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Honest and

Group 2
• This one goes hand-in – hand with confidence, because whem one of your
partner is not honest, it is difficult to trust another. Have you ever caught your
partner in a total life? Like when she told you that she.he was occupied with
homework, but it turned out that she/he was talking to friends? You’re going to
have a lot of difficulty believing the next time she/he says she/he has to work
and the trust will be on dangerous foundation.
• Honest - the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. ·
truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness. · freedom from deceit or fraud.
• Being open about your thoughts and feelings following through on your
promises being consistent and reliable avoiding vocalizing judgments telling
the truth, even when a lie might protect you.
• Implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way.
● It is not only in difficult times that you should be supported by your partner.
Usually, when the whole world is falling apart, we thought that this is the only
time we need support from others. Even in your best, you still need support and
when time gets tough, your significant other should still be there. For instance,
your partner should be there when you find out that your parents are breaking
apart and he/she should also rejoice with you when you get a great score.
● Mutual understanding and emotional support are the foundation of every
healthy partnership. Being a supportive partner is paying attention to, taking
care of, and assisting your spouse so they understand that you are there for
them, no matter what they are going through.
• To support someone or something means to lend a hand,
support, or hold them up. If your parents are on board with
your aspirations to become a chef, they may sign you up for
cooking lessons. The term "supportive" sounds cuddly.
Anything that lifts you up, embraces you, or provides you
with assistance is supportive.
• Being a helpful partner is paying attention to, supporting, and
assisting your spouse so they know you're there for them, no
matter what they're dealing with.

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