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2 🠶 What is Etiquette ? s

🠶 Impact of Etiquettes in Today’s Life

🠶 Difference Between Etiquettes and Mannerism

🠶 What is Business Etiquettes ?

🠶 Importance of Business Etiquettes

🠶 Effects of Business Etiquettes

🠶 Men and Women Working Together

🠶 Different Types Of Business Etiquettes

🠶 Conclusion
What is Etiquette?

🠶 Etiquette is a code of behaviour that delineates

expectations for social behaviour according to
contemporary conventional norms within
a society, social class, or group.

🠶 Some of the common etiquettes are -

 Social Etiquette
 Corporate Etiquette
 Interview Etiquette
 Business Etiquette
Impact Of Etiquettes In Today’s Life

🠶 Etiquette provides personal security. Knowing how to behave appropriately in a given situation
makes you more comfortable.

🠶 It protects the feelings of others. Proper etiquette requires that you make others comfortable and
protect their feelings. You do not point out their errors or draw attention to their mistakes.

🠶 It makes communication clearer. Etiquette enhances communication by breaking down barriers, not
erecting them.

🠶 It will enhance your status at work. In any working situation, you are perceived as more capable,
more professional, and more intelligent if you are familiar with the proper code of conduct for the

🠶 It makes good first impressions. The first five to seven seconds after you meet someone are crucial.
Your first impression lingers in the other person's mind long after you are gone. If you use proper
etiquette, that first impression will be a positive one.
Difference Between General Etiquettes and Mannerism

General Etiquettes Mannerism

• Etiquette is a code of polite conduct based on Manners are polite behaviours that reflect an
social acceptance and efficiency attitude of consideration, kindness and respect for

• When you know the rules of etiquette for any As mannerism doesn’t includes any rules and
given situation, it increases your comfort, regulations, you may not have been taught how to
confidence and competence, and by extension, make proper introductions, but a kind person
the ease and comfort of people around you. knows better than to belittle or embarrass
another person in public or private.

• In order to learn etiquette, people must take People are typically taught manners from a very
specific lessons, as opposed to learning by young age, so that they grow up accustomed to the
example or through gentle correction. basic rules of conduct about appropriate behaviour
in social situations.
6 Business Etiquettes

🠶 Business etiquette is an expected behaviours and

expectations for individual actions within
society, group, or class.

🠶 Within a place of business, it involves treating co-

workers and employer with respect and courtesy
in a way that creates a pleasant work
environment for everyone.
Importance of Business Etiquettes

🠶 Builds Strong Relationships

🠶 Promotes Positive Atmosphere

🠶 Reflects Confidence

🠶 Prevents Misunderstandings
8 Men and Women Working Together
🠶 When accompanying a woman, a man should walk on the
outside, closer to the curb.
🠶 When ascending as escalator with a woman, a man
allow the women to precede him.
🠶 When descending an escalator with a woman, a man should
go first.
🠶 When going through a revolving door, the man should
precede the woman.
🠶 At a business luncheon with a woman, a man should
offer to
seat her by holding her chair.
🠶 If a woman excuses herself from a business meal, the man
🠶 Ifwho
youseated closestsomeone
are meeting to her should acknowledge
in your her
office, stand, walk
departure/return by standing.
around your desk and initiate a handshake.
🠶 Either a man or a woman may initiate a handshake.
Types of Business Etiquettes

🠶 Telephonic Etiquettes

🠶 Dinning Etiquettes

🠶 Office Etiquettes

🠶 Meeting Etiquettes

🠶 Netiquettes
Telephonic Etiquettes
Telephonic Etiquette refers to the principles of behaviour that one should use while having a business telephonic
calls. Some of the rules which should be followed while chatting with colleagues on telephone are :

🠶 Identify yourself when making a call

🠶 Address the caller by his name in a courteous manner
🠶 Keep conversation brief
🠶 Never be impatient
🠶 Listen carefully
🠶 Do not interrupt
🠶 Do not eat or chew something while speaking on phone
🠶 If you wish to put the caller on hold, request his permission to do so
🠶 Close your conversation with an appropriate salutation
🠶 Let the caller hang up first
🠶 In case of missed calls, return the call within a reasonable period of time
🠶 If someone calls you by mistake, inform the caller politely that he reached a wrong number
Telephonic Etiquettes
 Managing Angry Callers :

🠶 Listen his problem or complaint carefully

🠶 Do not interrupt him, let him finish the whole thing first
🠶 Do not say, “you are wrong”
🠶 Empathize with him
🠶 You should be good in your area of work and investigate about his complaint
or problem
and solve it
🠶 Tell him the process of solving the problem
🠶 Do not mislead
🠶 Call him back when you have the solution, this feedback is important
Dining Etiquettes
Dining Etiquette refers to the principles of behaviour that one should use while having a business meal with
colleagues. Some of the rules which should be followed while dining with colleagues are :

🠶 Be on time
🠶 Wait to sit until host/hostess indicated the seating arrangement
🠶 Stand on the right side of your chair and enter from your left
🠶 Put your napkin in your lap
🠶 Decide on your menu selections quickly
🠶 Never order the most expensive item
🠶 Wait for all people to be served before beginning
🠶 Know which silverware to use with which food
🠶 Wait until everyone has been served before you begin to eat
🠶 Salt/Pepper pass together
🠶 Generally pass food to the right
Office Etiquettes
13 Office etiquette is a code that governs the expectations of social behaviour in a workplace Some of the rules

which should be utilized by office employees to show proper etiquette are :

🠶 Show a healthy respect for colleagues experience and expertise

🠶 Leave your personal life at the front door
🠶 Inquire about the proper way to respond to co-workers, supervisors, clients (
Business letter head, phone call etc.)
🠶 Be timely. Arrive to work and meetings on time. Complete work assignments on
🠶 Make your supervisor look good. Promotion and opportunities will arise when
you help to reach the organization's goals.
🠶 Never go over the head supervisors, without telling him/her first.
🠶 Appear as professional as possible. Being well groomed and clean is essential.
Dress for your next job/promotion.
🠶 Adopt a can-do attitude. Those who accept challenges and display creativity are
🠶 Be flexible. By remaining flexible and implementing change you
gain a reputation as a cooperative employee.
Meeting Etiquettes
Meeting Etiquette refers to the principles of behaviour that one should use while having a business meeting. Some
of the rules which should be followed while attending a business meeting are :


 Develop a comfortable handshake and keep it consistent.

 Handshakes are vital in social situations.
 Handshakes should not be too hard or too soft.
 Make a solid connection of the web skin between the thumb and
 The host or person with the most authority
usually initiates the handshake.
Meeting Etiquettes


 Eye contact increases trust.

 It shows confidence and good interpersonal skills.
 Eye contact shows respect for the
person and business situation

 Proper introductions help to establish rapport.

 Authority defines whose name is said first. Say the name of the most
important person first and then the name of the person being introduced.
 Introduce people in the following order: Younger to older, non-official to official, junior
to senior executive, colleague to customer.
 Keep the introduction basic.
 Remember names for future reference.
 Provide some information about the people you are introducing to clarify
your relationship with that person.
16 Netiquett
🠶 Netiquette is the correct or acceptable way of using the
🠶 Main netiquettes that should be followed in an
are :
 Email Etiquette

 Chatting Etiquette
E-mail Etiquettes
Email Etiquette refers to the principles of behaviour that one should use when writing or answering email
messages. Some of the rules which should be followed while writing a good business emails are :

🠶 Be concise and to the point

🠶 Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation
🠶 Make it personal. Avoid using Bcc and Cc unnecessarily
🠶 Use templates for frequently used responses
🠶 Answer swiftly
🠶 Use a meaningful subject
🠶 Read the email before you send it
🠶 Keep attachments to a Minimum and mention your attachment in the
🠶 Take care with abbreviations and emotions
🠶 Take care with rich text and HTML messages
🠶 Use active voice instead of passive voice
Chatting Etiquettes
Chatting Etiquette refers to the principles of behaviour that one should use while having an online chatting with
colleagues, clients or boss. Some of the rules which should be followed while chatting online are :

🠶 Create an identity
🠶 Availability status feature
🠶 Think before you hit enter
🠶 Be polite
🠶 Addressing
🠶 Font, Text, Colour and Animation
🠶 Language and tone
🠶 Listen and pay attention
🠶 Don't rush it
🠶 A good business etiquette allows a business to put its best foot
forward and can protect business owners and employees from
internal and external conflicts by setting a high standard for
behaviour by all.
🠶 Business etiquette is a set of standards for behaviour in which
individuals treat everyone respectfully and display good manners
in all interactions.
🠶 Good business etiquette is the recipe for advancing your career.
🠶 Those who exemplify good business etiquette are proving that
they respect their position, job, co-workers and take their
performance seriously.
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