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CHAPTER 14: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM  lips, or labia, protect its anterior

 The digestive system breaks down the
 cheeks form its lateral walls;
food you eat into nutrients needed for
metabolic processes, such as making  hard palate forms its anterior roof;
ATP, and rids the body of materials that  soft palate forms its posterior roof.
cannot be used, such as fiber.  Uvula is a fleshy fingerlike projection
 Chewing breaks down food into small of the soft palate, which dangles from
pieces easy for enzymes to access; the posterior edge of the soft palate.
enzymes then chemically digest food into  The space between the lips and
nutrients that are actively transported into cheeks externally and the teeth and
blood and delivered to cells around the gums internally is the vestibule.
body.  The area contained by the teeth is the
 The digestive system is essential for oral cavity proper.
providing the body with the energy and  The muscular tongue occupies the
building blocks it requires to maintain life. floor of the mouth. The tongue has
 Digestive system ingests food (takes it several bony attachments—two of
in), digests it (breaks it down) into these are to the hyoid bone and the
nutrient molecules, absorbs the styloid processes of the skull.
nutrients into the bloodstream, and then  lingual frenulum: a fold of mucous
defecates (excretes) to rid the body of membrane, secures the tongue to the
the indigestible wastes. floor of the mouth and limits its
posterior movements.

Homeostatic Imbalance!
 Children born with an extremely short
lingual frenulum are often referred to as
“tongue-tied” because movement of the
tongue is restricted, leading to distorted
speech. This congenital condition can be
 two main groups: corrected surgically by cutting the
1. alimentary (aliment = nourish) canal frenulum.
 Performs the whole menu of digestive  At the posterior end of the oral cavity are
functions (ingests, digests, absorbs, and paired masses of lymphatic tissue, the
defecates) as it propels the foodstuffs palatine tonsils.
along its length.  The lingual tonsil covers the base of the
2. accessory digestive organs tongue just beyond. The tonsils, along
 (teeth, tongue, and several large with other lymphatic tissues, are part of
digestive glands) assist digestion in the body’s defense system.
various ways, as described shortly
 Pharynx
 Organs of Alimentary Canal  From the mouth, food passes
 alimentary canal, also called the posteriorly into the oropharynx and
gastrointestinal (GI) tract or gut, is a laryngopharynx, both of which are
continuous, coiled, hollow muscular tube common passageways for food,
that winds through the ventral body cavity fluids, and air.
from mouth to anus.  The pharynx is subdivided into the
 Its organs are the mouth, pharynx, nasopharynx, part of the respiratory
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, passageway;
and large intestine. The large intestine a. oropharynx, posterior to the oral
leads to the terminal opening, or anus. cavity;
b. laryngopharynx, which is
 Mouth continuous with the esophagus
 Food enters the digestive tract inferiorly
through the mouth, or oral cavity, a  walls of the pharynx contain two skeletal
mucous membrane–lined cavity. muscle layers. The cells of the outer layer
run longitudinally; those of the inner layer
(the constrictor muscles) run around the
wall in a circular fashion.  Stomach
 C-shaped stomach is on the left side of
 Esophagus the abdominal cavity, nearly hidden by
 esophagus or gullet, runs from the the liver and diaphragm.
pharynx through the diaphragm to the  cardial region, or cardia (named for its
stomach. position near the heart), surrounds the
 About 25 cm (10 inches) long, it is cardioesophageal sphincter, through
essentially a passageway that conducts which food enters the stomach from the
food (by peristalsis) to the stomach. esophagus.
 walls of the alimentary canal organs  fundus is the expanded part of the
from the esophagus to the large intestine stomach lateral to the cardial region.
are made up of the same four tissue  body is the midportion of the stomach; in
layers, or tunics: the body, the convex lateral surface is the
1. mucosa is the innermost layer, a greater curvature, and its concave
moist mucous membrane that lines medial surface is the lesser curvature.
the hollow cavity, or lumen, of the  pylorus is continuous with the small
organ. intestine through the pyloric sphincter,
2. submucosa is found just beneath the or pyloric valve.
mucosa. It is soft connective tissue  When it is empty, it collapses inward on
containing blood vessels, nerve itself, and its mucosa is thrown into large
endings, mucosaassociated lymphoid folds called rugae (roo′ge; ruga =
tissue (MALT), and lymphatic wrinkle, fold).
vessels.  lesser omentum: a double layer of
3. muscularis externa is a muscle layer peritoneum, extends from the liver to the
typically made up of an inner circular lesser curvature of the stomach.
layer and an outer longitudinal layer  greater omentum:, another extension of
of smooth muscle cells. the peritoneum, drapes downward and
4. serosa is the outermost layer of the covers the abdominal organs like a lacy
wall. As half of a serous membrane apron before attaching to the posterior
pair, the visceral peritoneum body wall.
consists of a single layer of flat,
serous fluid–producing cells. The
visceral peritoneum is continuous
with the slippery parietal
peritoneum, which lines the
abdominopelvic cavity by way of a
membrane extension, the

Homeostatic Imbalance!
 PERITONITIS the peritoneal membranes
tend to stick together around the infection
site. This helps to seal off and localize
many intraperitoneal infections (at least
initially), providing time for macrophages
in the lymphatic tissue to mount an
 Alimentary canal wall contains two
important intrinsic nerve plexuses—the
submucosal nerve plexus and the
myenteric (“intestinal muscle”) nerve
 The stomach acts as a temporary  Bile (formed by the liver) also enters the
“storage tank” for food as well as a site duodenum through the bile duct in the
for food breakdown. same area.
 Besides the usual longitudinal and  The main pancreatic and bile ducts join
circular muscle layers, its wall contains a at the duodenum to form the flasklike
third, obliquely arranged layer in the hepatopancreatic ampulla literally, the
muscularis externa. “liver-pancreatic enlargement.”
 smooth lining is dotted with millions of  Villi are fingerlike projections of the
deep gastric pits, which lead into mucosa that give it a velvety appearance
gastric glands that secrete the and feel, much like the soft nap of a
components of gastric juice. towel.
 intrinsic factor, a substance needed for  Within each villus is a rich capillary bed
absorption of vitamin B12 from the small and a modified lymphatic capillary called
intestine. a lacteal.
 chief cells produce inactive protein-  Microvilli are tiny projections of the
digesting enzymes, mostly plasma membrane of the mucosa cells
pepsinogens. that give the cell surface a fuzzy
 parietal cells produce corrosive appearance, sometimes referred to as
hydrochloric acid (HCl), which makes the the brush border.
stomach contents acidic and activates  Circular folds( plicae circulares), are
the enzymes, as in the conversion of deep folds of both mucosa and
pepsinogen to pepsin. submucosa layers.
 mucous neck cells produce a thin acidic  local collections of lymphatic tissue
mucus with an unknown function that is (called Peyer’s patches) found in the
quite different from that secreted by the submucosa increase in number toward
mucous cells of the mucosa. the end of the small intestine.
 enteroendocrine cells (entero = gut),
produce local hormones, such as gastrin,
that are important in regulating the
digestive activities of the stomach,
 After food has been processed in the
stomach, it is thick like heavy cream and
is called chyme. The chyme enters the
small intestine through the pyloric

 Small Intestine
 small intestine is the body’s major
digestive organ. Within its twisted
passageways, usable nutrients are finally
prepared for their journey into the cells of
the body. The small intestine is a
muscular tube extending from the pyloric
sphincter to the large intestine.
 It is the longest section of the alimentary
tube, with an average length of 2 to 4 m
(7 to 13 feet) in a living person.
 3 subdivisions:
1. duodenum (doo″ uh-de′num; “twelve
finger widths long”),
2. jejunum (j˘e-joo′num; “empty”),
3. ileum (il′e-um; “twisted intestine”)
- joins the large intestine at the
ileocecal valve.
 pyloric sphincter (literally,
“gatekeeper”) controls the movement of
chyme into the small intestine from the
stomach and prevents the small intestine
from being overwhelmed.
 enzymes that are produced by the
pancreas and then delivered to the
duodenum through the pancreatic
ducts, where they complete the chemical
breakdown of foods in the small intestine.
that produce alkaline (bicarbonate-rich)
 , the longitudinal layer of the muscularis
externa is reduced to three bands of
muscle called teniae coli (“ribbons of
the colon”). Because these muscle
bands usually display some degree of
tone (are partially contracted), they
cause the wall to pucker into small
pocketlike sacs called haustra.

 Large Intestine
 is much larger in diameter than the small
intestine (thus its name) but shorter in
length. About 1.5 m (5 feet) long, it
extends from the ileocecal valve to the
 major functions are to dry out the
indigestible food residue by absorbing
water and to eliminate these residues
from the body as feces.  Accessory Digestive Organs
 It frames the small intestine on three  Teeth
sides and has these subdivisions:  role teeth play in processing food needs
cecum, appendix, colon, rectum, and little introduction.
anal canal.
 We masticate, or chew, by opening and
 Subdivisions: closing our jaws and moving them from
1. Cecum is the first part of the large
side to side while continuously using our
intestine. Hanging from the cecum is the tongue and cheek muscles to keep the
wormlike appendix. food between our teeth.
2. appendix, a potential trouble spot.
 two sets of teeth:
Because it is usually twisted, it is an ideal
1. deciduous teeth, also called baby teeth
location for bacteria to accumulate and
or milk teeth. The deciduous teeth begin
multiply. Inflammation of the appendix,
to erupt around 6 months; the first teeth
appendicitis, is the usual result.
to appear are the lower central incisors.
3. Colon
A baby has a full set (20 teeth) by the age
 (a) ascending colon travels up the right of 2 years.
side of the abdominal cavity and makes 2. permanent teeth, enlarge and develop,
a turn, the right colic (or hepatic) flexure, the roots of the milk teeth are
to travel across the abdominal cavity as reabsorbed, and between the ages of 6
the (b) transverse colon. It then turns and 12 years they loosen and fall out.
again at the left colic (or splenic) flexure o All of the permanent teeth but the
and continues down the left side as the third molars have erupted by the
(c) descending colon to enter the end of adolescence.
pelvis, where it becomes the S-shaped o third molars (wisdom teeth)
(d) sigmoid colon. emerge between the ages of 17
4. The sigmoid colon, rectum, and anal
and 25.
canal lie in the pelvis. o Although there are 32 permanent
5. anal canal ends at the anus which
teeth in a full set, the wisdom teeth
opens to the exterior. The anal canal has often fail to erupt; sometimes they
two valves: are completely absent.
a. external anal sphincter,
composed of skeletal muscle, is Homeostatic Imbalance!
 When teeth remain embedded in the
b. internal anal sphincter, formed
jawbone, they are said to be impacted.
by smooth muscle, is involuntary
Impacted teeth can exert pressure and
cause a good deal of pain, so they
 Because most nutrients have been usually must be removed surgically.
absorbed before the large intestine is Wisdom teeth are the most commonly
reached, no villi are present in the large impacted.
intestine, but there are tremendous
numbers of goblet cells in its mucosa
 Classification of teeth: canal, which provides a route for
a. incisors are adapted for cutting; blood vessels, nerves, and other
b. the fanglike canines (eyeteeth) are for pulp structures to enter the pulp
tearing or piercing. cavity of the tooth.
c. premolars (bicuspids) and (d) molars
have broad crowns with rounded cusps
(tips) and are best suited for crushing
and grinding.

 Salivary Glands
 (1) large parotid glands lie anterior to
the ears. Mumps, a common childhood
disease, is an inflammation of the parotid
 two major regions: glands. (2) submandibular glands and
1. crown is the exposed part of the tooth the small (3) sublingual glands empty
above the gingiva or gum. The crown is their secretions into the floor of the mouth
covered with enamel, a ceramic-like through tiny ducts.
substance as thick as a dime, that  Saliva, product of the salivary glands and
directly bears the force of chewing. is a mixture of mucus and serous fluids.
a. It is the hardest substance in the
 The mucus moistens and helps to bind
body and is fairly brittle because it
food together into a mass called a bolus,
is heavily mineralized with calcium
which makes chewing and swallowing
2. Root is the portion of the tooth
 clear serous portion contains an enzyme,
embedded in the jawbone the root and
salivary amylase, in a bicarbonate-rich
crown are connected by a region called
(alkaline) juice that begins the process of
the neck. The outer surface of the root is
starch digestion in the mouth.
covered by a substance called cement,
which attaches the tooth to the
 Pancreas
periodontal membrane (ligament).
a. Dentin, a bonelike material,  a soft, pink, triangular gland that extends
underlies the enamel and forms across the abdomen from the spleen to
the bulk of the tooth. the duodenum.
b. It surrounds a central pulp cavity,  lies posterior to the parietal peritoneum;
which contains a number of hence its location is referred to as
structures (connective tissue, retroperitoneal.
blood vessels, and nerve fibers)  Only produces enzyme that break down
collectively called pulp. Pulp all categories of digestible foods.
supplies nutrients to the tooth  pancreatic enzymes are secreted into the
tissues and provides for tooth duodenum in an alkaline fluid that
sensations. neutralizes the acidic chyme coming in
c. Where the pulp cavity extends into from the stomach.
the root, it becomes the root
 The pancreas also has an endocrine FUNCTIONS OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
function; it produces the hormones  Overview of Gastrointestinal
insulin and glucagon. Processes and Controls
 Major functions of the digestive tract are
 Liver and Gallbladder usually summarized in two words—
 LIVER is the largest gland in the body. digestion and absorption.
Located under the diaphragm, more to  6 processes of the GI tract:
the right side of the body, it overlies and 1. Ingestion. Food must be placed into the
almost completely covers the stomach. mouth before it can be acted on. This is
 liver has four lobes and is suspended an active, voluntary process.
from the diaphragm and abdominal wall 2. Propulsion. To be processed by more
by a delicate mesentery cord, the than one digestive organ, foods must be
falciform ligament. propelled from one organ to the next.
 its digestive function is to produce bile. o Swallowing is one example of food
Bile leaves the liver through the movement that depends largely
common hepatic duct and enters the on the propulsive process called
duodenum through the bile duct. peristalsis.
 Bile is a yellow-to-green, watery solution o Peristalsis is involuntary and
containing bile salts, bile pigments involves alternating waves of
(chiefly bilirubin, a breakdown product of contraction and relaxation of the
hemoglobin), cholesterol, phospholipids, longitudinal muscles in the organ
and a variety of electrolytes. wall.
o does not contain enzymes, but its 3. Food breakdown: Mechanical
bile salts emulsify fats by breakdown. Mechanical breakdown
physically breaking large fat physically fragments food into smaller
globules into smaller ones, thus particles, increasing surface area and
providing more surface area for preparing food for further degradation by
the fat-digesting enzymes to work enzymes.
on. o segmentation in the small
 GALLBLADDER is a small, thin-walled intestine moves food back and
green sac that snuggles in a shallow forth across the internal wall of the
fossa in the inferior surface of the liver. organ, mixing it with the digestive
 food digestion is not occurring, bile backs juices.
up the cystic duct and enters the 4. Food breakdown: Digestion. The
gallbladder to be stored. sequence of steps in which large food
molecules are chemically broken down to
Homeostatic Imbalance! their building blocks by enzymes (protein
 If bile is stored in the gallbladder for too molecules that act as catalysts) is called
long or too much water is removed, the digestion.
cholesterol it contains may crystallize,
o gallstones tend to be quite sharp,
agonizing pain may occur when
the gallbladder contracts (an
event called a gallbladder
 As the bile pigments circulate through the
body, the tissues become yellow, or
JAUNDICED. Blockage of the ducts is
just one cause of jaundice.
 actual liver problems such as
HEPATITIS, an inflammation of the liver,
or cirrhosis, a chronic inflammatory
condition in which the liver is severely
damaged and becomes hard and fibrous.
o often due to viral infection
resulting from drinking
contaminated water or transmitted
in blood via transfusion or
contaminated needles.
o Cirrhosis is almost guaranteed
when someone drinks alcoholic
beverages in excess for many
years, and it is a common
consequence of severe hepatitis.
must first enter the mucosal cells by
active or passive transport processes.
6. Defecation. Defecation is the elimination
of indigestible residues from the GI tract
via the anus in the form of feces.

 The building blocks, or units, of

carbohydrate foods are
monosaccharides, or simple sugars.
a. Glucose is by far the most important,
and when we talk about blood sugar
level, we are referring to glucose.  Activities Occurring in the Mouth,
b. Fructose is the most abundant sugar
Pharynx, and Esophagus
in fruits, and
c. galactose is found in milk.
1. Food Ingestion and Breakdown
 The only carbohydrates that our digestive  Once food has been placed in the mouth,
system digests, or breaks down to simple both mechanical and digestive
sugars, are sucrose (table sugar), (chemical) processing begins.
lactose (milk sugar), maltose (malt
 First the food is physically broken down
sugar), and starch. Sucrose, maltose,
into smaller particles by chewing. Then,
and lactose are referred to as
as the food is mixed with saliva, salivary
disaccharides, or double sugars,
amylase begins the digestion of starch,
because each consists of two simple
chemically breaking it down into maltose.
sugars linked together.
 Saliva is normally secreted continuously
 Starch is a polysaccharide (literally,
to keep the mouth moist, but when food
“many sugars”) formed by linking
enters the mouth, much larger amounts
hundreds of glucose units. Although we
of saliva pour out.
eat foods containing other
 the simple pressure of anything put in the
polysaccharides, such as cellulose, we
mouth and chewed, such as rubber
do not have enzymes capable of
bands or sugarless gum, will also
breaking them down.
stimulate the release of saliva.
 Proteins are digested to their building
 All these reflexes, though initiated by
blocks, which are amino acids. The
different stimuli, are brought about by
intermediate product of protein digestion
parasympathetic fibers in cranial nerves
is polypeptides.
VII and IX.
 lipids (fats) are digested, they yield two
 Essentially no food absorption occurs in
different types of building blocks—fatty
the mouth.
acids and an alcohol called glycerol.
 The pharynx and esophagus have no
5. Absorption. Absorption is the transport digestive function; they simply provide
of digestive end products from the lumen passageways to carry food to the next
of the GI tract to the blood or lymph. For processing site, the stomach.
absorption to occur, the digested foods 2. Food Propulsion: Swallowing and
 For food to be sent on its way from the gastric juice by the gastric (stomach)
mouth, it must first be swallowed. glands.
 Deglutition or swallowing, is a complex  presence of food and a rising pH in the
process that involves the coordinated stomach stimulate the stomach cells to
activity of several structures (tongue, soft release the hormone gastrin. Gastrin
palate, pharynx, and esophagus). prods the gastric glands to produce still
 two major phases: more of the protein-digesting enzymes
a. buccal phase, (voluntary) which (such as pepsinogen), mucus, and
occurs in the mouth. Once the food hydrochloric acid.
has been chewed and well mixed with  Hydrochloric acid makes the stomach
saliva, the bolus (food mass) is contents very acidic. This can be
forced into the pharynx by the tongue. dangerous because both hydrochloric
As food enters the pharynx, it passes acid and the protein-digesting enzymes
out of our control and into the realm of have the ability to digest the stomach
reflex activity. itself, causing ulcers.
b. pharyngeal-esophageal phase,
(involuntary) transports food through Homeostatic Imbalance!
the pharynx and esophagus. The  cardioesophageal sphincter fails to close
parasympathetic division of the tightly and gastric juice backs up into the
autonomic nervous system (primarily esophagus, which has little mucus
the vagus nerve) controls this phase protection. This results in a characteristic
and promotes the mobility of the pain known as HEARTBURN, which, if
digestive organs from this point on. uncorrected, leads to inflammation of the
 The tongue blocks off the mouth, and the esophagus (esophagitis) and perhaps
soft palate closes off the nasal passages. even to ulceration of the esophagus.
 The larynx rises so that its opening (into  HIATAL HERNIA, a structural
the respiratory passageways) is covered abnormality in which the superior part of
by the flaplike epiglottis. the stomach protrudes slightly above the
 Food is moved through the pharynx and diaphragm. Because the diaphragm no
then into the esophagus inferiorly by longer reinforces the relatively weak
wavelike peristaltic contractions of their cardioesophageal sphincter, gastric juice
muscular walls—first the longitudinal flows into the unprotected esophagus.
muscles contract, and then the circular
muscles contract.
 Once food reaches the distal end of the
esophagus, it presses against the
cardioesophageal sphincter, causing it to
open, and the food enters the stomach.
 The movement of food through the
pharynx and esophagus is so automatic
that a person can swallow and food will
reach the stomach even if he is standing
on his head.  The extremely acidic environment that
hydrochloric acid provides is necessary,
because it activates pepsinogen to
pepsin, the active protein-digesting
 Rennin, the second protein-digesting
enzyme produced by the stomach, works
primarily on milk protein and converts it
to a substance that looks like sour milk.

2. Food Propulsion
 Once the food has been well mixed, a
rippling peristalsis begins in the upper
half of the stomach.
 The contractions increase in force as the
food approaches the pyloric valve,
grinding the food into chyme.
 Activities of the Stomach  The pylorus of the stomach, which holds
1. Food Breakdown about 30 ml of chyme, acts like a meter
 Secretion of gastric juice is regulated by that allows only liquids and very small
both neural and hormonal factors. The particles to pass through the pyloric
sight, smell, and taste of food stimulate sphincter.
parasympathetic nervous system  Because the pyloric sphincter barely
reflexes, which increase the secretion of opens, each contraction of the stomach
muscle squirts 3 ml or less of chyme into 3. are totally responsible for fat
the small intestine. digestion, because the pancreas is
 The contraction also closes the valve, so essentially the only source of lipases;
the rest of the chyme (about 27 ml) is and
propelled backward into the stomach for 4. digest nucleic acids (nucleases).
more mixing, a process called  pancreatic juice contains a rich supply of
retropulsion. bicarbonate ions, which makes it very
 When the duodenum is filled with chyme basic (about pH 8).
and its wall is stretched, a nervous reflex,
the enterogastric reflex, occurs. This Homeostatic Imbalance!
reflex “puts the brakes on” gastric  PANCREATITIS is a rare but extremely
activity. It slows the emptying of the serious inflammation of the pancreas that
stomach by inhibiting the vagus nerve results from activation of pancreatic
and tightening the pyloric sphincter, thus enzymes in the pancreatic duct.
allowing time for intestinal processing to o This painful condition can lead to
catch up. nutritional deficiencies because
pancreatic enzymes are essential
Homeostatic Imbalance! for digestion in the small intestine.
 Local irritation of the stomach, such as
occurs with bacterial food poisoning, may
activate the emetic center in the brain
 The emetic center, in turn, causes
o Vomiting is essentially a reverse
peristalsis occurring in the
stomach (and perhaps the small
intestine), accompanied by
contraction of the abdominal
muscles and the diaphragm,
which increases the pressure on
the abdominal organs.
 The release of pancreatic juice into the
 Activities of the Small Intestine duodenum is stimulated by both the
1. Chime Breakdown and Absorption vagus nerve and local hormones.
 Chyme reaching the small intestine is  When chyme enters the small intestine, it
only partially digested. stimulates the mucosa cells to produce
 Here the process of chemical digestion is several hormones. Two of these
accelerated as the food now takes a hormones, (1) secretin and (2)
rather wild 3- to 6-hour journey through cholecystokinin (CCK), influence the
the looping coils and twists of the small release of pancreatic juice and bile.
intestine.  secretin causes the liver to increase its
 By the time the food reaches the end of output of bile, and
the small intestine, digestion will be  cholecystokinin causes the gallbladder
complete, and nearly all food absorption to contract and release stored bile into
will have occurred. the bile duct so that bile and pancreatic
 brush border enzymes, that break juice enter the small intestine together.
down double sugars into simple sugars  Bile is also necessary for absorption of
and complete protein digestion. fats—and the fat-soluble vitamins (K, D,
 Intestinal juice itself is relatively enzyme E, and A) that are absorbed along with
poor, and protective mucus is probably them—from the intestinal tract.
the most important intestinal gland
secretion. Homeostatic Imbalance!
 However, foods entering the small  Either bile or pancreatic juice is
intestine are literally deluged with absent, essentially no fat digestion or
enzyme-rich pancreatic juice delivered absorption goes on, and fatty, bulky
via a duct from the pancreas, as well as stools are the result. In such cases,
bile from the liver. blood-clotting problems also occur
 Pancreatic juice contains enzymes that: because the liver needs fat-soluble
1. along with brush border enzymes,
vitamin K to make prothrombin, an
complete the digestion of starch important clotting factor.
(pancreatic amylase);
2. carry out about half of protein
digestion (via the action of trypsin,  Most substances are absorbed through
chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, and the intestinal cell plasma membranes
others); by the process of active transport.
 The exception seems to be lipids, or fats, sigmoid colon and the rectum to contract and
which are absorbed passively by the the anal sphincters to relax.
process of diffusion. Lipid breakdown  external voluntary sphincter can be
products enter both the capillary beds controlled to remain open or be
and the lacteals in the villi and are carried constricted to stop passage of feces.
to the liver by both blood and lymphatic
fluids. Homeostatic Imbalance!
 Diverticulosis – formation of diverticula in
2. Chyme Propulsion which the mucosa protrudes through the
 Peristalsis is the major means of colon walls due to increase pressure by
propelling chyme through the digestive contraction of narrowed colon.
tract.  Diverticulitis - diverticula become inflamed,
 It involves waves of contraction that can be life-threatening if ruptures occur
move along the length of the intestine,  Watery stools, or diarrhea – rushes food
followed by waves of relaxation. residue through the large intestine before an
 The net effect is that the food is moved organ had sufficient time to absorb the water
through the small intestine in much the – dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
same way that toothpaste is squeezed  Constipation - too much water is absorbed,
from a tube. stool becomes hard, may result from lack of
 Rhythmic segmental movements fiber in the diet, poor bowel habits, narcotic
produce local constrictions of the pain medications and laxative abuse.
intestine that mix the chyme with the NUTRITION AND METABOLISM
digestive juices and help to propel food
through the intestine.  fraction; build/replace cellular molecules
and structures
 Activities of the Large Intestine  Most; used as metabolic fuels - oxidized and
transformed into ATP.
1. Nutrient Breakdown and Absorption  The energy value in units: kilocalories
 Few, 12-24 hours (kcal), or Calories (with a capital C),
 “resident” bacteria:
(1) Lumen; metabolize it and releases Nutrition
flatus (methane and hydrogen sulfide)
that contribute to flatulence and the odor  a substance in food that the body uses to
of feces - About 500 ml/day promote normal growth, maintenance, and
(2) make some vitamins K and some B repair.
vitamins.  Major:—carbohydrates, lipids, and
 Absorption protein
(1) Limited to vitamin K and B, some ions, Minor—vitamins and minerals
and remaining water. Water, 60 percent of the food we eat
(2) Feces, contains undigested food
Dietary Recommendations
residues, mucus, millions of bacteria,
and water for smooth passage. a. Healthy Eating Pyramid (1992) by Walter
Willett, looks at six major food groups,
2. Propulsion of Food Residue and subdividing some of them further. It uses the
Defecation traditional (horizontal) orientation of food
(1) haustral contractions; contraction of the groups.
colon when presented with food residue -
slow segmenting movements (1 minute after
every 30 min)
o as a haustrum fills with food residue it
contract to propel contents into the next
o movements mix the residue, which aids
in water absorption.
(2) Mass movements are long, slow-moving
but powerful contractile waves that move
over large areas of the colon 3 or 4 times
daily and force the contents toward the
(3) The defecation reflex is a spinal (sacral
region) reflex that causes the walls of the b. MyPlate (2011) shows food categories in
healthy proportions in sections of a place
setting and can be personalize by age, sex,
and activity level

Dietary Sources of the Major Nutrients

(1) Carbohydrates
 milk sugar (lactose); glycogen in meats
and plants – fruits and vegetables
(2) Lipids
 Cholesterol from egg yolk, meats, and Metabolism
milk products.
 most are triglycerides  all chemical reactions that are necessary to
 saturated fats - meat; dairy foods; maintain life.
coconut o Catabolism - breakdown of substances
 Unsaturated fats - seeds, nuts, to simpler substances, energy release
vegetable oils. and captured to form ATP
(3) Proteins o Anabolism - building of larger molecules
 Complete Proteins - Animal products : or structures from smaller ones.
Eggs, milk, fish, meat
Carbohydrate, Fat and Protein Metabolism in
 Incomplete: Legumes (beans and peas),
Body Cells
nuts, and cereals
a. Carbohydrate Metabolism

 Glucose or blood sugar are the body’s major

energy fuel. As glucose is oxidized, carbon
dioxide, water, and ATP are formed.

(4) Vitamins
 organic nutrients that the body requires in  Metabolic pathways in cellular respiration:
small amounts.
 found in all major food groups (1) glycolysis (cytosol)
 Most vitamins function as coenzymes  glucose molecule to be split into 2 pyruvic
acid molecules and yield ATP.
(5) Minerals (2) citric acid cycle (mitochondria)
 (inorganic substances)— calcium,  produces CO2; yields ATP by transferring
phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, high-energy phosphate groups directly from
chloride, and magnesium—and trace phosphorylated substances to ADP
amounts of dozen others. (substrate-level phosphorylation).
 vegetables, legumes, milk, and some meats. (3) electron transport chain (mitochondria).

 Hydrogens are delivered by the coenzymes

to the protein carriers of the electron
transport chain, which form part of the
mitochondrial cristae membranes
 There the hydrogen atoms are split into  Fat oxidation is fast but incomplete.
hydrogen ions (H+ ) and electrons (e– ). The Excessive fat breakdown causes blood to
electrons give off their “load” of energy to become acidic.
enable the cell to attach phosphate to ADP  Acidosis or Ketoacidosis:
and make ATP.  Accumulation of acetoacetic acid and
 Free oxygen is reduced (it binds with H+) acetone in the blood.
forming water and ATP (oxidative  breath takes on a fruity odor as acetone
phosphorylation). diffuses from the lungs.

 Excess fats are stored in fat deposits such

as the hips, abdomen, breasts, and
subcutaneous tissues.
C. Protein Metabolism

 Proteins form the bulk of cell structure and

most functional molecules. It will be broken
down into amino acids
 Amino acids are oxidized to form ATP when
other fuel sources are not available.
Ammonia (amine group) is released as it is
are catabolized
 It will be actively taken up from blood by
tissue cells to build proteins (only applicable
when all 20 amino acids are present both
for their own use) and for export (mucus,
Homeostatic Imbalances hormones, and others).
 those that cannot be made by body cells are
 Hyperglycemia, excessively high level of called essential amino acids.
glucose in the blood; glucose is stored in
liver and muscle cell as glycogen or
converted to fat.
 Hypoglycemia, blood glucose level is too
low glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, and
fat breakdown occur to restore the normal
blood glucose level.
The Central Role of the Liver in Metabolism
 key metabolic organ.
b. Fat Metabolism
Liver Cells:
 Manufacture bile for digestion
 detoxify drugs and alcohol
 degrade hormones
 make cholesterol, blood proteins
(albumin), clotting proteins, and
 Fats insulate the body, protect organs, build
some cell structures (membranes and Hepatic portal circulation
myelin sheaths), and provide reserve
 detour of nutrient-rich blood from the
energy. When carbohydrates are in limited
digestive to the liver
supply, more fats are oxidized to produce
 liver cells remove amino acids, fatty acids,
and glucose from the blood and store it for
(1) fats broken down to acetic acid.
later use
(2) Within the mitochondria, the acetic
 liver’s phagocytic cells remove and destroy
acid is oxidized to form CO2, H2O water,
and ATP.
a. General Metabolic Functions  it serves as the structural basis of steroid
hormones and vitamin D and is a major
(1) To maintain blood glucose level (100 mg/100 building block of plasma membranes
ml blood): (functional molecule rather than for ATP
 Glycogenesis, “glycogen formation” synthesis).
(genesis = beginning). Glucose  Fatty acids, fats, and cholesterol are
molecules are removed from the blood insoluble in water, so they cannot circulate
and combined to form glycogen which freely in the bloodstream. Instead they are
are then stored in the liver transported bound to the small lipid-protein
 Glycogenolysis, “glycogen splitting.” complexes called lipoproteins.
liver cells break down the stored o Low density lipoproteins (LDLs)
glycogen then release glucose bit by bit transport cholesterol to body cells. If
to the blood large amounts of LDLs are circulating,
 Gluconeogenesis, “formation of new the chance that fatty substances will be
sugar” liver making glucose from non- deposited on the arterial walls, initiating
carbohydrate substances atherosclerosis, is high.
o High density lipoproteins (HDLs)
transport from the tissue cells to the
liver for disposal in bile
 When it is broken down secreted in bile salts,
which eventually leave the body in feces.
Body Energy Balance
Dynamic balance exists between the body’s
energy intake and its energy output:
Energy intake = total energy output (heat +
work + energy storage)
 Energy intake is the energy liberated
during food oxidation
 Energy output is energy we lose as
heat; energy used to do work (driven by
ATP), plus energy that is stored in the
form of fat or glycogen.
Interference with this balance results in obesity
(2) The liver also makes cholesterol and
or in malnutrition leading to body wasting.
secretes cholesterol’s breakdown products
in bile. Metabolic Rate

(3) Its cells make blood proteins from amino  When the three major types of foods are
acid and release them to blood oxidized for energy, they yield different
amounts of energy. Carbohydrates and
Albumin, holds fluid in the bloodstream. proteins yield 4 kcal/gram; fats yield 9
When it is insufficient, fluid leaves the kcal/gram.
bloodstream and accumulates in the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
tissue spaces, causing edema.
 amount of heat produced by the body per
(4) Liver cells also detoxify ammonia by unit of time when it is under basal (resting)
combining it with carbon dioxide to form state
urea.  reflects the energy supply needed to perform
essential life activities such as breathing
Urea, not harmful to the body cells, is  can be affected by surface area, age,
flushed from the body in urine gender, and thyroxine production.

Nutrients not needed by the liver cells and the thyroxine dubbed the “metabolic
products of liver metabolism, are released into hormone.” The more thyroxine produced,
the blood entering systemic circulation, where the higher the oxygen consumption and
they become available to other body cells ATP use, and the higher the metabolic
b. Cholesterol Metabolism and Transport rate.

 85% of cholesterol is made by the liver;

Total metabolic rate (TMR)
 total amount of kilocalories the body must
consume to fuel all ongoing activities.
 It increases dramatically as muscle activity
 When TMR equals total caloric intake,
weight remains constant; homeostasis is

Homeostatic Imbalance
(1) Hyperthyroidism - excessive metabolic
rate makes body catabolizes stored fats;
tissue proteins cause weight loss, bones
weaken, and body muscles, including the Homeostatic Imbalance!
heart, atrophy. (1) Frostbite - skin cells, chilled by internal ice
(2) Hypothyroidism results in slowed crystals and deprived of oxygen and
metabolism, obesity, and diminished nutrients, begin to die.
thought processes. (2) Hypothermia - low body temperature from
Body Temperature Regulation prolonged exposure to cold, the
individual’s vital signs decrease, metabolic
 Body temperature reflects the balance processes grind to a stop.
between heat production and heat loss. (3) Hyperthermia - elevated body
 The hypothalamus maintain the set point of temperature, increases the metabolic rate,
37°C which in turn increases heat production.
Heat-Promoting Mechanisms - Heat stroke
temperature continues to spiral upward
(1) vasoconstriction of blood vessels of the and caused permanent brain damage
skin - Heat exhaustion
- constricts, the blood temporarily heat-associated collapse of an individual
bypasses the skin and is rerouted to the during or following vigorous physical
deeper, more vital body organs (restored activity due to excessive loss of body
heat) fluids (dehydration)
(2) shivering
- “the chills,”
- involuntary shuddering contractions - - is controlled hyperthermia often it results
skeletal muscle activity produces large from infection somewhere in the body
amounts of heat. - by increasing the metabolic rate, helps
Heat Loss Mechanisms speed the various healing processes and
also appears to inhibit bacterial growth.
(1) radiation. - The danger of fever is that if the body
- the blood vessels dilate, and capillary thermostat is set too high, body proteins
beds become flushed with warm blood - may be denatured (unfolded), and
heat radiates from the skin surface. permanent brain damage may occur.
(2) Evaporation (1) Macrophages, white blood cells, and injured
- perspiration off the skin surface. tissue cells release chemical substances
called pyrogens that act directly on the
hypothalamus, to set to a higher temperature
- heat-promoting mechanisms are initiated.
(2) Body temperature is allowed to rise until it
reaches the new setting. Then, it is
maintained at the “fever setting”
(3) until natural body defense processes or 4. middle-age digestive problems:
antibiotics reverse the disease process. At b. ulcers and gallbladder problems
that point, the thermostat is reset again to (inflammation of the gallbladder or
the lower normal level, causing heat loss gallstones)
mechanisms to swing into action—the c. Obesity and diabetes mellitus
individual begins to sweat, and the skin d. irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
becomes flushed and warm. characterized by alternating bouts of
diarrhea and constipation
DEVELOPMENTA; ASPECTS OF THE 5. Efficiency of all digestive system processes
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND METABOLISM decreases in the elderly. Gastrointestinal
cancers, such as stomach and colon cancer,
In Embryos, the alimentary canal forms as a
appear with increasing frequency in an aging
hollow tube extending from the mouth to the
anus. Shortly after, the digestive glands
(salivary glands, liver, and pancreas) bud out Diverticulosis, the bulging of the colon wall
from the mucosa of the alimentary tube. into the lumen
Nutrients: from the placenta, colorectal cancers derive from initially
benign mucosal tumors called polyps, polyp
 rooting reflex helps the infant find the
formation increases with age
 sucking reflex helps him or her to hold
on to the nipple and swallow.

1. Common congenital defects include: all of

which interfere with normal nutrition.

a. cleft palate
b. cleft lip
c. tracheoesophageal
- abnormal connection
between the esophagus
and the trachea.

2. Common inborn errors of metabolism are:

a. cystic fibrosis (CF)
 huge amounts of mucus are produced,
which block the passages of involved
organs (lungs or pancreas)
 Blockage of the pancreatic duct prevents
pancreatic fluid from reaching the small
intestine makes fats and fat-soluble
vitamins not digested or absorbed, and
bulky, fat-laden stools result.
b. phenylketonuria (PKU).
 inability of tissue cells to use phenylalanine,
an amino acid present in all protein foods.
In such cases, brain damage and
intellectual dysfunction occur

3. Various inflammatory conditions:

a. gastroenteritis – inflammation of
gastrointestinal tract
b. Appendicitis - Inflammation of the

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