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Niloofar Maghronn
Revenue : The total income that was received.
Intravenously : By means of a vein.
Correlation : A connection or relationship between two or more facts, number ,etc.
Antiviral : An antiviral drug or treatment is used to cure an infection or disease caused by a virus.
Microbiome : The microorganisms that exist in a particular environment or in the human body
Autoimmune disease : A disease in which a person’s immune system wrongly attacks its own healthy tissue
Resilient : Strong and not easily damaged by being pulled, pressed, etc.
Fungi : plural form of fungus which is a simple type of plant that has no leaves or flowers and that grows on other
plants or surfaces.
Gut flora : Microorganisms that live inside the intestine and help digest food.
Conducted : To organize and perform a particular activity.
Adhered : To stick or to attach firmly to a surface.
WHO : World Health Organization
GDG : Guideline Development Group
CDC : Center of Disease Control and prevention
WHO advises against Gileads remdesivir for
all hospitalized COVID-19 PATIENTS
• Lead paragraph:
Gilead’s drug remdesivir is not recommended for patients hospitalized with COVID-19, regardless of how ill
they are, as there is no evidence it improves survival or reduces the need for ventilation, a World Health
Organization panel said on Friday. 
• Summary:
World Health Organisation doesn't recommend the Gilead's drug remdesivir or patients with covid-19 since there is
no evidence if you prove outcomes that matter to the patients. WHO's advise is another setback for the drug. this
antiviral was one of the two medicines authorised to treat covid-19 patients but trials done by WHO show daddy
had little to no effect in in reducing mortality or the length of hospitalization for covid-19 patients. Gilead has
questioned the solidarity trial result and in response WHO's guideline development group said that it's
recommendation was based on data from four international randomised trials from more than 7000 patients
hospitalised with covid-19 and after reviewing the data it concluded that remdesivir has no meaningful effect on
death rates or other important outcomes for patience.
Bed dust bacteria may make babies
• Lead paragraph:
Researchers have found a link between microorganisms living in the dust of babies’ beds and the children’s
own microbiome.
• Summary:
researches show that microorganisms may reduce the risk of developing asthma allergies and autoimmune
diseases in children. By analysing bed dust samples from infants beds researchers found a correlation
between the bacteria found in bed dust and those found in children. While they may not be the same but the
researchers show that bacteria affect each other and may reduce  the chances of asthma an allergy risks in
later years. It is a known fact that a high diversity of microorganism in the house contributes to the
improvement of a child's resistance to a host of diseases and allergies. Microorganisms in a bed are affected
by the person's surroundings, for example researchers have studied both ruler and urban dwellings and
found that rural homes had significantly higher level of bacteria.
CDC: HIV-related deaths dropped
48% over past decade
• Lead paragraph:
Deaths related to HIV in the United States have declined 48% over the past decade, according to
data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

• Summary:
The amount of death related to HIV in the United States has decreased by 48% over the past decade
according to to CDC. what's the mortality rate of the attribute virus is 40% higher among black people than
for white and latinx people. Historically many people with HIV weren't aware that they had it and therefore
didn't receive any treatment. In 2017 deaths related to HIV drop 48% while deaths related to non-HIV
related causes declined 8.6%. today many people with HIV are living longer because of effective antiviral
therapies and improvements in diagnosing infections, in treatment and medical care.

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