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Pair of Linear Equations In 2

A statement of equality of two algebraic expression involving atleast
one variable is called an equation.

Linear Equation
An equation whose degree is one is called a linear equation or first
degree equation is called linear equation.
Linear Equation in one variable
2016x-2000 = 0
The degree of the above equation is one .
How many variables – only one
Such kind of equations are called linear equations in one
equation which contains only one variable with degree one is called
linear equation in one variable or simple linear equation
General Form
General form of the linear equations is ax+b = 0 ,
where a R .
Linear equations in Two Variables
An equation of the form ax + by + c = 0, where a,b,c are real
numbers, a 0, b 0 and x, y are variables is called linear
equation in two variables. Any pair of values of x & y which
satisfies the equation ax +by+c=0 is called a root or solution
of it.
Solution of the equation
The value of a variable for which either sides of the equation
becomes equal is said to be the solution of the equation.
Graph of a linear equation in two variables
Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two
A pair of linear equations in two variables is said to form a system of
simultaneous linear equations.
General Form
=0 and x , y are variables.
Solution of the system of equations
Consider the system of simultaneous linear equations

A pair of values of the variables x and y satisfying each one of the

equations in a given system of two simultaneous linear equations in x
and y is called a solution of the system.
Homogeneous system of equations
A system of simultaneous equations is said to be homogeneous , if all
of the constant terms are zero.
General Form
, Homogeneous equation of the form ax+by=0 is a line passing through
The origin.
Solving the system of linear equations
Graphical Method of solving a system of
simultaneous linear equation
Algebraic Method of solving a pair of
linear equations in two variables
Algebraic Solution by substitution Method
Algebraic solution by elimination Method
Algebraic solution by cross-multiplication
Equations of the form ax+by=c and bx+ay =
where a b .
Equations Reducible to linear equations in two variables
Applications of linear equations in two
Linear Inequations
A statement of inequality between two algebraic expressions involving atleast one variable is called
an inequation.
Types of Inequations
basically there are two types of inequations.
1. Absolute Inequations
2 . Conditional Inequations
Absolute Inequations
An inequation which is true for all values of variable is known as absolute inequation.
Conditional Inequation
An inequation which is true for all values of variable of the variable is known as conditional Inequation
Linear Inequation
First degree inequation is called linear inequation.
Solution Set of the inequation
The set of values of variable which satisfy the given inequation is said to be the solution set of the
Properties of linear inequations

• Adding or subtracting the same numbers to each side of an

inequation does not change the inequality .
• Multiplying or dividing with the same negative number to each side of
an inequation changes the inequality.
Quadratic Equation
A second degree polynomial equation is called a Quadratic Equation.
An equation whose highest power of a variable is two is known as a
Quadratic Equation.
The general form of a quadratic equation is ax² + bx + c = 0, where a,b,c
R a0
(compulsory condition).
Moreover, it is general form of a quadratic equation in standard form.
Types of quadratic equations
A quadratic equation can be of the following types :
i) b = 0, c 0 i.e. of the type ax² + c = 0 (Pure quadratic equation)
ii)b 0, c = 0 i.e. of the type ax² + bx = 0
iii)b = 0, c = 0 i.e. of the type ax² = 0
iv)b 0, c 0 i.e. of the type ax² + bx + c = 0(Mixed or complete
quadratic equation)
Roots of quadratic equation
x = k is said to be root of the quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0, a 0. Iff
x = a satisfies the quadratic equation i.e. in other words the value of ak²
+ bk + c is zero.
Solving a quadratic equation
The determination of all the roots of a quadratic equation is called
solving the quadratic equation.
Methods of solving quadratic equation
Step 1: Compare the given equation with the general form and identify
the terms a, b, and
By comparing x² + 6x + 5 =0 with ax² + bx + c = 0, we get, a = 1, b = 6
and c = 5
Step 2: Multiply the constant with coefficient of x² i.e., a x c. Here a × c
= 5 × 1 = 5.
Step 3: Split the product of a and c into as many factors as possible. 5 =
5 × 1 and 5 = -5 x-1
Step 4: Choose those set of factors whose sum is equal to coefficient of x
Here, b = 6 and 5 + 1 = 6. ..The chosen factors are 5 and 1.
Step 5: Split the middle term into two terms whose coefficients are same as
that of the chosen factors. Here, x² + 6x + 5 = x² + 5x + x + 5 = 0
Step 6: Factorise the quadratic polynomial by equating it to zero and find
the values of variable (x).
x² + 6x + 5 = 0 ⇒ x² + 5x+x+ 5 = 0⇒x (x + 5) + 1(x + 5) = 0 = (x + 1) (x + 5) = 0
Either x + 1 = 0 or x + 5 = 0 (if axb=0 then, either a = 0 or b = 0) i.e., x = -1 or
x = -5
The roots of the quadratic equation are, x= -1 or x = -5
Solution by completing the square
Solution by quadratic formula
“sreedharacharya’’ Rule
Solutions of equation reducible to quadratic
Nature of the roots of quadratic equation
Let the quadratic equation be ax² + bx + c = 0, a,b,c R a0
The roots of the given equation are given by x =
Where D = is the discriminant .
ie ) if are two roots of quadratic equation
Then = , =
Case – 1
When D
The roots are given by a = , b =
Case – 2
When D = 0 , roots are real and equal and each root x =
Case – 3
When D no real roots exist. Both the roots are imaginary.
Sum & Product of the roots
Symmetric Function of roots
Formation of quadratic equation
A ) Applications of quadratic equation
B ) conditions for two quadratic equations to have a common root
C ) Conditions for two quadratic equations to have same roots
D ) Maximum and minimum values of a quadratic equation
Quadratic Inequation
The combination of two expressions with ab inequality signs is
known as an inequation.
Quadratic Inequation
A second degree inequation is known as quadratic inequation .
the general form of quadratic inequation is ax² + bx + c 0 and
ax² + bx + c 0
Range of quadratic Inequation
An inequation will have infinitely many solutions for which the
inequation gets satisfied and the set of all these values is known as
Range depends on the sign of the expression and the sign of a in the
quadratic inequation.
i) a) If the sign of the expression is same as that a and >0,
then x does not lie between the real roots and ß.
b) If the sign of the expression is opposite to a and A>0,
then x lies between the real roots a and B. (B< )i.e., ß<x<
ii)If the sign of expression is same as and the discriminant ()
<0, then range of x is any real number (i.e., xER).
iii) If the sign of expression is same as that of a and the
discriminant () = 0 (equal roots) then the range of x is any
real number except x = (where is the equal root
A relation which is true for every volume of the variable is called an
Quadratic Identity
ax² + bx + c = 0 will be an identity , it can have more than two roots

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