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Born in Switzerland in one thousand eight hundred seventy-eight, Joseph Lois Chevrolet lived the American dream and the automotive
dream, which had captivated him both in its technical component and in the emotion of the competition where he obtained remarkable
results, in one thousand eight hundred ninety-five in a bicycle race. and ten years later in New York by car.
That same year he managed to finish building his first car, capable of reaching one hundred and ninety-one km/h. His successes soon caught
the attention of investors such as William Durant, with whom he founded the Chevrolet Motor Car Company in Detroit and culminated in
cars like the Classic Six, Baby Grand, Light Six and Royal Mail. His ambition was great, as was his passion for the industry automotive.
Hence the disappointment over his friend's decision to position the brand, already within General Motors, as a brand of economical cars
that continues to this day, and Chevrolet's decision to leave the brand to face new challenges. Among them, supplier work for Ford, he
created a car brand, Frontenac Motor Comp, and an aeronautical company like Chevrolet Air Company, devastated by the successive post-
war economic crises.
The consequences of the accident in one thousand nine hundred twenty-nine led him to use his skills as a mechanic again to get a job,
although without the previous brilliance until his death in one thousand nine hundred forty-one.

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