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Mai 2023

Diversity is about representation or the make-up of an entity. Inclusion is about

how well the contributions, presence and perspectives of different groups of people
are valued and integrated into an environment.
These are some of the ways diversity influences your workplace, workforce, and
bottom line:
-Varied perspectives: different personal experiences and backgrounds often bring a
wider variety of perspectives or diverse perspectives.

Diversity and inclusion leads to

better ideas and helps foster a
positive work environment that not
only promotes equality, but
delivers results.

-Better problem-solving: varied points of view may result in a more well-rounded

workforce, it helps make people work harder, more creatively, and deliver a higher
quality of work.

-Larger audience: your diverse workforce shows your commitment to equal opportunities, giving your company a positive reputation and
capturing a larger share of the market.
-More job applicants: job seekers may be more likely to want to work with your company, which in turn, gives you a larger pool of applicants to
choose from.
-Higher profits: according to ongoing studies by McKinsey & Company, companies with high levels of racial and ethnic diversity are 33-35%
more likely to outperform their industry averages financially.

Diversity increases our competitive advantage and inspires new ways of

thinking. It sets us apart from our competition. Diversity and inclusivity in
the workplace should be a priority for every company.
Building teams from varying backgrounds not only improves the employee
experience, but it also enhances productivity and the decision-making 

What does diversity and inclusiveness in the workspace mean?

It refers to a work environment that is enriched by the perspectives of its
members and is inclusive of their different characteristics.
This helps to create a work culture in which everyone feels equally listened to
and involved.
To create an inclusive and diverse workplace, you can
implement the following strategies:
1. Recognize the holidays of each religion and culture.
2. Develop a diversity and inclusion training program.
3. Promote the creation of an employee resource group.
4. Be open to hearing feedback from your employees.

Diversity: The understanding of individual differences along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic
status, geographic background, life experiences, age, physical abilities, cognitive abilities, health, physical characteristics, body composition,
religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other perspectives and ideologies.

Inclusion: The achievement of a work environment in which all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully, have equitable access to
opportunities and resources, and can contribute fully to the organization’s success.

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