especially in order to avoid ambiguity, words are more appropriate.
When writing in check we generally use words for the pounds and
dollars and figures for pence and cents.
Ex: twenty-seven dollars and 25 cents.
 For number over 100, we say five hundred and forty-six etc, using
and to link hundreds and tens. When said aloud, and is pronounced
/n/.the main stress falls on the final word of the number.
EX: ,Three ,hundred and ,twenty-‘nine, five ,hundred sixty
 In American English {and} is often left out: ,six hundred ,ninety-‘two
 For number between 100 and 199 can be written or spoken as one
hundred and five or a hundred and five when we want to be precise.
But when we are giving only an approximate number or amount, we say
a hundred and five.
 In a more mathematical context, we might say the individual figures
instead: two seven eight/278/,four six zero/460/
 For number over 1000,we can say or write in two ways
Ex: 1200-one thousand two hundred or twelve hundred.
 For number between 1000 and 1099,we can say a instead of one
before thousand
EX: one hundred and sixty /a hundred and sixty.
 For long number, such as bank account and telephone numbers, are
usually grouped into twos, threes, fours, or fives.
EX: my credit card number is 4432 9999 3456 8765.
 English has several names for the figures 0.Zero is the most precise
word and is also most common in American English. Naught, nothing
and 0 /ou/are used in informal English. In both British and American
English, o/ow/ is used to represent 0 when saying bank account or
telephone number.
Ordinal numbers:
 Compound Ordinal numbers up to one hundred are formed by adding
the ordinals first, second, third, etc to twenty, thirty, sixty etc;
Ex: Twenty-first, ninety-seventh.

Basic Speaking 10 Basic Speaking

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 When ordinal numbers are written in figures, the last two letters of the
written ordinal must be added:
Ex: 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th etc.



Sunday : Minggu Thursday : Kamis
Monday : Senin Friday : Jum’at
Tuesday : Selasa Saturday : Sabtu
Wednesday : Rabu


January : Januari July : Juli

February : Maret August : Agustus
March : April September :September
April : Mei October : Oktober
May : Juni November : Nopember
June : Juli December : December

In dates , however, can be written as follow:
In English British : 17.8.45( 17th August 1945)
August the seventeenth, nineteen forty-five.
The seventeenth of august, nineteen forty-five.

In American English : 8.17.45 ( August 17,1945)

August seventeenth, nineteen forty-five.

We use preposition “On” if we mention the date as on July the second.

If we don’t mention the date, we use preposition “in” as in July 1991 or in

Basic Speaking 11 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way


A. Vocabulary
Waktu : time Jam : hour
Menit : minute Detik : second
Seperempat : Quarter Setengah : Half
Lewat : past Pas/persis : Sharp/exactly
Cepat : Fast Lambat : Slow
Kurang : to,Of

B. Asking About Time

 What time is it?
 When did the train leave?
C. Response
 It’s two o’clock
 It’s a quarter past one
 It’s a quarter to one
 It’s half past one
 It’s five to one
 It’s exactly one o’clock
D. Note

 There is often more than one way of saying the time:

Eleven thirty, Half past eleven, Half eleven (informal)
 The time is expressed in different ways in British and American
07.45 : It’s (a) quarter to eight (B)
It’s seven forty five ()
It’s (a) quarter of eight(A)

01.15 : It’s(a) quarter past one (B)

It’s one fifteen. (B)
It’s (a) quarter after one.(A)

Basic Speaking 12 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

It’s ten (minutes) past six (B)

It’s six ten.(B)
It’s ten after six.(A)

 In a formal context, or when the time of the day is not obvious,

morning or evening is specified. We often use am meaning in the
morning, and pm meaning in the afternoon or in the evening.
 There are two ways of saying midnight.
0000 : 00 double 0
2400 : twenty-four hundred hours.

1. what time is it?

2. what time is it?


 Asking people to say something again.

Formal Informal
Pardon?could you say ha again Sorry?
Pardon me? What did you say?
Excuse me? What was that again?

 Apologizing
Formal Response
I’m sorry That’s all right
I’m very sorry That’s quite all right

Basic Speaking 13 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

I’m sorry for.......... Don’t worry about that

I apologize Never mind
 Informal Response
Sorry Thank’s
Sorry about No problem
I’m sorry Forget it


Calling your friend to say sorry for whatever happened today at


Vaishali :HiAkruti....What's happening?

Akruti : Nothing. Just taking rest.
Vaishali : Are you angry with me?
Akruti : No. Why are you thinking so?
Vaishali : I know you are. And you should be for what I did today
Atcollege. I am really sorry.Please forgive me. I
assureyou that in future it will never happen again.
Akruti : It’s okay. Don't say sorry. It is more than enough for
methat you realized yourmistake.
Vaishali : I'm really feeling so guilty that I can't explain it.
Akruti : Don't be guilty. It happens sometimes. Now everything
is okay. Actually I was alsovery upset. We are
childhood friends and I can never afford loosing our
Friendship.Our fight was so painful for me that I even
can't tell you.
Vaishali : For me also it was not able to resist this pain that's why
I called immediately as I reached home. I wanted
everything to be okay as soon as possible. Now I am
feelingso relaxed and nice. I am really happy that
everything is again normal between us.
Akruti : I am also very happy and relaxed. Now you also go and
take rest. Tomorrow we will party.

Basic Speaking 14 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way


West : Barat East : Timur
South : Selatan North : Utara
Southeast : Tenggara Southwest : Barat daya
Northwest : Barat laut Northeast : Timurlaut.


 How do I get to Bandung?

 How can get to Bandung?
 Can you tell me the way to Bekasi?
 Is this the right way to Pare?
 Which Bus goes to Pare?

 Go straight on!
 Go straight ahead!
 Go down this street!
 Keep walking!
 Follow this street!
 Turn left at the end of the street!
 Take the first turning on the right!
 It’s about two kilometers
 It’s about six houses away from here
 It’s on the right/it’s on the left
 It’s on the corner

Jame : Excuse me

Basic Speaking 15 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

Inspector : Yes, sir.

James : How can I get to Pare?
Inspector : It’s very easy. There is a bus every ten minutes from stop
number two. And the ticket is ten thousand. It takes two
hours to get there.

Road : Jalan Street : Jalan
High way : Jalanraya Thoroughfare : Jalantembus
Short cut : Jalanpintas Dead alley : Jalanbuntu
Crossroad : perempatan T- Junction : simpangtiga
Roadside : Pinggirjalan Sidewalk : Trotoar
Go stright on : jalan terus traffic light : lampu lalu lintas
Traffic sign : rambu lalu lintas dead end : jalan buntu
Speed bump : polisi tidur detour : jalan memutar
Sneaky-road : jalan berkelok2 wavy-road : jl. Bergelombang
Bumpy road : jl. Berlubang short way : jl. Pintas
Short cut : jl. Pintas up ward : tanjakan
Down ward : turunan turning : belokan
Track : jl. Setapak path : jl. Setapak
Block : gang bend : belokan


Formal Informal
 May I............ Can I.............
 Could I......... Shall I...........
 Would you like me to....... Let me help you with your bag

Accepting Offers
 Formal Informal
 Thank you very much Please, thanks
 Thank you Yes, thanks
 If you don’t mind, thank you Sure, thanks
 I’d appreciate it Thanks

Basic Speaking 16 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

Refusing offers
 Formal Informal
 No, thank you No, thank a lot for your asking
 No, I appreciate your offer No, thank any way
 No, thank. no necessary No, don’t bother, I can do it
 No, thank a lot, but I’m ok.


Describing our surroundings

 I live in Jakarta. I live in a noisy street.
 I live in the center of Jakarta. I live in a quiet street
 I live in the suburbs of London I live in a wide street.
 I live in the country I live in a narrow street.
 I Live in the village.

Describing buildings
 I live in a house.
 I live on a farm.
 I live in flat
 I live in a block of flat
Our education
 Which (university,school) did you go to?
 I went to Brawijaya University
 I did English course
 I did a course in engineering.

Talking about how long we did something in the past

 I was in Surabaya for five years.
 I was there from 1990 to 1995
 I was in there untill 1994.
 I used to live in Bandung
 I used to work in Middle east.

Basic Speaking 17 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

Talking about something we do in present time

 I’ve been a teacher for two years.(sampaisekarang)
 I’m working for PT PAL Surabaya at the
 I work for PT PAL Surabaya.(Menunjukkanpekerjaantetap)

Talking about our experience in the Past

 I was born in Madura
 I was born in 1980
 I was brought up in Surabaya.
 I used to live in Italy
 I get married in 2006 to an American.
 Have you got any children?/ how many children have you got?
 I’ve got two children, a boy and a girl.

Our Ideal
 What do you want to be?
 I want to be an actor.
 I want to be a teacher.


 Formal Expressions Informal Expressions

Would you like to........... Let’s.....
Would you like to join me? How about..........
Would you be free to.........? What about.........

 Accepting Invitation
Formal Informal
Thank you, I’ll be glad to. Thanks, I’d love to
Thank you, I’d like to very much. Thanks, I’d like to
Sure, that sounds great
Sure, that sounds like fun
Yes, with pleasure
 Refusing Invitation

Basic Speaking 18 Basic Speaking

Where There Is Will There Is Way

Formal Informal
I’m very sorry, but...... Thanks, but..........
Thank you, But I ‘m afraid I’m sorry, but........
That’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid I’d love to, but.......
I’d love to, but........... No, thanks
I’d like to, but..............

Lily : Hello, how are you enjoying staying in Pare?
Rara : I’m enjoying it very much.
Lily : By the way, what are you doing tomorrow night?
Rara : Nothing special as far as I know.
Lily : would you like to me for a ride the country?
Rara : Thanks, I’d love to.
Lily : fine, let’s meet here about seven o’clock.
Rara : That would be very nice.
Lily : Good, see you tomorrow.
Rara : Fine

Ask your friend the following questions, then make a short presentation to
the class!
b. Do always invite your friend for a ride around the country?
c. Were you ever disappointed in your friend’s invitation?
d. How do you feel if your friend refuses your invitation?
e. Tell me about your impressing experience?
f. Do you continually take your responsibility when you invite your friend?

If you like, I’ll show you around
Kalaukaumau, sayaakanmengajakmukeliling

Basic Speaking 19 Basic Speaking

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