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first aid for burns

 Burn is defined as a damage of any area
of the body tissue by dry heat, electricity,
chemicals, radiations, or gases.

 the extent of injury is determined by the

amount of exposure of the cell to the
agent and to the nature of the agent.
 A scald is a burn caused by moist
vapour or hot liquid eg: boil water, oil etc.
The types of burn are as follows:
1)according to the cause of burn:

i)dry burn : these types are caused by any

form of flame or hot surface such as hot
iron, fire etc.
ii)wet burn: it is also known as scald .It is
caused by hot liquid. Eg: boiling
water ,steam, hot fat.
iii)cold burn: The skin can also be burnt by
extreme cold as contact with ice.

iv)functional burn: these are the result of a

surface rubbing against the skin of burn, wheels, sheet burn.
v)radiation burn: most commonly from
over exposure to UV light such as
sunburn, large doses of radiation

vi)chemical burn: Some chemicals which

are used in household purpose may
cause burn such as bleach , ammonia ,
oven cleaner, wood preserver.
vii)electrical burn: these burns are caused
by contact with electricity in the form
including lightning.
2)According to extent of injury:
a)superficial partial thickness burn (1st
degree) –
 Burn may affect upto epidermis. They heal
within 3-6 days.
 The skin over the burn may peel off after 1 -
2 days.
 Characters of first degree burn:


b)deep partial thickness burn (2nd degree)-

 Burn affects epidermis and dermis.

 It usually characterizes by loss of skin
 It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to heal.
 Characters of second degree burn:
-very painful
-they are thicker burns
-skin is very red and splotchy.
c)full thickness burn(3rd degree ): Burn
affects entire dermis and at times the
subcutaneous tissue .
The nerve endings , sweat glands and
hair follicles are destroyed. They take
long time to heal.
 Characters of third degree burn:
-dry skin
-nerve endings, sweat glands, hair
follicles are damaged.
-absence of pain.
-burn varies in colour from red to tan,
wax white, brown or black.
d)Full thickness burn(4th degree):
Burn affects skin , fat , muscle and bone,
area are charred or burned away.
 Characters of fourth degree burn:
-wound appears dull.
-wound appears dry.
-ligaments, tendons and bones may be
3)according to the severity of the injury:

a)minor: no involvement of hands , face or

genitalia, total partial thickness burn area
doesn’t exceed 15% can be treated on
out patient basis.
b)moderate: partial thickness involvement
of 15% to 25% of body but full thickness
burns donot exceed 10% body area.
c)major:involvement exceeds 25% if partial
thickness or 10% if full thickness , body
surface , involvement of hands, face ,
genitalia or feet.
Scale for determining
percentage of body burns:

Rule of 9s:
 Head-9%

 Arms-9 % each

 Legs-18%each

 Chest-18%

 Back-18%

 Groin-1%
 The aims of first aid for burns are as
-to reduce the effect of burn
-to prevent infection.
-relieve pain
-minimize shock
-arrange urgent removal to hospitals if burns
are severe.
The first aid treatment for burn are as
1)reassure the victim.

2)if the victim’s clothing is on fire, lay the

victim down and put out the flame with
water or wrap him with thick materials.
Eg..coats, curtains or blankets.
3)lay the victim flat on the floor but don’t
roll the victim.

4)immerse the burnt part in cold water and

keep for 15-20 minutes or until pain is
5)remove the victim’s wet clothing , any
rings, bracelets, shoes, and any other
tight fitting articles carefully as swelling
may develop later on and make difficult
to remove.
6)cover the burn site with a clean dressing
to prevent infection.

7)if condition permits, provide a drink to the


8)don’t use adhesive , dry dressing, these

will stick to the burns.
9)donot break any blister while the skin is
intact to protect infection.

10)raising a burnt limb may help to

minimize swelling.
11)assess for any signs of shock.

12)seek medical help as soon as possible.

13)conduct CPR if necessary.

Thank you!!!

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