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GMOs - Take a Side

Are you a proponent (pro) or an opponent (anti) of GMOs?

1. Read the articles and watch the videos
2. Collect evidence to describe the controversy.
3. Support your opinion on this issue.
Watch the video. Learn about the Green Revolution
The Debate
The Green Revolution led to the creation of GMOs.

The question: “Based on what you now know, do you think we should raise
genetically modified (GM) crops?”

● The following website will ask this question 7 times

● Every time you answer, you will be provided with the counterargument
designed to challenge your stance.
● Based on the information you read, your opinion may change
● But, fear not, before answering the question for the seventh and final time,
you will be shown all 12 for/against arguments.

Take notes on BOTH SIDES as you are expect to address both sides of the issue
in your paragraphs
Should we grow GM Cro
Read the introduction. At
the bottom of the
introduction is the first
question. Answering this
question will take you on
your first journey!
India: A Case Study
You will be provided a case study on India. You must include a discussion of this case
study in your response. This would be a great opportunity for you to discuss the issue
according to scale and to demonstrate how interconnected we are. Watch the video
(slide 6) then read the article (slide 7) and fill out your graphic organizer - don’t forget to
identify essential vocab as you watch.

Sidenote and refresher of vocab:

Map scale is different than scale of analysis and scale of inquiry. For example, large
scale maps have more detail but show less space. Scale of analysis includes local,
national, and regional, continental, etc. Scale of inquiry asks you to consider what
scale is best when examining an issue - do you want to look at the issue globally,
regionally, nationally, subnationally, locally? Thanks HUG!
No, GMOs didn’t create
India’s Farmer suicide
problem, but…
Read the short article
and collect evidence for
your writing.
Should Companies be Required to Label Genetically
Modified Foods?

Backers of the idea that companies should be required to label their food say that
consumers deserve to know what’s in the food they eat. Critics say labeling is a
ploy to make consumers worry. Explore the next two slides to determine the
arguments for and against labeling GMOs.

Take notes on both sides - on your graphic organizers Opponents of GMOs want
the products labels and Proponents of GMOs do not! Keep in mind that both
sides are biased towards their beliefs
Yes, our food should b
e labeled!

Click the link and read

the article
No, we should not label
our food!

Click the link and read

the article
Now it’s your turn...
Identify and Explain TWO positive consequences of GMOs

Identify and Explain TWO negative consequences of GMOs

Use the information and the instructions provide to create an argument for or
against GMOs. You must construct an opinion that takes a position on the subject
and is supported by the evidence you collected! CHECK THE HANDOUT (V-22)
for more detailed instructions and a potential vocab word bank

Your paper is DUE JANUARY 24 on the day of our debate so we can use it as
part of our wrap up discussion for Food Inc!

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