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At what temperature are Celsius and

Fahrenheit equal?

Rayon is chemically

■A. cellulose
■B. pectin
■C. glucose
■D. amylase
Optic fibres are mainly used for which of
the following?

■A. Musical instruments

■B. Food industry
■C. Weaving
■D. Communication
Which was the first missile to be developed under the
Integrated Guided Missile Development Program
1983(in India).

■A. Agni 5
■B. Tejas
■C. Prithvi
■D. Rudhra
Which the first and the oldest Nuclear
Power Station In India.
■ A. Tarapur Atomic Power Plant-1 (TAPS-1)
■ B. Kudankulam Nuclear power plant
■ C. Rajasthan Nuclear power plant
■ D. Madras Nuclear power plant
He led the team which acquired technology from the
French for the Vikas engine used in the first PSLV that
India launched
■ (A) Sreedhara Panicker Somanath
■ (B) Kailasavadivoo Sivan
■ (C) S. Nambi Narayanan
■ (D) S. P. Somanath
Which is the most hottest planet in our solar system?

A. Mercury

B. Venus

C. Jupiter

D. Mars
Name an antiviral medicine used for a clinical trial by Gilead Sciences for COVID-19 treatment?

A. Favipiravir

B. Triazavirin

C. Remdesivir

D. None of the above

Which oath of ethics taken by Doctor is named after ancient greek physician?

A. The hippocratic oath

B. Universal doctors oath of Greece

C. Scout and welfare oath

D. Oath of allegiance
Which is the most abundant element in the universe?

A. Carbon

B. Helium

C. Hydrogen

D. Silicon
Which is the only planet that spin clockwise ?

A. mercury

B. Venus

C. Earth

D. Mars
What is the solvent of gold ?

A. Aqua Regia

B. Platinum gold

C. Alcohol(ethanol)

D. Polysulphide solution
Which chemical is the reason behind the brown colour of human faces ?


B. octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane

C. Bilirubin

D. Athenum
Which is the heaviest metal ?

A. Iron

B. Mercury

C. Nickel

D. osmium
Which animals have three hearts 9 brains and Blue Blood

A. octopus

B. Starfish

C. jellyfish

D. centipede
Which letter does not appear on the periodic table?

A. X
B. Z
C. J
D. L
Electron microscope was invented by :

A. Knoll and ruska

B. Robert Koch

C. Leeuwenhock

D. CP Swan son
When pressure is increased the melting point of ice :

A. increases

B. does not change

C. decreases

D. depends on impurity in the Ice

Which of the following parts of the sunlight makes the Solar Cooker hot?

A. Ultraviolet

B. Red light

C. Infrared

D.Cosmic rays
What was the name of Space Shuttle that landed on the Moon?

A. Eagle


C. Challenger

D. Apollo

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