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The Gospel of John

Created by Rodney, Artur, Andrew, Joseph, Jonathan and Antony

Gospel of John created by Melbourne Archdiocese
Catholic Schools (MACS).
Quick summary of the Gospel of John

• The trailer tells us that a characteristic of the Gospel of John is the

proclamation of Jesus as the incarnation of the Son of God
• The prologue of the gospel of John’s opening words match the opening words
of the Pentateuch(the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy)
• The Gospel of John has as its central focus the revelation that in Christ, the
Maker of the Universe, YHWH, the great ‘I Am’ takes flesh and lives among
• One of the ways in which this conviction is expressed in the Gospel is through
an extraordinary series of claims made by Jesus, all of which reveal different
aspects of the divine reality and the relationship of that divine reality to human
John Verses

John 6:16-21
This passage shows that Jesus is the all powerful and the force of nature
John 6:47-51
This passage shows us how Jesus is here to sustain our spiritual life and
soul as well
John 8:12
This passage highlights how Jesus preaches to people saying that he is
the “light of the world”
John Verses

John 8:58-59
This passage shows that Jesus tried to convey was that He is fully God and
existed as part of the Holy Trinity and has always existed and will always exist
for ever
John 10:1-21
This passage shows us Jesus’ command to the Father is that “no one takes it
from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.
John 11:17-27
This passage shows us about Lazarus being raised from the dead and how
Jesus states to Martha that he is the resurrection and the life and the one who
believes in him will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing
Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John

• A teacher (John 13:13)

• A healer / miracle worker (John 4:50)
• The Messiah (John 20:28)
Additionally Notes on the Gospel of John

The main section of the Gospel of John goes into detail on the 7 miracles that Jesus
1. The turning of water into wine at a marriage feast in Cana;
2. The healing of a nobleman's son who was at the point of death;
3. The healing of a man at the sheep-gate pool;
4. The walking on water;
5. The feeding of five thousand;
6. The healing of the man born blind;
7. The raising of Lazarus.
Additionally Notes on the Gospel of John

• Jesus demonstrates his love for the disciples through the book of glory.
- Prays for them
-Promises help
-Comforts them
• Like “The Good Shepherd” Jesus died for his followers.
• Jesus died for his followers and believers. He sacrificed himself for all of our sins. He implies
that we could do the same in giving up something to benefit someone else.
• Jesus visits his 7 disciples and feeds them symbolising the “Good Shepherd”.
• The Book of John ends, although there were many more things in Jesus’ life, there would have
to be many more books to account for all of the things he experienced. The Book of John is
described as “poetic, artistic and “compelling”

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