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Phrasal Verbs

stand for
defend yourself

I don’t know why the teacher always

Danny never stands up for herself. picks on you. I think you need to
She lets her classmates treat her so stand up for yourself and tell her she
badly!” should stop being mean to you.”
Phrasal Verbs

take something lying

downnot resisting or fighting back

The worker refused to take his

dismissal lying down, vowing to take
his employer to court.
Phrasal Verbs
call someone out
to criticize someone about
something they have said or done
and challenge them to explain it

Julia called her uncle out on his

offensive remarks
Well this morning music fans are criticizing singer Kanye West after
he interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for Best Female
Video at the Video Music Awards last night.

Taylor: Thank you so much for giving me a chance to win a

VMA award.
Kanye: I know Taylor I'm really happy for you I'm let you
finish but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time.

Kanye received loud boos from the audience and later when
Beyonce accepted her award for video of the year she gave Taylor
Swift her due time.

Beyonce: so I like for Taylor to come out and have her
Well this morning music fans are criticizing singer Kanye West after
he interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for Best Female
Today we’re talking to Rob Richardson- captain of Britain’s sitting
volleyball team. Video at the Video Music Awards last night.
What is sitting volleyball? It’s a Paralympic sport. There are
six players in each team. The players don’t walk or run. They sit on the
floor and play. But the game is never boring-it’s always very fast and
exciting. Taylor: Thank you so much for giving me a chance to win a
VMA award.
How often do you train? Usually, I train before I go to work. Then I
train again for two hours in the evening. I sometimes train at the
weekend, but usually I relax I know
at home withTaylor
my wife I'm really
and happy for you I'm let you
my baby
daughter. finish but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time.
Do you play any other sports? Yes, I do! I often play tennis and cricket.
Sometimes, I go to football matches and watch my favorite team-
What kind of food do you eat? I love pizza-it’s my favorite food, but it’s
not very healthy! I don’t often eat pizza, because I want to be very fit.
Who’s your sporting hero? David Becham. He was a great football
player and he always works hard.
Spotlight on... sitting volleyball
Today we’re talking to Rob Richardson- captain of Britain’s sitting
volleyball team.
What is sitting volleyball? It’s a Paralympic sport. There are
six players in each team. The players don’t walk or run. They sit on the
floor and play. But the game is never boring-it’s always very fast and
How often do you train? Usually, I train before I go to work. Then I
train again for two hours in the evening. I sometimes train at the
weekend, but usually I relax at home with my wife and my baby
Do you play any other sports? Yes, I do! I often play tennis and cricket.
Sometimes, I go to football matches and watch my favorite team-
What kind of food do you eat? I love pizza-it’s my favorite food, but it’s
not very healthy! I don’t often eat pizza, because I want to be very fit.
Who’s your sporting hero? David Beckham. He was a great football
player and he always works hard.
Ah so we're here in Trafalgar Square today for International Paralympic day and we're doing a attempts at the Guinness Book of
Records longest rally with Cadbury's sports feast drives my name is Lizbeth I'm a Records Manager an official adjudicator from Guinness
World Records headful of the London I'm here two days we do dictate the attempt for the longest sitting volleyball rally so it's incessant
Paralympics day we've got the gb team here and it's going to be great for several I'm happy to say that we achieved the record beat the
one that was previously set so no we're really really happy quarter past ten in the morning or something now and in that time we've
shown so so many people sitting volleyball who probably haven't seen it for the first time so it's an amazing opportunity for us with a
Paralympic movement as a whole it was a really really tense record a time with a great great show of sportsmanship a really great fun
record for the crowds get involved in and are really really truly impressive it then the idea is that they can really see the sport here
today so you asked for see all the other sports and then going forwards they'll be able to say I want to go watch that's why I want to
watch that school and hopefully sell the load of tickets of the Paralympic Games I think it's an amazing opportunity to come and see
some elite level sport and maybe sports that people haven't seen before.

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