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Social Innovation in practice

Team – 7
Chanakya 19H51A0492
Akhil 19H51A0496
Pravallika 19H51A04A3
Shraddha 19H51A04B4
Keerthi 19H51A04L0
Rooftop Organic Fertilizer maker

Need statement:
In olden days many farmers were used chemical fertilizers to grow the crops so by this
chemicals society may face many problems like health issues and etc..
Not only in olden days but now a days also farmers are using this chemical fertilizers which
have much cost . To stop this chemical fertilizers we have proposed this organic fertilizers with
less cost . The main aim of our project is to grow the fresh vegetables and fruits by using
organic fertilizers on the rooftop.
  The temperature of the building thus reducing the power consumption of the
 Light weight, Portable, Leak proof containers.
 Less soil medium can use for rooftop.
 By growing Fresh vegetables on the rooftop, we cover the un-utilized rooftops with
a natural green cover.
 The containers used for growing organic veg on rooftop can be used for catching
the rainwater and harvesting it.
Proposed model:
So we have decided to help people and get out of this chemicals and to get the organic
fertilizers which are from the wastage of fruits and vegtables like we can make the banana
peel in many ways:
 By boiling the banana peel and cucumber peel together as it has more potassium conent in
 Mixing the banana peel with other fruits and vegetables peels and make it into moist
 Mixing the banana peel with egg shell together in cocopeat.

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