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Heterogeneous Structures
 Collection of values of possibly different types.
 Name the collection.
Name the components.
 Example : Student record
name "V Singhal"
rollno "00CS1001"
classtest 14
midterm 78
final 73
grade ‘B
Structure : terminology
 A struct is a group of items (variables) which
may be of different types.
 Each item is identified by its own identifier,
each of which is known as a member or field
of the structure.
 A struct is sometimes called a record or
 Structs are the basis of classes in C++ and
Structure declaration
This declaration creates
struct { two structure variables,
sname and ename, each
char first[10]; of which contains 3
char midinit; members.
We can use
char last[20]; sname.first,
} sname, ename; etc.
 To access the members of a structure,
we use the member access operator “.”.
strcpy (sname.first, “Sudeshna”);
sname.midinit = ‘K’;
strcpy (sname.last, “Sarkar”) ;
Tagged structure
struct nametype { This definition creates
char first[10]; a structure tag nametype
char midinit; containing 3 members:
char last[20]; first, midinit, last.
Variables may be declared
of type struct <tagname>.
struct nametype sname,
ename; typedef is normally used
typedef struct nametype NTYPE; to give names to a
NTYPE aname, bname; struct type.
typedef struct {
char first[10];
char midinit;
char last[20];
NAMETYPE sname,ename;
Another example
#define MAX_NAME 40
typedef struct {
char name[MAX_NAME+1];
char rollno[10];
int classtest;
int midterm;
int final;
char grade;
} StudentRecord;
Defines a new data type called StudentRecord. Does
not declare a variable.
Declaring struct variables
/* typedef structs go at top of program */
int .....
float ....
StudentRecord s1;
StudentRecord singhal ;
/* StudentRecord is a type; s1 and singhal are variables*/
struct nametype aname;
/* struct nametype is a type; aname is a variable */
Things you can and can't do
 You can
Use = to assign whole struct variables
 You can
 Have a struct as a function return type
 You cannot
 Use == to directly compare struct variables;
can compare fields directly
 You cannot
 Directly scanf or printf structs; can read
fields one by one.
Struct initializers
/* typedef structs go on top */
StudentRecord s1 = {"V Singhal", "00CS1002", 15,
78, 73, 'B'};

Using components of struct

s1.classtest = 46;
s1.midterm = 78;
scanf ("%d", &s1.rollno) ;
Assigning whole structs
s1 = singhal;
is equivalent to
 strcpy(, ;
 strcpy(s1.rollno, singhal.rollno;
 s1.classtest = singhal.classtest;
 s1.midterm = singhal.midterm;
 =;
 s1.grade = singhal.grade;
 Within a given structure, the member names
must be unique.
 However, members in different structures may
have the same name.
 A member is always accessed through a
structure identifier.
struct fruit {
char name[20]; struct fruit mango;
int calories; struct vegetable potato;
}; It is clear that we can
struct vegetable { access mango.calories and
char name[30]; potato.calories without
int calories; any ambiguity.
Complicated structures
 A member of a structure can be an array or
another structure.
struct grocerylist {
struct fruit flist[10];
struct vegetable vlist[20];
 You can have an array of structures.
struct card {
int pips;
char suit;
} deck[52] ;
A function using struct array

int fail (StudentRecord slist []) {

int i, cnt=0;
for (i=0; i<CLASS_SIZE; i++)
cnt += slist[i].grade == ‘F’;
return cnt;
Using structures with functions
 Structures can be passed as arguments to functions.
 Structures can be returned from functions.
 Call by value is used if a structure is a function
parameter, meaning that a local copy is made for use
in the body of the function. If a member of the
structure is an array, then the array gets copied as
 If the structure is large, passing the structure as an
argument can be relatively inefficient. An address of
th structure may be used as the parameter.
 A union is like a structure, except that the members
of a union share the same space in memory.
union int_or_float {
int i;
float f;
 It is the programmer’s responsibility to know which
representation is currently stored in a union variable.
Arrays of Structures
 A struct represents a single record.
 Typically structs are used to deal with

collections of such records

 Examples : student records, employee

records, book records, ...

 In each case we will hav multiple instances of

the struct type.

Arrays of structs are the natural way to do this.
Arrays of structs : declaration & use
Each declaration below declares an array, where
each array element is a structure:
point corner_points[10] ;
StudentRecord btech01[MAXS] ;
We access a field of a struct in an array by
specifying the array element and then the field :
Naming in struct Arrays
point pentagon[5];
pentagon : an array of points
pentagon[1] : a point structure
x pentagon[4].x : a double
Using Arrays of structs
StudentRecord class[MAXS];
for (i=0; i<nstudents; i++) {
scanf (“%d%d”, &class[i].midterm,
class[i].grade = (double)
struct Array elements as parameters
void draw_line (point p1, point p2) { ... }
point pentagon[5];
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
draw_line (pentagon[i], pentagon[i+1]);
draw_line (pentagon[4], pentagon[0]);
structs as Parameters
 A single struct is passed by value.
 all of its components are copied from the
argument (actual parameter) to initialize
the (formal) parameter.
point set_midpt (point a, point b) { ... }
int main (void) {
point p1, p2, m;
m = set_midpt(p1, p2);
Passing Arrays of structs
 An array of structs is an array.
 When any array is an argument (actual parameter), it
is passed by reference, not copied [As for any array]
 The parameter is an alias of the actual array

int avg (StudentRec class[MAX]) { ... }
int main (void) {
StudentRec bt01[MAX];
int average;
average = avg_midpt(bt01) ;
Dynamic Memory Allocation,
Structure pointers
Basic Idea
 Many a time we face situations where data is
dynamic in nature.
 Amount of data cannot be predicted

 Number of data item keeps changing during

program execution.
 Such situations can be handled more easily and
effectively using dynamic memory
management techniques.
 C language requires the number of
elements in an array to be specified at
compile time.
 Often leads to wastage or memory space
or program failure.
 Dynamic Memory Allocation
 Memory space required can be specified at
the time of execution.
 C supports allocating and freeing memory
dynamically using library routines.
Memory Allocation Process in

Local variables Stack

Free memory Heap

Global variables Permanent
Instructions storage area
 The program instructions and the global
variables are stored in a region known as
permanent storage area.
 The local variables are stored in another
area called stack.
 The memory space between these two
areas is available for dynamic allocation
during execution of the program.
 This free region is called the heap.
 The size of the heap keeps changing
Memory Allocation Functions
 malloc: Allocates requested number of bytes and
returns a pointer to the first byte of the allocated
 calloc: Allocates space for an array of elements,
initializes them to zero and then returns a pointer
to the memory.
 free : Frees previously allocated space.
 realloc: Modifies the size of previously allocated
Dynamic Memory Allocation
 used to dynamically create space for
arrays, structures, etc.
int main () {
int *a ;
int n;
.... a = malloc (n*sizeof(int));
a = (int *) calloc (n, sizeof(int));
 Space that has been dynamically
allocated with either calloc() or malloc()
does not get returned to the function
upon function exit.
 The programmer must use free()
explicitly to return the space.
 ptr = malloc (...) ;
 free (ptr) ;
void read_array (int *a, int n) ;
int sum_array (int *a, int n) ;
void wrt_array (int *a, int n) ;

int main () {
int *a, n;
printf (“Input n: “) ;
scanf (“%d”, &n) ;
a = calloc (n, sizeof (int)) ;
read_array (a, n) ;
wrt_array (a, n) ;
printf (“Sum = %d\n”, sum_array(a, n);
void read_array (int *a, int n) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
scanf (“%d”, &a[i]) ;
void sum_array (int *a, int n) {
int i, sum=0;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
sum += a[i] ;
return sum;
void wrt_array (int *a, int n) {
int i;
Arrays of Pointers
 Array elements can be of any type
 array of structures
 array of pointers
int main (void) {
char word[MAXWORD];
char * w[N]; /* an array of pointers */
int i, n; /* n: no of words to sort */
for (i=0; scanf(“%s”, word) == 1); ++i) {
w[i] = calloc (strlen(word)+1, sizeof(char));
if (w[i] == NULL) exit(0);
strcpy (w[i], word) ;
n = i;
sortwords (w, n) ;
wrt_words (w, n);
return 0;
Input : A is for apple or alphabet pie which
all get a slice of come taste it and try
0 A \0
1 i s \0
2 f o r \0
3 a p p l e \0

17 t r y \0
void sort_words (char *w[], int n) {
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
for (j=i+1; j<n; ++j)
if (strcmp(w[i], w[j]) > 0)
swap (&w[i], &w[j]) ;
void swap (char **p, char **q) {
char *tmp ;
tmp = *p;
*p = *q;
*q = tmp;
Before swapping

f o r \0

a p p l e \0

After swapping

f o r \0

a p p l e \0

Pointers to Structure
Pointers and Structures
 You may recall that the name of an array stands
for the address of its zero-th element.
 Also true for the names of arrays of structure
 Consider the declaration:
struct stud {
int roll;
char dept_code[25];
float cgpa;
} class[100], *ptr ;
 The name class represents the address of the
zero-th element of the structure array.
 ptr is a pointer to data objects of the type struct
 The assignment
ptr = class ;
 will assign the address of class[0] to ptr.
 When the pointer ptr is incremented by one
(ptr++) :
 The value of ptr is actually increased by

 It is made to point to the next record.
 Once ptr points to a structure variable,
the members can be accessed as:
ptr –> roll ;
ptr –> dept_code ;
ptr –> cgpa ;

 The symbol “–>” is called the arrow

 When using structure pointers, we should take care of
operator precedence.
 Member operator “.” has higher precedence than “*”.
 ptr –> roll and (*ptr).roll mean the same thing.
 *ptr.roll will lead to error.

 The operator “–>” enjoys the highest priority

among operators.
 ++ptr –> roll will increment roll, not ptr.
 (++ptr) –> roll will do the intended thing.
Program to add two complex
numbers using pointers
typedef struct {
float re;
float im;
} complex;
main() {
complex a, b, c;
scanf (“%f %f”, &, &;
scanf (“%f %f”, &, &;
add (&a, &b, &c) ;
printf (“\n %f %f”, c,re,;
void add (complex * x, complex * y, complex * t) {
t->re = x->re + y->re ;
t->im = x->im + y->im ;
Structure and list processing
Dynamic allocation: review
 Variables in C are allocated in one of 3 spots:
 the run-time stack : variables declared local to
functions are allocated during execution
 the global data section : Global variables are

allocated here and are accessible by all parts of a

 the heap : Dynamically allocated data items

 malloc, calloc, realloc manage the heap region of the

mmory. If the allocation is not successful a NULL value
is returned.
Bad Pointers
 When a pointer is first allocated, it does not have a
 The pointer is uninitialized or bad.
 A dereference operation on a bad pointer is a serious
runtime error.
 Each pointer must be assigned a pointee before it can
support dereference operations.
 int * numPtr;
 Every pointer starts out with a bad value. Correct code
overwrites the bad value.
Example pointer code.
int * numPtr;
int num = 42;
numPtr = &num;
*numPtr = 73;
numPtr = malloc (sizeof (int));
*numPtr = 73;
int a=1, b=2, c=3;
int *p, *q;
a 1 xxx p

b 2
xxx q
c 3
p = &a ;
q = &b ;
a 1 p

b 2
c 3
c = *p ;
*p = 13 ;

a 1 p

b 13
c 1
Bad pointer Example
void BadPointer () { p xxx
int *p;
*p = 42; X
int * Bad2 () {
int num, *p;
num = 42;
p = &num;
return p;
 A function call malloc(size) allocates a block of
mrmory in the heap and returns a pointer to the new
block. size is the integer size of the block in bytes.
Heap memory is not deallocated when the creating
function exits.
 malloc generates a generic pointer to a generic data
item (void *) or NULL if it cannot fulfill the request.
 Type cast the pointer returned by malloc to the type
of variable we are assigning it to.
 free : takes as its parameter a pointer to an allocated
region and de-allocates memory space.
Dynamic memory allocation: review
typedef struct {
int hiTemp;
int loTemp;
double precip;
} WeatherData;
main () {
int numdays;
WeatherData * days;
scanf (“%d”, &numdays) ;
days=(WeatherData *)malloc (sizeof(WeatherData)*numdays);
if (days == NULL) printf (“Insufficient memory”);
free (days) ;
Self-referential structures
 Dynamic data structures : Structures with
pointer members that refer to the same
 Arrays and other simple variables are

allocated at block entry.

 But dynamic data structures require

storage management routine to explicitly

obtain and release memory.
Self-referential structures
struct list {
int data ;
struct list * next ;
The pointer variable next is called a link.
Each structure is linked to a succeeding structure
by next.
Pictorial representation
A structure of type struct list

data next

The pointer variable next contains either

• an address of the location in memory of the
successor list element
• or the special value NULL defined as 0.
NULL is used to denote the end of the list.
struct list a, b, c; = 1; = 2; = 3; = = = NULL;
a b c
data next data next data next
Chaining these together = &b; = &c;
a b c
1 2 3 NULL
data next data next data next

What are the values of :

•>data 2
•>next->data 3
Linear Linked Lists
 A head pointer addresses the first
element of the list.
 Each element points at a successor
 The last element has a link value NULL.
Header file : list.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef char DATA;
struct list {
struct list * next;
typedef struct list ELEMENT;
typedef ELEMENT * LINK;
Storage allocation
LINK head ;
head = malloc (sizeof(ELEMENT));
head->d = ‘n’;
head->next = NULL;

creates a single element list.

head n NULL
Storage allocation
head->next = malloc (sizeof(ELEMENT));
head->next->d = ‘e’;
head->next->next = NULL;

A second element is added.

head n e NULL
Storage allocation
head->next=>next = malloc (sizeof(ELEMENT));
head->next->next->d = ‘e’;
head->next->next-> = NULL;

We have a 3 element list pointed to by head.

The list ends when next has the sentinel value NULL.

head n e w NULL
List operations
 Create a list
 Count the elements

 Look up an element

 Concatenate two lists

 Insert an element

 Delete an element
Produce a list from a string
(recursive version)
#include “list.h”
LINK StrToList (char s[]) {
LINK head ;
if (s[0] == ‘\0’)
return NULL ;
else {
head = malloc (sizeof(ELEMENT));
head->d = s[0];
head->next = StrToList (s+1);
return head;
#include “list.h” list from a string
LINK SToL (char s[]) {
LINK head = NULL, tail;
(iterative version)
int i;
if (s[0] != ‘\0’) {
head = malloc (sizeof(ELEMENT));
head->d = s[0];
tail = head;
for (i=1; s[i] != ‘\0’; i++) {
tail->next = malloc(sizeof(ELEMENT));
tail = tail->next;
tail->d = s[i];
tail->next = NULL;
return head;
1. A one-element list
A ? 4. after assigning NULL

tail head
2. A second element is attached A B NULL

head tail
A ? ?
3. Updating the tail
A B ?

/* Count a list recursively */
int count (LINK head) {
if (head == NULL)
return 0;
return 1+count(head->next);

/* Count a list iteratively */

int count (LINK head) {
int cnt = 0;
for ( ; head != NULL; head=head->next)
return cnt;
/* Print a List */
void PrintList (LINK head) {
if (head == NULL)
printf (“NULL”) ;
else {
printf (“%c --> “, head->d) ;
PrintList (head->next);
/* Concatenate two Lists */

void concatenate (LINK ahead, LINK bhead) {

if (ahead->next == NULL)
ahead->next = bhead ;
concatenate (ahead->next, bhead);
 Insertion in a list takes a fixed amount of
time once the position in the list is found.
Before Insertion
p1 p2

/* Inserting an element in a linked list. */
void insert (LINK p1, LINK p2, LINK q) {
p1->next = q;
q->next = p2;
After Insertion
p1 p2

Before deletion

1 2 3

p->next = p->next->next;
p garbage
After deletion

1 2 3
Before deletion
1 2 3

q = p->next;
p->next = p->next->next;
p After deletion

1 2 3

free (q) ;
Delete a list and free memory
/* Recursive deletion of a list */
void delete_list (LINK head) {
if (head != NULL) {
delete_list (head->next) ;
free (head) ; /* Release storage */

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