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My wonder of

the world
Luciana Conde N.
Zulema Álvarez L.
Mountain Fitz
What it is?
Is a mountain in Patagonia, on
the border between Argentina
and Chile. It is located in the
Southern Patagonian Ice Field,
near El Chaltén village and
Viedma Lake. 
When was discover?
The discovery of mountain Fitz
Roy was by eouropeans probably is
Did you know ?
That mountain Fitz Roy is called The
Smoking Mountain Mount Fitz Roy
original name is Chaltén, that in
Tehuelche dialect means “smoking
mountain”. This is due to a rare
aeolic phenomenon that makes its top
always appear as it was surrounded
by clouds, which gives the mountain
a smoking volcano look.
Who live ? How they get?
The yaganes There are two hypotheses about the arrival of the
yagans to their places of settlement:

sadly they
One considers that their ancestors, the first
Americans, migrated from Asia to America across
the Beringia Bridge and that the ancestors of the
Yagans must have been among these early


Another points out that, through a process of

colonization and transformation of populations of

And now are land hunters from eastern Patagonia, they populated
the islands south of the Strait of Magellan.

Only 1000
How they live?
They wore sea lions or otters on their
shoulders, tied at the neck, and at
the waist. Women wore necklaces
made from bird bones or small snails.
Food Beliefs
Their diet consisted
The Yagans believed in a unique and powerful being,
mainly of sea lion
Watauinewa. He was begged to start virtually any
meat, otter and whale activity. They also believed in evil spirits they called
meat. curspi, and in mythical creatures called Hanuch and
My conclusión
I think that this mountain is a wonder because it is
incredible and has a awesome mistery because
nobody know how old it is or what other found it or
why the yaganes dissapear and when you see it you
imagine Canada,Euroupe or Asia but no is America
more specific South America and that is incridible
a last question Before this you know about this
mountain? If you SAY NO that is why I choose it.
The End

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