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Submitted by,
Anju C.L
How do you write a time table?
• Write everything down. Begin by writing down every
task, both personal and professional, you want to
accomplish during a normal week. ...
• Identify priorities. ...
• Note the frequency. ...
• Cluster similar tasks. ...
• Make a weekly chart. ...
• Optimize your tasks. ...
• Order the tasks. ...
• Stay flexible.
What is the concept of time table?
• A thorough plan that outlines the timeline of the
amount of time spent on various topics and
activities is called a timetable. In most cases, the
schedule is predetermined for the entire week
and will be repeated. Following the schedule,
every assignment is carried out methodically in
the classroom.
Why is the timetable important in school?
• Prevents wastage of time and energy: The
timetable shows exactly what is to be done at a
particular time. It, thus, directs the attention of
the pupil to one thing at a time. Thus, one's
energy is automatically directed in a particular
direction which prevents wastage of time and
What is the main concept of time?
• In math, time can be defined as an ongoing and
continuous sequence of events that occur in
succession, from past through the present, and
to the future. Time is used to quantify, measure,
or compare the duration of events or the
intervals between them, and even, sequence

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