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Mirza Hafiz Fariski | 1022001100001

Sherly Darma | 102211100005
Mustaqiim | 502204300004
Anita Ningrum | 0120006
Eryan Pratama Setiawan | 21420010
Abdurrahman Salim | 102206100029
 Passivce voice is when the subject of a sentence receives the action of the verb rather that perforing the
 In grammar, voice indicates the relationship between the subject of the sentence and its verb.
 English has two voices
 Active voice, the subject performs the verb, as in Toni bake cakes. In this example Toni is doing the
action of the verb (baking cakes)
 Passive voice, a subject the verb’s action performed on it. It receives the action, as in : Cakes are baked
by Toni. Here, Toni is still doing the action, but cakes is the subject. They are receiving Toni’s action
 A sentence written in the passive voice often uses the verb be. Also the performer of the action is also in
a preposition phrase, as in I was hit by snowballs
 The simplest way to determine if a sentence is in the passive voice is to read the sentence and think
about who is doing what. If the performer of the action comes arter the verb, the sentence is most likely
in the passive voice and not active
Forming The Passive Voice
TENSE Auxiliary verb + sample v3 Examples
(past participle)

Present simple Am, is, are + made Wine is made from grapes
Many cars are made in Japan

Present progressive Am, is, are + being + sent The document is being sent right now
I am being sent to work in the London office
TENSE Auxiliary verb + sample Examples
v3 (past participle)

Past simple Was, were + invited John was invited to speak at the
We were invited to Daniel and
Mary’s wedding

Past progressive Was, were + being = The dog was being washed when I
washed got home
Their cars were being washed while
they were in the mall shopping
Tense Auxiliary verb + Examples
sample v3 (pas
Future (Will) Will be + signed The contract will be signed tomorrow
The focuments will all be signed by next

Future (Going to) Am, is, are + going to A bridge is going to be build within the next
be + build two years
New houses are going to be build in our

Present perfect Has, have + been + sold The star-up has been sold for $5 million
The rights to his book have been sold for
Tense Auxiliary verb + sample Examples
v3 (pas participle)

Past perfect Had + been + hired The new manager hade been hired before
John left the company
All the employees had hired before the store

Future perfect Will + Have been + The car will have been loaded by the time he gets
finished home
The crates will have been loaded by then.
Tense Auxiliary verb + sample Examples
v3 (pas participle)

Modals : can/could Can, could + be + issued A passport can only be issued at the embassy
He said the documents could be issued within the

Modal : have to Have to, has to, had to + be A babysitter has to be arranged for this evening
+ arranged Joan’s travel plans have to be araanged by

Modal : must Must + be + stopped Criminals must be stopped before they commit
Kapan kita menggunakan passive voice?
 A. Passive voice digunakan jika kita hanya ingin focus pada kejadian bukan pada siapa yang

Active : ‘The man is kicking the ball now.’

(pria itu sedang Menendang bola sekarang.)
Passive : ‘The ball is being kicked now./ the ball is
Being kicked by the man now.’
(bola itu sedang ditendang sekarang./bola
sedang Ditentang oleh pria itu sekarang.)
 B. Passive voice digunakan untuk menghindari suatu subject yang
semu (someone, somebody).

 Active : ‘someone hit the mirror last night.’

(seseorang memukul cermin tadi malam.)
 Passive : ‘The mirror was hit last night./the mirror was
Hit by someone last night.’
(cermin dipukul tadi malam./cermin
dipukul oleh seseorang tadi malam.)
1. Passive Voice berhubungan dengan tenses dalam kalimatnya, jadi sebelum
kita merubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif kita harus lihat terlebih dahulu
bentuk tenses nya.
2. Kata kerja ke 3 (VERB 3) dalam rumus passive voice itu bersifat mutlak.
3. Penggunaan “to be” dalam kalimat passive voice itu “conditional”
maksdunya adalah, to be yang digunakan menyesuaikan dengan penggunaan
tenses nya.

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