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1. Where did the Olympic games

a. France b. Greece
c. Italy d. USA
2. In what sport you can get a hole
in one?
a. Basketball b. Tennis
c. Golf d. Cricket
3. What is the most popular indoor
sport in America?
a. Golf b. Baseball
c. Basketball d. Football
4. Which image shows the best
5. What is the longest river in the
a. Yangtze b. Amazon
c. Mississippi d. Nile
6. What do you call a flightless
bird in Antarctic?
a. Dodo b. Ostrich
c. Pigeon d. Penguin
7. Who is the author of the “Harry
Potter” books?

a. J. K. Rowling b. Jane Austen

c. Charles Dickens d. Stephen King

8. In which sport is the
FIFA World Cup?
a. Badminton b. Bowling
c. Football d. Javelin
9. What color is chocolate ?

a. Chocolate b. Red
c. Green d. Brown
10. What food serves as the base
for guacamole?
a. Avocado b. Mango
c. Lemon d. Orange
11. What country is home to the
a. Canada b. Austria
c. Australia d. Sweden
12. What is the tallest mountain on
a. Kilimanjaro b. Fuji
c. Everest d. Blanc
13. Who invented the telephone?

a. James Watt b. A. G. Bell

c. Thomas Edison d. Henry Ford
14. Where is Tacos originally
a. Mexico b. Brazil
c. Italy d. Chile
15. Which is correct

a. Bycicle b. Bicicle
c. Bicycle d. Bikecycle
16. How many strings does a
violin have?
a. Three b. Four
c. Five d. Six
17. What do you call your sister’s
a. Sister b. Aunt
c. Grandmother d. Mother
18. What does a thermometer
a. Temperature b. Weather
c. Pressure d. Wind
19. How many chambers are there
in a human heart?
a. Four b. Two
c. Six d. Eight
20. What is 2 + 2 X 2 = ?

a. 8 b. 6
c. 4 d. 2

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