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Deiner J. Martinez D.
Dayana Martinez D.
Hello, my name is Bruce
Wayne and I am a
billionaire with different
qualities and abilities.
My parents died in an
assault when I was 8
years old and since then
I have run the family
I have a butler named
Alfred, who
accompanies me
throughout my life
without my parents.
Because of what happened that
night, I decided to fight crime in
Gotham City.
At night fight crime like batman
a man without fear and
determination, but without
breaking my code of not killing
I have a family that helps me to
fight crime.
One of them is Dick Grayson son
of some jugglers from a circus.
At an event in Gotham city they
were murdered, and i adopted
their son and raised him to bring
the murderer of his parents to the
law. He is my first Robin.
Sometime later I adopted Jason
Todd an orphan for whom I take
appreciation and showed him my
secret and he becomes my second
Robin, although one of my greatest
enemies murdered him; sometime
later I discover that my mentor
revives him with the lazarus well,
and thanks to that his mind is
destroyed and he is reborn with a
great thirst for revenge.
After a while a young man named
Tim Drake discovers my secret and
seeing his potential as a detective I
adopt him as a new Robin, but
without forgetting my mistake for
letting one of my children died.
Without knowing it, the daughter of my
mentor drugs me to have relationships and
thus be able to have my son, her mission is
I have a son with her and his name is Damian
Wayne trained by my mentor's sect as an
assassin; I have been teaching him so that he is
not a murderer and can help people with his
abilities. He is my last Robin.
I have a girlfriend who
ironically is a thief, her
name is Selina Kyle,
although sometimes she
helps me, in others
moments she helps my
We have a dog
called Ace and
he is part of the
family and he
usually helps us
in very special
The Gotham City
daughter becomes one
of my assistants when
she discovers my secret
and becomes Batgirl,
one of my biggest
enemies leaves her
paralyzed after learning
that she is Batgirl.

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