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Drafting the Paper in an

Academic Style
Focusing Your Argument
When writing a research paper, it's important to
focus on the central issue and determine the purpose
of your argument. Whether you aim to persuade,
inquire, or negotiate, your writing style should
reflect your take on the topic. If your purpose is
persuasion, your writing should convince the reader
that your position is valid and inspire action.
Inquiries, on the other hand, examine issues without
the insistence of persuasion and seek to uncover the
truth. Negotiation aims to find a solution to a
conflict by inventing options or mediated solutions.
Understanding the purpose of your argument is
crucial in producing a research paper that effectively
communicates your ideas.
Refining the Thesis Statement
The thesis statement is an essential part of any
academic paper as it controls and focuses the entire
paper, provides unity and a sense of direction, and
specifies to the reader the point of the research. To
refine the thesis statement, one should advance their
position and limit the scope of the study. One can
ask themselves some questions to focus on their
thesis statement, such as what the point of their
research is, what they want the paper to do, and
whether they have a new slant or approach to the
issue. It is also necessary to adjust or change the
thesis statement during research if necessary. This
allows writers to narrow their focus and develop an
original thesis that can be defended with evidence.
Writing an Academic Title
Writing a clear and specific title for an academic
paper is important as it helps control the direction of
the writing and guides readers on what to expect.
The title should evolve as research progresses and
become more focused and specific. Strategies for
creating a title include naming a general subject and
narrowing it down, citing a specific work that relates
to the topic, or establishing a specific comparison.
The title should also conform to the thesis and
evidence gathered, and avoid fancy literary titles
that fail to label the issues under discussion.
Drafting the Paper from Your Research
Journal, Notes, and Computer Files
When drafting a research paper, it's important to
have a plan or outline to guide your writing. Your
notes and research journal can be a valuable
resource for transferring personal and paraphrased
information into the text, as well as quoting primary
and secondary sources. To ensure unity and
coherence in your writing, focus on one topic and
use transitions and repetition of keywords to connect
the parts logically. Pay attention to verb tense and
use the language specific to your discipline,
becoming familiar with relevant terms. Finally, use
third-person narration to avoid personal opinion and
maintain objectivity in your writing.
Using Visuals Effectively
in a Research Essay
Incorporating visuals in a research essay can be a
powerful tool to enhance the reader's understanding
of numerical data and relationships. Tables, line
graphs, pie charts, diagrams, maps, and other
original designs can be created or imported from
sources to support the text. It is important to follow
guidelines for the placement, numbering, and
captioning of these visuals, and to ensure that they
only present one kind of information per figure or
table. Describing the significance of each visual in
the text and avoiding vague references can also aid
the reader's comprehension. By effectively utilizing
graphics and visuals, a research essay can become
more engaging and informative.
drafting a research paper in an academic style
requires careful attention to Argument, Thesis
Statement , Academic Title , and Using Visuals . By
following these guidelines, you can create a well-
written and compelling paper that informs and
persuades your audience.

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