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The Condor Plan

WORK: Aeryn Zuria Arias Peralta

What was the Condor Plan:

Plan Condor was nothing more than an international criminal and clandestine
organization that developed between 1970 and 1980. Six dictatorial
governments from South America participated in it: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,
Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.
What did
it consist of?

It was an operation orchestrated in the 1970s and 1980s within the framework of the
"Cold War" and had Chilean General Augusto Pinochet as the main actor, in accordance
with other dictators of the time.
The operation consisted of achieving the exchange of information between the countries
involved on supposed subversives.
What consequences did this operation leave?

According to the so-called terror files, discovered by the lawyer Martín Almada in
Paraguay in 1992, the Condor plan left a balance of 50,000 dead, around 30,000
disappeared and 400,000 prisoners.
Added to these results are torture, the transfer of detainees to other countries and the
constant monitoring and surveillance of political enemies.
 1971 z
 BOLIVIA :El general Hugo Banzer Suárez llega al poder en el año de 1971 tras realizarse una variedad
de golpes de Estado.
 1964
 BRASIL: En 1964 los militares derrocan al gobierno democrático y popular.
 1973
 URUGUAY: Se instala una dictadura cívico militar en 1973.
 El general Augusto Pinochet toma el poder en 1973 tras hacer un golpe de Estado.
 PARAGUAY: El general Alfredo Stroessner llega al poder en 1954 con golpe de Estado.
 1976
 ARGENTINA: El general Jorge Rafael Videla toma el poder en 1976.

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