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1. Vocabulary

Personality /ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti/ (n) = tính cách.

Have a strong personality = có cá tính.

My younger sister has a strong personality.

Hard-working /hɑːrd ˈwɜːrkɪŋ/ (adj) = Chăm chỉ

Lazy /ˈleɪzi/ (adj) = lười biếng

Helpful /ˈhelpfl/ (adj) = sẵn sàng giúp đỡ người khác.

Quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ (adj) = Trầm tính

Talkative /ˈtɔːkətɪv/ (adj) = nói nhiều, hay nói.

Kind /kaɪnd/ (adj) = tốt bụng.

Selfish /ˈselfɪʃ/ (adj) = ích kỷ.

Careful /ˈkeəfl/ (adj) = cẩn thận.

Careless /ˈkerləs/ (adj) = bất cẩn.

Funny /ˈfʌni/ (adj) = hài hước

Punctual /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ (adj) = đúng giờ

Romantic /roʊˈmæntɪk/ (adj) = lãng mạn

2. Dialog practice
- Spend time with him = dành thời gian với cậu ấy.
- Tell jokes = kể truyện cười.
- Grow up = lớn lên.
- Animal = động vật.
- Consider them as his friends = xem chúng như những người bạn
- Caring = biết quan tâm tới người khác.
- Take care of = chăm sóc.
- Without feeling tired = không cảm thấy mệt.
- Reliable = đáng tin cậy.
- Relative = người thân.
- Trust = tin tưởng.
- Proud of = tự hào về điều gì
Peter talks about personality of his family members:

All four people in my family have different personalities. My

younger brother is really funny. It's great to spend time with
him. He often tells jokes and I love listening to him tell jokes.
He is also careful. What can I say about my dad's personality?
He's hardworking and kind. He grew up in a farm so he knows a How many people are there in Peter’s
lot about animals. He loves animals and he considers them as family?
his friends.
What is his brother’s personality?
My mother is a very caring and hardworking person. She takes
care of all my family members. She can work all day without What is his father’s personality?
feeling tired. Many people say that she is very helpful. She is
What is his mother’s personality?
ready to help other people. About me. I am quiet but very
reliable. My friends, relatives and family trust me a lot. I am What is his personality?
proud of that
3. Discussion
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1. Tell me something about yourself.
2. Are you hardworking or lazy? Explain.
3. Are you quiet or talkative? Explain.
4. Are you careful or careless? Explain.
5. Finally, what is your personality?
6. Tell me something about personality of your father.
7. Tell me something about personality of your mother.
8. Have you got any brother or sister?
9. Tell me something about personality of your brother or sister.
10. Who is your close friend? What is his or her personality?
11. Are you married? If you are married, tell me about the personality of your
husband or your wife?
12. Do you have any children? If you have children, what are their personalities?
4. Extra practice
You have two minutes to talk about your personality

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