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What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the
simulation of human intelligence by
software-coded heuristics. Nowadays this
code is prevalent in everything from
cloud-based, enterprise applications to
consumer apps and even embedded
What exactly is ChatGPT?
It is a type of artificial intelligence (AI)that
can understand and generate natural
language text. It is trained on large amounts
of text data and uses an algorithm called a
transformer to learn how to generate text
that is similar to human conversation.
How does ChatGPT work?
ChatGPT works by analyzing the user's input
and using it to generate a response based on its
vast knowledge storage. One of its standout
features is its ability to remember previous
interactions and incorporate that context into
following responses.
How are people using ChatGPT?
People use Chat GPT most often to help them with:

• Write an essay
• Create an app
• Write code
• Build your resume
• Write Excel formulas
• Summarize content
• Write a cover letter
Yoan Todorov

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