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Presented by Hamza kadim

2. Problem formulation.

3.Results and discussion.

4. Conclusions.
1. Introduction
Porous materials are commonly used for acoustic absorption but are limited in efficiency and size at low frequencies.
Researchers have explored alternative methods, such as incorporating inclusions into the foam, to improve absorption.
These inclusions create a modified mode in the porous layer, trapping energy and increasing absorption. The frequency of
the modified mode is offset from the natural frequency and depends on the inclusion size and periodicity. Rigid periodic
inclusions can also trap energy between the inclusion and rigid backing, achieving near-perfect absorption above the
decoupling frequency. Meta-porous layers, consisting of rigid split-ring resonators, further enhance absorption by
combining trapped mode phenomena and resonance. In a 3D configuration, Helmholtz resonators are used to enhance
absorption coefficient by leveraging Helmholtz resonances and the trapped mode effect.

The concept of a meta-poro-elastic system below the decoupling frequency was investigated, involving different types of
elastic inclusions. Stiff inclusions resulted in similar performance as rigid inclusions, while flexible shell inclusions
enhanced absorption at low frequencies due to flexural modes. The introduction of periodic point-mass inclusions improved
the absorption performance by creating a mass-spring effect. Active meta-poro-elastic layers with piezoelectric inclusions
were proposed to modify the vibrations and increase sound absorption. Resonant micro-scale structures embedded in poro-
elastic materials were also studied, demonstrating increased visco-thermal dissipation and attenuation of compressional
waves depending on pore size, opening ratio, and fluid viscosity.
This study explores meta-poro-elastic systems to improve absorption performance in high decoupling frequency poro-
elastic materials. Different inclusion models, such as rigid, point-mass, and elastic, are investigated to understand their
influence on the acoustic response. The study aims to design configurations that combine these mechanisms for absorption
enhancement across a wider frequency range. The Biot theory is employed to account for frame motion, and guidelines are
provided to tune the mass-spring absorption peak to a specific frequency.
2. Problem formulation :
This section consists of four parts. The first part describes the problem configuration. The model used for the poro-elastic
is detailed in the second part. The third part explains the models used for the inclusion and the fourth part details the field
variables representation in a periodic configuration.
2.1. Problem configuration :
The cases studied in this paper, depicted in (Fig.1), are assumed to be invariant in the ( 𝑧−direction). The studied cases
include an acoustic domain (𝛺a ), being the ambient fluid, and a poro-elastic domain (𝛺p ) with a thickness 𝐿𝑦 and a rigid
backing on the bottom. The poro-elastic and acoustic domains are periodic in the ( 𝑥−direction) with a unit cell
characteristic length of 𝐿𝑥 . The (𝑥−direction) periodicity is accounted for by using periodic field variables. Moreover,
meta-poro-elastic cases are considered by introducing a rod inclusion of radius 𝑟 at the location of ( 𝐿𝑥/2 , 𝑦). Additionally,
the system is constrained in the 𝑦−direction at the base end and is impinged by a plane wave at the top end with an oblique
incidence angle 𝜃.
2.2. Poro-elastic material modeling :
is used to model the poro-elastic material such that the visco-elasticity and motion of the frame are taken into account. This is to
ensure that viscous effects are correctly accounted for when analyzing the absorption behavior below the decoupling frequency.
The mixed 𝐮-𝑝 formulation of the Biot poro-elasticity theory is used, in which the primary field variables are the solid phase
displacements 𝐮 and the fluid pressure in the pores 𝑝. This formulation is valid for harmonic motion, and is described by the
following set of coupled solid and fluid phase equations of motion:

In the equations, 𝜙 represents porosity, while ̃𝜌11, ̃𝜌22, and ̃𝜌12 are effective densities that consider non-uniform flow through
pores and visco-inertial interaction between the solid and fluid phases, leading to energy dissipation. The coefficient 𝑄̃
represents the coupling between dilatation and stress of the two phases, and 𝑅̃ is the bulk modulus of the fluid phase. The tensor
𝝈(𝐮) in the equation of motion for the solid phase represents stresses in the elastic frame in a vacuum and depends solely on the
displacement of the solid phase.So we write:
where 𝐈 is the second-order identity tensor, while 𝐴̂ and 𝑁̃ are the Lamé coefficients of the visco-elastic frame . When 𝜈, 𝑁,
and 𝜂 denote the bulk Poisson ratio, shear modulus, and loss factor of the frame, respectively, then: 𝑁̃ =𝑁(1 + i𝜂) and 𝐴̂
=(2𝜈/1−2𝜈)𝑁̃ . Note that both these coefficients are complex-valued because of the visco-elastic behavior of the frame leading
to structural energy losses . The formulae for the effective densities ̃𝜌11, ̃𝜌22, and ̃𝜌12 can be found . They depend not only on
the (homogenized bulk) densities of solid and fluid phases but also on a frequency-dependent viscous damping coefficient:
2.3. Inclusion modeling :
In this paper, three different ways are used to model the inclusion in order to isolate different effects, i.e. the mass–spring effect,
the trapped mode effect, and the effect of the modified mode of the frame, leading to an increase in the absorption coefficient in
dedicated frequency ranges.
2.3.1. Point-mass inclusion :
The first and the most simple approach is to consider the inclusion as a concentrated mass ( 𝑚0 ), distinguishing the mass– spring
effect from the others. Therefore, an inertial weak contribution is added to the variational formulation of the poro-elastic

2.3.2. Rigid and motionless inclusion :

In the second approach, the inclusion is treated as a rigid and motionless structure to isolate the effects of its size and geometry.
To achieve this, boundary conditions are imposed on the inclusion surface 𝛤p-r, enforcing zero displacements for both the solid
phase and the normal displacements of the fluid phase . The absence of relative mass flux across this impervious boundary is
automatically handled in the enhanced 𝐮-𝑝 formulation, where the corresponding surface integral is zero. Therefore, the only
necessary condition is that the solid phase displacements are zero ( 𝐮 = 𝟎) on 𝛤p-r .
2.3.3. Elastic inclusion :
In the third approach, the inclusion is modeled as an isotropic elastic domain, with the poro-elastic layer attached to its surface
to capture the coupling between different effects. On the interface 𝛤p-e between the poro-elastic and elastic domains, continuity
conditions are imposed, including the continuity of total normal stresses, the absence of relative mass flux across the
impervious interface, and the continuity of displacements for both the poro-elastic medium ( 𝐮) and the elastic inclusion ( 𝐮e).
The 𝐮-𝑝 formulation naturally handles the coupling between the two media, requiring only the kinematic coupling condition 𝐮 =
to be explicitly enforced on 𝛤p-e .

2.4. Field representations :

As the problem is periodic in space and is excited by a plane wave, the field variables are considered to be periodic (in the 𝑥-
direction) in the poro-elastic domain 𝛺p , acoustic domain 𝛺a , and elastic domain 𝛺e . Therefore, each field variable 𝑊
satisfies the Floquet–Bloch relation :

In the considered scenario, 𝐝 represents the spatial periodicity, and ̃𝐤 = {𝑘̃1, 𝑘̃2, 0} represents the in-plane component of the
incident wave number. Specifically, 𝐝 is given by {𝑑1, 0, 0}, where 𝑑1 = 𝐿𝑥. To account for periodicity in the solid, acoustic,
and poro-elastic domains, the field variables 𝑊 in the governing equations are replaced with their periodic generalizations 𝑊̂ (𝐱)
= 𝑊 (𝐱,̃*𝐤) exp(i𝐤 ⋅ 𝐱), as described in .The corresponding weak forms associated with the dynamic equations for each domain
can be found in the Appendix. The interaction between the acoustic and poro-elastic domains is addressed in two steps. First,
the continuity of pressure at the interface between the domains is enforced. Second, the pressure in the acoustic domain at the
interface acts as a surface traction force on the solid phase of the poro-elastic domain, while the structural acceleration resulting
from the solid phase is applied to the acoustic domain pressure. For details on the mathematical expression of the acoustic-poro-
elastic coupling condition, please refer to . Additionally, the radiating boundary condition is implemented using the Floquet
mode decomposition technique.
3. Results and discussion :
The initial discussion focuses on the resonant behaviors, specifically the mass-spring resonance and the frame resonance, in
meta-poro-elastic materials. Three cases are investigated to understand the differences between the modified mode and the
mass-spring effects. The analysis involves decomposing the absorption coefficients into three energy dissipation mechanisms:
viscous, thermal, and structural losses.
3.1. Resonant behavior in poro-elastic materials :
This section explores induced resonant behaviors in the poro-elastic skeleton and their impact on absorption performance.
Two types of resonant behaviors are investigated: the modified mode of the frame and the mass-spring effect. The modified
mode refers to how the vibration pattern and frequency of the frame are influenced by periodicity and the added
stiffness/mass of the inclusion. The mass-spring effect arises from the resonance between the mass of the inclusion and the
stiffness of the poro-elastic frame, forming a mass-spring system.Three cases are considered in the analysis. The reference
case (case 0) consists of a homogeneous foam layer with a thickness of 𝐿𝑦 = 24 mm on a rigid backing. In case A, a steel rod
inclusion with a radius of 𝑟 = 0.4 mm is added at 𝑦𝐴 = 4 mm from the rigid backing. In case B, the inclusion is placed at 𝑦𝐵 =
20 mm. Both case A and case B have a periodic cell width of 𝐿𝑥 = 8 mm, representing the distance between periodically
embedded inclusions along the 𝑥-axis . The poro-elastic foam is modeled using Biot's poro-elasticity theory, with the Johnson-
Champoux-Allard (JCA) model determining the effective density and bulk modulus for the air saturating the pores. The Biot-
JCA parameters used in the analysis are specific to a polyurethane foam and are provided in Table 1. These parameters
include the shear modulus (𝑁) and loss factor (𝜂) of the frame, bulk Poisson ratio ( 𝜈), bulk density ( 𝜌1), porosity ( 𝜙),
tortuosity (𝛼∞), viscous characteristic length (𝛬), thermal characteristic length ( 𝛬′), and airflow resistivity ( 𝜎). The transport
parameters (𝜙, 𝛼∞, 𝛬, 𝛬′, and 𝜎) are also utilized in the JCA model to represent the foam as a rigid-frame porous material for
comparison purposes.
The total sound absorption and the corresponding decomposed absorption coefficients for case 0, with normal angle of
incidence, are shown in (Fig. 2). It can be seen that simultaneously a dip in total absorption and viscous losses, as well as a peak
in the structural losses, appear at approximately 820 Hz. This frequency corresponds to the resonance frequency of the frame
with rigid backing, which is calculated as follows:
The decoupling frequency 𝑓𝑐 marks the transition from viscous to inertial regime in poro-elastic materials. Above 𝑓𝑐, the fluid
phase's harmonic motion no longer excites the frame, indicating decoupling between the phases. Energy dissipation primarily
occurs through inertial effects rather than viscous drag. The decoupling frequency is defined according to a specific formula :

Above the decoupling frequency 𝑓𝑐, the rigid frame assumption holds, and the equivalent fluid model accurately predicts the
behavior of the poro-elastic layer. 𝜌a, the density of air, is relevant in this context. Even below 𝑓𝑐, if the poro-elastic material
has a sufficiently stiff skeleton, no significant vibrations are induced in the skeleton by airborne acoustic waves.
For foams with high flow resistivity, the decoupling frequency, such as the one observed in this study at 11.2 kHz, occurs at
high frequencies. This indicates a significant deviation between the equivalent fluid model and the Biot theory in the studied
frequency range. This information is illustrated in Figure 3.
3.1.2. Sound absorption of meta-poro-elastic systems in case of normal incidence angle :
This part focuses on calculating the (partial) absorption coefficients for case A and case B using different modeling techniques
to analyze the mass-spring and modified mode effects. The results for modeling the inclusion in case A and case B are
discussed separately. Furthermore, a comparison is made between the resonant behaviors induced by the mass-spring system
in case A and case B. These findings are presented in (Figure 4). Additionally, the absorption coefficient of case 0 is included
for reference, providing insight into the impact of the inclusion on the acoustic response.
I. Different inclusion modeling techniques: Case A :
The results are discussed in two steps. The first step considers the absorption coefficient corresponding to the model that
assumes a motionless inclusion. The second step explains the results that take into account the inclusion motion.
The absorption coefficient obtained using the rigid and motionless inclusion model is almost identical to the one obtained
for case 0, except for a slight shift in the resonance frequency of the frame from 820 Hz to 910 Hz. This shift indicates that
the rigid and motionless inclusion stiffens the skeleton, resulting in an upward shift in the frequency of the first mode of the
frame. The stiffening effect is attributed to the fact that the inclusion is modeled by constraining the foam, creating a larger
region with a rigid-like boundary condition near the rigid backing.
The point-mass and elastic inclusion models show an additional peak in the absorption coefficient compared to the rigid and
motionless inclusion model (see Fig. 4(b) and Fig. 4(c)). The point-mass model has a lower frequency and more localized peak
compared to the elastic inclusion model, which accounts for the size effect. The structural losses exhibit two resonance
frequencies: 770 Hz and 980 Hz for the point-mass inclusion, and 840 Hz and 1250 Hz for the elastic inclusion. The fluid and
solid displacements (𝑣 and ) of case A with a point-mass inclusion are evaluated at the frequencies of the absorption peaks,
revealing localized motion around the inclusion at 820 Hz and a modified mode shape of the skeleton at 1250 Hz (see Fig. 5).
This indicates that the first structural loss peak is induced by the mass-spring resonance.

point mass elastic (c)

II. Different inclusion modeling techniques: Case
The: acoustic response related to different inclusion models is discussed for case B in the same manner as for case A.
The results obtained from the rigid and motionless inclusion model (Fig. 4) differ significantly from (case 0) due to the
longer distance between the inclusion and the rigid backing compared to (case A). This shift in the resonance frequency of
the frame to higher frequencies causes a peak to appear in the total absorption and partial structural absorption. This peak is
solely a result of the modified mode of the frame induced by the fixed rigid inclusion.

rigid (d) point mass (e) elastic


Both the point-mass and elastic inclusion models in case B exhibit a similar behavior as in case A. They show two peaks in
structural losses, indicating the presence of the mass-spring system and the modified mode of the frame, respectively. This
observation is further supported by visualizing the displacement fields at the total absorption peaks induced by these effects,
as shown in Fig. 6.
In (case B), the absorption enhancement occurs over a wider frequency range compared to (case A) for both the embedded
elastic and point-mass inclusions. The resonance frequency of the frame is shifted to higher frequencies, resulting in near-
perfect absorption at higher frequencies. However, this also leads to reduced absorption at some higher frequencies compared
to (case 0). For instance, the maximum absorption for (case 0) is 0.95 at 1140 Hz, which decreases to 0.78 when an elastic
inclusion is added, as shown in (Fig. 4(f)).

III. Comparison of mass–spring resonance in case A and case B :
When comparing the resonance frequencies of the point-mass and elastic inclusions in (case A) and (case B), it is observed
that increasing the distance between the inclusion and the rigid backing causes the peak to shift to lower frequencies. This
can be explained by the length of the foam under the inclusion acting as a spring, where increasing the length decreases its
stiffness, leading to a lower resonance frequency of the mass-spring system.
In order to evaluate the performance of (case A) and (case B) with elastic inclusions compared to (case 0) in a broader
context, the diffuse-field absorption of the two cases is compared to (case 0) in (Fig. 8). This analysis confirms that the
mass-spring effect is maintained under the assumption of a diffuse sound field.
4. Conclusions :
In the study, resonant behaviors in meta-poro-elastic materials were investigated, analyzing absorption coefficients and
energy dissipation mechanisms (viscous, thermal, and structural losses). The effects of different modeling techniques (rigid
and motionless inclusion, point-mass, and elastic inclusion) were examined, showcasing shifts in resonance frequencies
and the presence of additional peaks. The impact of oblique incidence angles on absorption curves was also explored,
revealing modified modes and additional resonances along the x-axis. Overall, the study demonstrated the preservation of
the mass-spring effect and compared the performance of different cases.

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