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Slot A

R.S.Prakash Raja
The study conducted an in-depth analysis of the Indian five-year plan and its impact on the
environment. The research revealed that the five-year plan has had a significant impact on the environment,
both positive and negative. On the positive side, the plan has resulted in the development of renewable
energy sources and the promotion of eco-friendly technologies. However, on the negative side, the plan has
led to deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and air and water pollution. The study suggests that the government
should prioritize environmental conservation and sustainable development in the five-year plan to ensure a
healthy and prosperous future for the country. The researcher has followed the empirical method with a
convenient sampling method. The main object of the study is to analyze the five year plan's impact on the

● To identify the environmental impact due to five year plan.

● To identify the negative effect of five year plan on the environment.
● To identify the positive effect of five year plan on the environment.
● To identify the public awareness on degradation of environment happen due to five year plan
The research method followed here is an empirical research. A total of 200 samples have
been taken out of which is taken through a convenient sampling method. The survey was
conducted in public place. The independent variables taken here are age, gender and educational
qualifications and occupation. The statistical tools used by the researcher is graphical
representation like pie charts and bar charts.
LEGEND: Figure shows the majority of the respondents have
agreed that the degradation of the environment happens due to
five year plan.
RESULT: Figure shows the various age group people
pertaining to their gender and their awareness on the
degradation of the environment due to the five year plan.
Majority of the respondents have agreed that degradation of the
environment is due to the five year plan.
LEGEND: Figure shows the Majority of the respondents
have neutrality agreed that five year only focuses on the
economy and not on the protection of the environment.
RESULT: Figure shows the various age group people
pertaining to their gender and their agreeability that the five
year only focuses on economy and not on the protection of
environment. Majority of the respondents have neutrality
agreed that five year only focuses on the economy and not on
the protection of the environment.
LEGEND: Figure shows the Majority of the
respondents have neutrally agreed that the five year plan
is a part of the degradation of the environment.
RESULT: Figure shows the various age group people
pertaining to their gender and their opinion that the five
year plan is a part of the degradation of the environment.
Majority of the respondents have neutrally agreed that
the five year plan is a part of the degradation of the
LEGEND: Figure shows the Majority of the respondents
think that the five year plan focuses on the protection of the
RESULT: Figure 9 shows the various age group people
pertaining to their gender and their opinion that the five
year plan focuses on society (or) economy (Or) protection
of the environment. Majority of the respondents think that
the five year plan focuses on the protection of the
India has had 13 Five Year Plans Some positive impacts of the plans include an increase in forest cover, the
development of renewable energy sources, and improvements in wastewater treatment. The expansion of industrial
production during the Five-Year Plans in India had significant environmental impacts, including air and water
pollution, and habitat destruction. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture during the Five-Year
Plans led to soil degradation and groundwater contamination. Heavy industry like steel production, mining, and
chemical manufacturing expanded as a result, which had a significant impact on the environment. These industries'
emissions, for instance, contributed to acid rain and air pollution, while factories' and mines' wastewater polluted
lakes and rivers. Overall, while the Five Year Plans have had some positive impacts on the environment in India,
there is still much work to be done to ensure sustainable development and protect the country's natural resources.

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