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Algorithm and Complexity

Course C CSC 305 / CSC 225: / Computer Science

Lecture 04: Analysis of Algorithms

Name Prof. A. S. Sodiya

Analysis of Algorithms
• Issues:
 Correctness
 Time Efficiency
 Space Efficiency
 Optimality
• Approaches:
 Theoretical Analysis
 Empirical Analysis
Analysis of Algorithms - Issues

• Issues:
 Correctness – Does it work as advertised?
 Time Efficiency – Are time requirements minimized?
 Space Efficiency – Are space requirements minimized?
 Optimality – Do we have the best balance between minimizing time and
• Theoretical
Theoretical Analysis Of Time Efficiency

Time efficiency is analyzed by determining the number of repetitions of

the basic operation as a function of input size
Basic operation: the operation that contributes most towards the running
time of the algorithm
T(n) = Cop * C(n)
T(n) = Running Time
Cop = Execution Time For Basic Operation
C(n) = Number Of Times Basic Operation Is Executed
Theoretical Analysis Of Time Efficiency

Time efficiency is analyzed by determining the number of repetitions of

the basic operation as a
function of input size
Basic operation: the operation that contributes most towards the running
time of the algorithm
T(n) = Cop * C(n)
T(n) = Running Time
Cop = Execution Time For Basic Operation
C(n) = Number Of Times Basic Operation Is Executed
Empirical Analysis Of Time Efficiency

• Select a specific (typical) sample of inputs

• Use physical unit of time (e.g., milliseconds)
• Count actual number of basic operation’s
• Analyze the empirical data
Best-Case, Average-Case, Worst-Case

• For some algorithms efficiency depends on

form of input:
– Worst case: Cworst(n) – maximum over inputs of
size n
– Best case: Cbest(n) – minimum over inputs of
size n
– Average case: Cavg(n) – “average” over inputs of
size n

• Average case: Cavg(n) – “average” over inputs

of size n
 Number of times the basic operation will be executed on typical input NOT
the average of worst and best case
 Expected number of basic operations considered as a random variable under
some assumption about the probability distribution of all possible inputs
Order of Growth

Most important: Order of growth within a constant multiple as n

– How much faster will algorithm run on computer that is twice as fast?
– How much longer does it take to solve problem of double input size?
Some values of important function
Order of growth

Asymptotic Notations

The order of growth for a piece of code solving a particular problem is

generally expressed as a polynomial, which represents the number of
`primitive` operations required to be done and expressed as a function
of the input size. 
The Θ-Notation

Θ(g(n)) = { f(n) : ∃c1, c2 > 0, n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0:

c1 · g(n) ≤ f(n) ≤ c2 ⋅ g(n) }

c2 ⋅ g
c1 ⋅ g

The O-Notation

O(g(n)) = { f(n) : ∃c > 0, n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0: f(n) ≤ c ⋅ g(n) }


The Ω-Notation

Ω(g(n)) = { f(n) : ∃c > 0, n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0: f(n) ≥ c ⋅ g(n) }


The o-Notation

o(g(n)) = { f(n) : ∀c > 0 ∃n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0: f(n) ≤ c ⋅ g(n) }

c3 ⋅ g

c2 ⋅ g

c1 ⋅ g

n1 n2 n3
The ω-Notation

ω(g(n)) = { f(n) : ∀c > 0 ∃n0 > 0 s.t. ∀n ≥ n0: f(n) ≥ c ⋅ g(n) }

c3 ⋅ g

c2 ⋅ g

c1 ⋅ g

n1 n2 n3
Comparison of Functions

• f(n) = O(g(n)) and Transitivity

g(n) = O(h(n)) ⇒ f(n) = O(h(n))
• f(n) = Ω(g(n)) and
g(n) = Ω(h(n)) ⇒ f(n) = Ω(h(n))
• f(n) = Θ(g(n)) and
g(n) = Θ(h(n)) ⇒ f(n) = Θ(h(n))

• f(n) = O(f(n)) Reflexivity

f(n) = Ω(f(n))
f(n) = Θ(f(n))
Comparison of Functions

• f(n) = Θ(g(n)) ⇐⇒ g(n) = Θ(f(n)) Symmetry

• f(n) = O(g(n)) ⇐⇒ g(n) = Ω(f(n)) Transpose

• f(n) = o(g(n)) ⇐⇒ g(n) = ω(f(n)) Symmetry

• f(n) = O(g(n)) and Theorem 3.1

f(n) = Ω(g(n)) ⇒ f(n) = Θ(g(n))
Analysis and Limits
Comparison of Functions

• f1(n) = O(g1(n)) and f2(n) = O(g2(n)) ⇒

f1(n) + f2(n) = O(g1(n) + g2(n))

• f(n) = O(g(n)) ⇒ f(n) + g(n) = O(g(n))

Standard Notation and
Common Functions

• Monotonicity
A function f(n) is monotonically increasing if m  n
implies f(m)  f(n) .
A function f(n) is monotonically decreasing if m  n
implies f(m)  f(n) .
A function f(n) is strictly increasing
if m < n implies f(m) < f(n) .
A function f(n) is strictly decreasing
if m < n implies f(m) > f(n) .
Standard Notation and
Common Functions

• Exponentials
For all n and a1, the function an is the exponential function
with base a and is monotonically increasing.
• Logarithms ai
Textbook adopts the following convention
lg n = log2n (binary logarithm),
ln n = logen (natural logarithm),
lgk n = (lg n)k (exponentiation),
lg lg n = lg(lg n) (composition),
lg n + k = (lg n)+k (precedence of lg).
• Consider this peace of code for calculating the factorial of a number:
function factorial(n):
fact = 1
for i in range(0 to n-1)
fact = fact * i
return fact

Now if you sum up all the primitive operations' cost you get

C = c1 + n*c2 + 2*c3*n + c4
   = (c1+c4) + n*(c2+c3)
   = C1+n*C2
C = θ(n)

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