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Liezel L. Gajete
At the end of the session the participants are
expected to;

1. Understand the aims of pre-reading stage

2. Share activities being utilized during pre-
3. Perform/Apply the suggested pre-reading
Stay Focused
Make no Distractions
Indulge in the Discussions
Listen Attentively
Enjoy Learning
Let us do this...
In just two (2) minutes, list down
activities you have applied in the
* Pre-reading
Sharing of ideas
Which activities mentioned are
 not effective
 very effective?
 Is there a need to innovate for
a more effective and enjoyable
reading experience?
Reading is essential and serves as a
basic building block for learning,
regardless of the school subject, be it
language arts or even math. In daily life,
the need to read things such as street
signs or prescriptions proves reading is
always an important life skill. 
Pre-reading refers to all the things a
reader does before reading in order to
engage with the text and increase
capacity to understand it. “If you build
the picture before you start, you begin
reading the text with a conceptual
framework already in place.
Pre-reading activities can help learners;

*increased the activation of prior knowledge

*anticipate the topic
*increased vocabulary
*motivated to read
*increased comprehension
6 Pre-reading
Pre-Reading Strategy #1: Guessing
A. Guessing from Words
1.Before pupils look at the text they are
going to read, the teacher writes 6 to 8
words on the board and asks the pupils
to guess the topic.
2.Pupils brainstorm ideas that
could be written on the board for
everyone to see and remember.

3.The teacher confirms how close

or far they are.
field farm inherited

farmer plants hardworking

sun father
B. Guessing from Pictures

1.The teacher finds 3 pictures or

objects which are connected to
the story or reading selection.
2.The teacher asks how those pictures
and images are connected.

3.Pupils read the text and check if

they are right or wrong about the
story connections they made.
The Farmer
Mang Tonyo was a hardworking farmer. He had worked on his
fields for fifty years. How much he loved the field which he had
inherited from his father! Through it, he was able to send all his four
sons through college.
Every day, Mang Tonyo worked on his fields before the sun was up
and long after the sun has set. One day, Mang Tonyo failed to work on
his farm. A doctor came to visit him and told him that he must not work
on his fields again.
Pre-Reading Strategy #2: Pictionary

1. Select some of the key words from the

2. Divide the class into two or three groups.
3. Representative in each group will come
close to the teacher.
4. They are told the word and they have
to draw it.
They are not allowed to use letters or
numbers in their drawing.
5. The other pupils try to guess what the
word is and thus earn points for their
Insects are found everywhere. They are
either harmful or beneficial. The butterfly
and the bee are beneficial. They help
pollinate the flowers. The dragonfly is also a
helpful insect. It eats other insects that
destroy plants.
Ants, flies, cockroaches, aphids,
termites and mosquitoes are insect
pests. They destroy our crops and
homes, cause illnesses, and kill
our plants. They are harmful to
men, animals and plants.
Pre-Reading Strategy # 3: Anticipation
Anticipation guide is a comprehension
strategy that is used before reading to
activate prior knowledge and build curiosity
about a selection to be presented.
This will stimulate pupils’ interest in a
topic and set a purpose for reading.
1. Construct simple anticipation guide.
2. Write four to six statements about key ideas in the
text,some true and some false.
3. Include columns following each statement which can
be left blank or can be labeled yes or no/true or false and
another column for revisiting the guide after material has
been read.
4. Read each of the statements and ask the pupils if they
agree or disagree with it.
5. Provide the opportunity for discussion.
6. The emphasis is not on right answers but to share
what they know and to make predictions.
7. Read the text aloud or have the pupils read it
individually. If reading aloud, teachers should read slowly
and stop at places in the text that correspond to the
8. Bring closure to the reading by revisiting each of the
Yes No Yes No
1. Stars don’t grow old.
2. The age of the star is shown
by its size and color.
3. As millions years pass, the stars
grow cooler.
4. As a star grows older, it turns
into yellow color.
5. The hottest star is in bluish color.
Stars grow old. The age is shown by its size
and color. Young stars are giant clouds which are
dull red in color. As millions of years pass, they
grow hotter and more compact and their color
becomes bright red. As a star grows older, it
turns into a yellow color.
At the prime of life, a star shows of a bluish
color. At this stage, the star is hottest.
Later, the star cools off and changes
from bluish to yellow, then bright red to
dull red. Eventually, the star becomes a
dark, color-surfaced globe that flies on
through an endless night.
Pre-Reading Strategy #4: Concept Sort
A concept sort is a vocabulary and
comprehension strategy used to familiarize
the new topic/story before reading the
whole selection.
1.Teacher provide pupils with a list of terms
or concepts from reading material.
2. Pupils place words into different
categories based on each word meaning.

3. Categories can be defined by the

teacher or by the pupils.

4. Can be done individually or by group.

1. Introduce and discuss the following pre-selected terms:
flowers leaves water gardens weeds forests
air trees sunlight soil roots stems
2. Sort the terms according to the following categories.
* types of plants * where plants grow
* parts of plants * what plants need to grow
Pre-Reading Strategy#5: Speed chatting

1. Prepare one or two simple questions related to

the topic.
2. Ask the class to make two rows facing each
3. Then, encourage your learners to ask each other
questions about the topic, but warn them that
they only have 60 seconds to do so.
4. Once the 60 seconds is up, one of
the row rotates so each learner has a
new partner.
5. Repeat the process several times.
1. How important trees are?
2. What will happen to earth if there are
no trees left?
Trees are one of the most important things on
Earth. Trees give us food, clothing, and shelter.
Medicine also comes from some trees and plants.
Trees absorb water through its roots, and send
out water vapor through its leaves, thus making
the air around us much cooler.
Pre-Reading Strategy #6: Videos
1. There is so much good free content available these
days. First, find a short video relating to the topic of the
2. I would suggest something around three to five
minutes long.
3. Prepare some simple discussion questions.
4. Play the video and then ask the pupils to talk about it.
Rain is very important. If there were no rain,
there would be life only in the sea. In parts of
the world where there is no rain, there is no life.
Rain is treasured and prayed for in countries
where there is not enough of it; or where it falls
only at certain seasons of the year.
Yet, too much rain is not welcomed either.
Water flows from rivers, floods towns and cities
and destroys from crops.
“Prereading is a game changer. It
changed my life...Everyone is smarter
when they have seen the material
before. You will be too.”
― Peter Rogers MD.
4. Developing Reading Power 5,pp. 54,135,184,
Thank You!!!!

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