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 The word sociology was coined by Auguste Comte - French Philosopher in 1839.He
is consider as a father of sociology.

 Sociology is the youngest of all the Social Sciences.

 The word Sociology is derived from the Latin Word ‘Socius’ which means ‘society’
and the Greek word ‘Logos’ means ‘science or study or advanced study’.

 Sociology is also knows as science of society or study of society.

 The word Sociology is a combination of Latin ‘Socius and Greek word
‘Logos’. Logos connotes study on a high level and Socius point to Society.
As we define Sociology is to study of social life, social change, the social
causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the
structure of groups, organization, societies and how people interact within
these context.
In the primary way society may define as man or human beings in interdependence.
Men's are interdependence therefore they may be taken as subject matter of sociology.

Other sciences study man as a individuals or as a collection of individuals but they

do not study their interdependence. Sociology is the science of society as a whole.
No other science attempt to study society in totality. social science like history, economies,
political science, anthropology, psychology, etc. Psychology deals with
particular aspect of society. Political science deals with political institution and political
activities. History subject deals with unique events occurring to past. Economies is
concerned with activities relating to production and consumption.
These social science do not give a complete picture of society.
On the other hand, Sociology studies society in it entirety. It essentially and
fundamentally deals with that network of social relationship we call society
Sociology as a science of society it refers to a body of knowledge about society,
which has been empirically tested. The range of social scientific draw upon a
variety of qualitative and quantitative techniques. The linguistic and cultural
term of the mid- 20th century led to increasingly interpretative, hermeneutic and
philosophic approaches towards the analysis of society.
Sociology has been defined in number of ways by different scholars. There are as many
definition of sociology as there as sociologists.
According to the Harry M Johnson writes “sociology is the science that deals with social
groups their internal forms of modes of organization the process that tens to maintain
or change these forms of organization and the relations between groups.
According to R.E park and FW Burgess said “ Sociology is the science of collective
According to J.E Cubero ‘sociology may be defined as body of scientific knowledge
human relationship.
“In the broadest sense sociology is the study of human interaction and interrelation their
and condition consequences” says Morris Ginsberg.
According to the MacIver “sociology is about social relationship the network of
relationship we called society.

F.H Gidding defines sociology as the science of social phenomena

Max Weber defines sociology as the science which attempts the interpretative
understanding of social action in order there by to arrive at a causal explanation of its
cause and effects.
In conclusion, According to all scholars “sociology may be define as social science that deals
with social group
science of collective behavior scientific knowledge about human relationship study of human
interrelation their condition the science of social phenomena and attempts the interpretative
understanding of
social action.
History Of Sociology
Auguste Comte(1798-1857)
 Auguste Comte was a French philosopher as well as a writer and he is
considered as the founder of the discipline of the sociology.
 His work and ideas played a major role in the development of the discipline.
His theory of positivism had a great impact on the development of natural
and social sciences.
 According to the Theory of positivism knowledge that is not based on
empirical evidence(evidence based on observation or experience) and
scientific method is not considered valid.
 Positivism is still being influential factor in shaping the modern scientific
practices. He is also known for his “Law of three stages” which states that the
society progresses through three different stages of development they are:
 The theological stage: People believe that events are caused by gods or any other
supernatural forces.
 The metaphysical stage: People believe that events are caused by abstract
principle or ideas.
 The positive stage: People believe that events are caused by natural and
phenomena which is observable.
 He also argued that science should be the basis for understanding society and
we should work to create a society based on scientific principles.
 Comte argued that the positive stage was the most advanced and that it was
the stage that society should try to reach.
 Comte's idea about the stages of societal development were influential in the
development of sociology as a discipline.
 His ideas about using the scientific method to understand and improve
society has lasting impact on the field of sociology and on society in more
broader sense.
Karl Marx(1818-1883)
 Karl Marx was the German philosopher and sociologist. Karl Marx is best
known for his theories about capitalism and communism.
 He is the founder of conflict theory. His theory of class conflict states that due
to society never ending competition for limited resources, it will always be in
the state of conflict.
 Marx's ideas about society, economics, and politics they are also known as
 Karl Marx argued that history is the story of struggle between different classes
of people and he also argued that history of society is the story of the struggle
between the owner of means of production and workers.
 According to the Karl Marx Owners maintain their power
through their control of means of production such as factories,
land, and resources and workers are forced to sell their labor in
order to survive and workers have no control over the means of
 This is the perspective of Karl Marx on the education, the system
performs three function:
 Reproduces class inequality.
 Enforces class inequality.
 Works in the interest of capitalist.
Idea Of Communism
 In communism the means of production such as factories and land would
be owned in a collective manner and the wealth produced would be
distributed equally among the members of the society.
 There would be no private property and this will eventually end the class
system between the society.
 Karl Marx believed that this kind of society can be achieved through a
process called revolution.
 Karl Marx ideas had a significant impact on the development of modern
communism as well as socialism. Marx's work has impact in social change
throughout the world which includes the Russian Revolution (8 March 1917),
the Chinese Revolution (between 1911 and 1949), and the civil rights
movement (campaign from 1954 to 1968 ) in the United States.
 In a short way this is what he mainly thought Society is in a state of conflict
between rich and poor and also in today’s society Rich people are getting richer
and poor people are being poorer.
Thank You !

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