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Oral Communication 11

The Elements of

The Sender
The process of communication is started by the
sender. When the sender has chosen a meaning,
they encrypt the message and choose a channel to
send it through to the recipient.

The Receiver
The process of communication is started by the
sender. When the sender has chosen a meaning, they
encrypt the message and choose a channel to send it
through to the recipient.

The Channel
A message can be delivered to its target audience
using a communication channel. Examples of
communication channels include phone calls, text
messages, emails, videos, radio, and social media.

The Medium
A medium is a system of communication used in
the communication process. It is the method by
which the message is delivered between the sender
and the receiver.

The Noise
In communication, noise is anything that stops a
receiver from fully comprehending a message.
Noise can be both external and internal, and it can
disrupt communication at any time.

The Feedback
The reaction or response of the receiver is
called feedback. It provides insight into how
the receiver interprets and understands the
message of the sender.

The Context
Context is a collection of observable conditions that
both the sender and the receiver can use to associate
the same elements with a specific message.

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