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The Allosaurus

The Allosaurus was one of the biggest theropods and lived
115.7 to 150.8 million years ago in the late Jurassic Period.
Allosaurus means different lizard.
The Allosaurus lived in the Morrison foundation, a habitat
which recorded semi arid foodplants and forests which lined
rivers. This habitat recorded both wet and dry seasons.

Hunting strategies and prey:

The Allosaurus may have used hunting strategies such as flesh
grazing, pack hunting and ambush attacks. It likely gasped its
meal with its legs and cavernous jaws before pulling it apart.
The Allosaurus preyed on any other dinosaur with the possible
exception of large, adult Sauropods.
The Allosaurus had a short neck and a narrow skull with a pair
of small horns above its eyes. The Allosaurus had D-shaped
teeth, which progressively narrowed, shortened and curved as
they grew from the back of the mouth.

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