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◉ Marxism is relatively modern theoretical approach,
originating from the work of Karl Marx a philosopher,
political economist, sociologist, Germany.
His writing became the cornerstone of communism
and socialism movements. His ideas remade the world
a few decades after his death.
▣ A philosopher, political
economist, sociologist and

▣ Born in 1818
in Rhineland, Germany
◉ Marx's two most popular works are the
Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das kapital
(Capital: Critique of political Economy) (1867). Das
kapital is a three - volume work written while he
went into exile London, where he spent time
reading treatises on economic theory. The
communist Manifesto was co-written with his
friend and long-time collaborator, Friedrich Engles.
Das kapital (capital:
critique of political

Economy) (1867)
Class Struggle
◈ "The history of all hitherto existing society is the
history of class struggles" reads the opening of the
communist Manifesto. The concept of class struggle is
central to Marxist theory. With the advent of modern
industry, Marx distinguishes between two social classes;
the bourgeoisie, composed of the wealthy who have
wide access resources; and the proletariat, the working

class employed by the former.

◈ Marx and Engels noted in the Manifesto
that class antagonisms can be recognized
throughout history such as between
patricians and plebians is the Ancient
Roman civilization and between feudal
Lords and serfs in the Middle Ages.
◈ The bourgeoisie, over time, has
gained unilateral control over the
means of production which
compromise all things needed for
production such as labor, machinery
vulnerable to explatation by the
◈ The latter controls resources to
further their class interest at the
expense of the working class. This
exploitative relationship results in a
hierarchy where the bourgeois is the
dominant class, and the proletariat is
the subservient class.
Historical Materialism
▣ The core concept of Marxist theory is embodied in
what Marx called the materialist conception of history,
which is understood through the dialectical and
materialist approaches. Also known as the philosophy of
motion, dialectics asserts that all reality is matter in
motion and contradiction, and can be understood in all
their movement, change, and international connection. It
further states that everything is in a constant state of flux
and change materialism is a critical response to idealism.
• which holds that thought processes and consciousness
(ideas) are important in explaining people’s actions.
Materialists argue that understanding the world has to
begin not with ideas or abstract thought, but with the
real, material conditions that give rise to these ideas.
Marx’s materialist conception of history argues that
history is a result of conflict among social forces
caused by material needs. Such conflict is a product of
a series of contradictions.

In Marx’s analysis of history, he introduced the
concept of relations of production. RELATION
OF PRODUCTION are the means by which
people organize themselves to obtain the things
they need to survive. Marx saw society’s relations
of production as vital for determining the
conditions of social existence that shape human
▣ An example of this is the bourgeoisie-
proletariat relations under the capitalist
system. The development of productive
forces gives rise to different relations of
production and, hence, brings about a new
mode of production that defines a new
historical stage.
Historical Stages
Of Marxism
PRIMITIVE COMMUNISM Production is done
exclusively for survival.
Common desire to
survive leads to sharing.
Society is relatively
classless. Private
ownership at this time
is unheard of.
Production is carried out
SLAVERY by slaves who are owned
by their masters. The
entire societal structure is
based on slave labor.
Society is now divided into
classes. Private property is
SOCIOLISM Collective ownership of
the means of production
is emphasized.
Considered a transitional
stage between capitalism
and communism
Program of action of the
proletariat once they rise
to power.
CAPITALISM Production shifts from
the countryside to the
cities. Division between
capitalists and laborers
is established. Private
property is well-
entrenched in the
system. Exploitation is
done through wage
FEUDALISM Production is carried out
by peasants/serfs. Unlike
slaves, peasants/serfs are
not the of their lords. The
entire societal structure
relies on peasants/serfs
laboring on the lords’ land.
Taxation is the rampant
form of exploitation.
Regarded by Marx as
COMMUNISM the end of history All
are workers for a
industry. The goal is to
dissolve the
bourgeoisie’s means
and ability to control.
•Much of Marx’s work deals with his sharp
criticisms of capitalism, a system where the means
of production and other economic processes are in
the hands of capitalists as the owners of the
•Marx comments that modern work brings about
alienation, which is a feeling of disconnection
between what a worker does all day and what the
worker would ideally be able to contribute to the
needs of humanity.
In order to attain fulfillment at work, Marx
thinks that workers need to “see themselves in
the objects they have created.” Alienation in
capitalism is reinforced when labor
specialization rendered work monotonous due to
repetition of tasks. Workers are regarded as
expendable and can be replaced at the whim of
the bourgeoisie.
• While capitalists regard profit as a reward
for ingenuity, Marx considered it as a form
of exploitation. An evident disparity is seen
when comparing capitalists’ profits and
laborers’ wages. Marx argued that capitalists
deliberately reduce the wages of the laborers
in order to generate greater profits for
•Marx predicted that the fall of
capitalism is inevitable, as it is ridden
with contradictions and crises.
Capitalism, ironically, will bring the
proletariat together, which will mark
the end of capitalist rule.
Happy lunch time!

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