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Reported by Group 11
Chapter 9
also called oral cavity or buccal cavity, in
human anatomy, orifice through which food and
air enter the body.
Parts of the Mouth
Lip (labia) protect its Uvula is a fleshy finger-
anterior opening. like projection of the
Cheeks form its soft palate, which
extends inferiorly from
lateral walls the posterior edge of the
Palate is hard soft palate.
palate forms its Vestibule space between
anterior roof, and the lips and the cheeks
the soft palate forms externally and the teeth
its posterior roof. and gums internally is
the vestibule.
Parts of the Mouth
Oral Cavity Proper is Lingual Frenulum a fold of
area contained by the mucous membrane, secures
teeth is the oral cavity the tongue to the floor of the
mouth and limits its
posterior movements.
Tongue is muscular
Palatine Tonsils the
tongue occupies the posterior end of the oral
floor of the mouth and cavity are paired masses of
has several bony lymphatic tissue, the
attachments- two of palatine tonsils.
these are to the hyoid Lingual Tonsil is lingual

bone and the styloid tonsils cover the base of the

processes of the skull. tongue just beyond.

is a hollow tube that

starts behind the nose,
goes down the neck, and
ends at the top of the
trachea and esophagus.
From the mouth, food
passes posteriorly into
the Nasopharynx,
Oropharynx and
Parts of the Pharynx
Nasopharyx the The Laryngopharyn
upper part of the is continuous with
pharynx, connecting the esophagus below;
with the nasal cavity both of which are
above the soft palate. common
The Oropharynx is passageways for
posterior to the oral food, fluids, and air.
The esophagus or gullet, runs from the
pharynx through the diaphragm to the
Parts of Esophagus
Size and function. About 25 Mucosa the innermost layer,
cm (10 inches) long, it is a moist membrane that lines
essentially a passageway that the cavity, or lumen, of the
conducts food by peristalsis to organ, it consists primarily of
the stomach. a surface epithelium, plus a
Structure The walls of the
small amount of connective
alimentary canal organs from the tissue (lamina propria) and a
esophagus to the large intestine scanty smooth muscle layer.
are made up of the same four
Submucosa is found just
basic tissue layers or tunics.
Muscularis externa is a muscle beneath the mucosa, it is a soft
layer typically made up of an connective tissue layer
inner circular layer and an outer containing blood vessels,
longitudinal layer of smooth nerve endings, lymph nodules,
muscle cells. and lymphatic vessels.
Parts of Esophagus
Intrinsic nerve plexuses the Serosa is
alimentary canal wall
contains two important the outermost layer
intrinsic nerve plexuses of the wall that
the submucosal nerve plexus consists of a single
and the myenteric nerve
plexus, both of which are layer of flat serous
networks of nerve fibers that fluid producing cells,
are actually part of the the visceral
autonomic nervous system
and help regulate the peritoneum.
mobility and secretory
activity of the GI tract
 a muscular organ located on the left side
of the upper abdomen.
Parts and Definition of Stomach
 Greater curvature is the convex lateral  Greater omentum is another
surface of the stomach is the greater extension of the peritoneum, drapes
curvature. downward and covers the abdominal
 Lesser curvature are concave medial organs like a lacy apron before
surface is the lesser curvature. attaching to the posterior body wall,
 Intrinsic factor some stomach cells and is riddled with fat, which helps to
produce intrinsic factor, a substance needed insulate, cushion, and protect the
for the absorption of vitamin b12 from the abdominal organs.
small intestine.  Stomach Mucosa is a simple
 Chief cells produce protein-digesting columnar epithelium composed
enzymes, mostly pepsinogens. entirely of mucous cells that produce
a protective layer of bicarbonate-rich
 Parietal cells. produce corrosive alkaline mucus that clings to the
hydrochloric acid, which makes the stomach mucosa and protects the
stomach contents acidic and activates the stomach wall from being damaged by
enzymes. acid and digested by enzymes.
 Enteroendocrine cells produce local  Gastric glandsT his otherwise
hormones such as gastrin, that are smooth lining is dotted with millions
important to the digestive activities of the of deep gastric pits, which lead
stomach. into gastric glands that secrete the
 Chyme after food has been processed, it solution called gastric juice.
resembles heavy cream and is called
Parts and Definition of Stomach
Location of the C-shaped stomach Body of midportion, and as it
is on the left side of the abdominal narrows inferiorly, it becomes
cavity, nearly hidden by the liver the pyloric antrum, and then the
and the diaphragm. funnel-shaped pylorus.
Function of he stomach acts as a Pylorus is the terminal part of the
temporary “storage tank” for food stomach and it is continuous with
as well as a site  for food
the small intestine through
the pyloric sphincter or valve.
Cardiac region of the cardiac
Size of stomach varies from 15 to
region surrounds the
cardioesophageal sphincter, 25 cm in length, but its diameter
through which food enters the and volume depend on how much
stomach from the esophagus. food it contains; when it is full, it
Rugae.  The mucosa of the stomach can hold about 4 liters (1 gallon)
is thrown into large folds called of food, but when it is empty it
rugae when it is empty. collapses inward on itself.
Pancreas, Liver & Gallbladder
Only The gallbladder stores
the pancreas The liver is the largest
produces enzymes gland in the body. and concentrates bile
that break down all from the liver, and
categories of then releases it into
digestible foods. the duodenum in the
small intestine to help
absorb and digest fats.
Funtion of Pancreas
Pancreatic enzymes. The Location. The pancreas
pancreatic enzymes are is a soft, pink triangular
secreted into the gland that extends
duodenum in an alkaline
across the abdomen
fluid that neutralizes the
acidic chyme coming in from the spleen to the
from the stomach. duodenum; but most of
Endocrine function. The the pancreas lies
pancreas also has an posterior to the parietal
endocrine function; it peritoneum, hence its
produces hormones insulin location is referred to
and glucagon. asretroperitoneal.
Funtion of Liver
Falciform Ligament the liver Location under the
has four lobes and is diaphragm, more to the right
suspended from the side of the body, it overlies
diaphragm and abdominal and almost completely
wall by a delicate mesentery covers the stomach.
cord, the falciform ligament. Function the liver’s
Bile Salts does not contain digestive function is to
enzymes but its bile salts produce bile.
emulsify fats by physically Bile is a yellow-to-green,
breaking large fat globules
watery solution containing
into smaller ones, thus
bile salts, bile pigments,
providing more surface area
cholesterol, phospholipids,
for the fat-digesting enzymes
and a variety of electrolytes.
to work on.
Funtion of Gallbladder
The Location of the When Cystic
gallbladder is a Duct food digestion
small, thin-walled is not occurring, bile
green sac that backs up the cystic
snuggles in a shallow duct and enters the
fossa in the inferior gallbladder to be
surface of the liver. stored.
Small Intestine
The small
intestine or small
bowel is an organ in
the gastrointestinal
tract where most of
the absorption of
nutrients and
minerals from food
takes place. It lies
between the stomach
and large intestine.
Parts and Function
Location of the small intestine is a Ileocecal valve the ileum meets
muscular tube extending from the the large intestine at the
pyloric sphincter to the large ileocecal valve, which joins the
intestine. large and small intestine.
Size of the small intestine is the
Hepatopancreatic ampulla are
longest section of the alimentary
main pancreatic and bile ducts
tube, with an average length of 2.5
join at the duodenum to form
to 7 m (8 to 20 feet) in a living
person. the flasklike hepatopancreatic
Subdivisions the small intestine
ampulla, literally, the ” liver-
has three subdivisions: the pacreatic-enlargement”.
duodenum, the jejunum, and Duodenal papilla are from
the ileum, which contribute 5 there, the bile and pancreatic
percent, nearly 40 percent, and juice travel through the
almost 60 percent of the small duodenal papilla and enter the
intestine, respectively. duodenum together.
Parts and Function
Microvilli are tiny projections of Lacteal. Within each villus is a
the plasma membrane of the rich capillary bed and a modified
mucosa cells that give the cell lymphatic capillary called a
surface a fuzzy appearance, lacteal.
sometimes referred to as Circular folds are circular folds,
the brush border, the plasma also called plicae circulares, are
membranes bear enzymes (brush deep folds of both mucosa and
border enzymes) that complete submucosa layers, and they do
the digestion of proteins and not disappear when food fills the
carbohydrates in the small small intestine.
intestine. Peyer’s patches In contrast,
Villi are fingerlike projections of local collections of lymphatic
the mucosa that give it a velvety tissue found in the submucosa
appearance and feel, much like increase in number toward the
the soft nap of a towel. end of the small intestine.
Large Intestine
The large intestine
is much larger in
diameter than the
small intestine but
shorter in length and
also portion of the
digestive system
most responsible for
absorption of water
from the
indigestible residue
of food. 
Parts of Large Intestine
The Size about 1.5 m (5 feet) long, The Appendix are hanging from
it extends from the ileocecal valve the Cecum is the wormlike
to the anus. appendix, a potential trouble spot
The Functions its major functions because it is an ideal location for
are to dry out indigestible food bacteria to accumulate and
residue by absorbing water and to multiply.
eliminate these residues from the Ascending colon travels up the
body as feces. right side of the abdominal cavity
The Subdivisionsframes the small and makes a turn, the right colic
intestines on three sides and has (or hepatic) flexure, to travel
the following subdivisions: cecum, across the abdominal cavity.
appendix, colon, rectum, and anal The Transverse Colon ascending
canal. colon makes a turn and continuous
The sac like Cecum is the first to be the transverse colon as it
part of the large intestine. travels across the abdominal
Parts of Large Intestine
The sac like Cecum is the The Anal canal ends at
first part of the large the anus which opens to
intestine. the exterior.
The Descending Colon
 The anal canal has an
turns again at the left colic
External anal sphincter,
(or splenic) flexure, and
continues down the left side
the external anal
as the descending colon. sphincter, composed of
The Sigmoid Colon skeletal muscle.
intestine then enters the The Internal involuntary
pelvis, where it becomes the sphincter is formed by
S-shaped sigmoid colon. smooth muscles.
The rectum is a straight, 8-inch chamber
that connects the colon to the anus. The
rectum's job is to receive stool from the
colon, let you know that there is stool to be
evacuated (pooped out) and to hold the stool
until evacuation happens. When anything
(gas or stool) comes into the rectum, sensors
send a message to the brain. The brain then
decides if the rectal contents can be released
or not.
The anus is the last part of the digestive
tract. It is a 2-inch long canal consisting
of the pelvic floor muscles and the two
anal sphincters (internal and external).
The lining of the upper anus is able to
detect rectal contents. It lets you know
whether the contents are liquid, gas or

Leader: Franco, John Loudivic

Member: Flor, Mark Edward
Dela Cruz, Deborah Joy
Ricafort, Carlo
Rago, Allen
Pucong, Marlon
Olaguera, Janlus Ann
Rapsing, Ana

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