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Media Pembelajaran

Kelompok Peminatan

Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI

Chapter 10

Let’s Sing Hit Songs

Expressing Happiness

Asking About Expressing Responding to

Feelings Happiness Someone’s Happiness
Why are you so happy? I’m feeling pretty good. I’m happy for you.
Why are you in such a I’m in a good mood. That’s wonderful news.
good mood? I feel great. I’m delighted to hear
Did something good I feel stoked. that.
happen? I’m on cloud nine now. Good news
Why do you have a big I feel like a king. That makes me happy.
smile on your face? I feel like a champion.
Response songs; a song Ex:
to answer a previous •“Girls Girls Girls” (1987)
song and “Boys Boys Boys”
•“Stand by Me” and “I’ll Be

Congratulating Responses

Congratulations on your Thanks.

promotion. Thank you.
Let me congratulate you on…. Thank you very much.
May I congratulate you on….
I must congratulate you on….
Please accept my warmest
congratulations on….

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