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• In simple terms, an electrical conductor is
defined as materials that allow electricity to
flow through them easily. This property of
conductors that allow them to conduct
electricity is known as conductivity.
• The flow of electrons in a conductor is
known as the electric current. The force
required to make that current flow through
the conductor is known as voltage.
• When a charge is transferred to such an element,
it gets distributed across the entire surface of the
object, which results in the movement of electrons
in the object. The charges transferred to
an electrical conductor distribute until the force of
repulsion between electrons in areas of excess
electrons is decreased to the minimum value.
When such an object is brought in contact with
another conductor, the charge gets transferred
from the first conductor to the other until the
overall repulsion due to charge is minimized.
Examples of Conductor
Graphite, the human body, and the earth are
good conductors of electricity. Some of the
common conductor examples include metals
such as:
• Copper
• Gold
• Iron
• Aluminum
• Steel
• Materials that do not allow electricity to pass
through them are called insulators. Insulators
oppose electric current and so they are used as a
protection from the dangerous effects of electricity.
• a material or covering that electricity, heat, or
sound cannot go through.
Examples of Insulators
Some of the common insulator examples
are given below:
• Plastic
• Wood
• Glass
• Rubber
Differences between Conductor and Insulators

Materials that permit Materials that do not permit
electricity or heat to pass heat and electricity to pass
through it. through it.
A few examples of a A few examples of a
conductor are silver, insulator are paper, wood,
aluminum, and iron and rubber.
Electrons move freely within Electrons do not move freely
the conductor. within the insulator.
The electric field exists on The electric field doesn’t
the surface but remains zero exist.
on the inside.
1. It is defined as materials that allow
electricity to flow through them easily.
2. The flow of electrons in a conductor is
known as the __________.
3. Materials that do not allow electricity to
pass through them
4-6. Give at least 3 conductors.
7-9. Give at least 3 insulators.
10-14 Differentiate conductor and
Is it a Conductor or Insulator?
15. Wood
16. Copper
17. Glass
18. Steel
19. Plastic
20. Rubber

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