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• Presenting By:Elna Royo Roque

flex·​ion ˈflek-shən 
1: the act of flexing or bending
2: a part bent : BEND
4 a: a bending movement
around a joint in a limb (such
as the knee or elbow) that
decreases the angle between
the bones of the limb at the
Extension – straightening
a joint. This occurs when
the angle of a joint
increases, for example, at
the elbow when putting a
shot. Abduction –
movement away from the
midline of the body. This
occurs at the hip and
shoulder joints during a
jumping jack movement.
Abduction – movement
away from the midline of
the body. This occurs at the
hip and shoulder joints
during a jumping jack
movement. Adduction –
movement towards the
midline of the body. This
occurs at the hip and
shoulder, returning the arms
and legs back to their
original position from a
jumping jack movement.
Adduction – movement
towards the midline of the
body. This occurs at the hip and
shoulder, returning the arms and
legs back to their original
position from a jumping jack
movement. Rotation – this is
where the limb moves in a
circular movement around a
fixed joint towards or away from
the midline of the body.
su·​pi·​na·​tion ˌsü-pə-ˈnā-shən 
1: rotation of the forearm and
hand so that the palm faces
forward or upwardalso : a
corresponding movement of
the foot and leg in which the
foot rolls outward with an
elevated arch
2: the position resulting from
pro·​na·​tion prō-ˈnā-shən 
1: rotation of the hand and
forearm so that the palm faces
backwards or downwards
2: rotation of the medial bones
in the midtarsal region of the
foot inward and downward so
that in walking the foot tends
to come down on its inner
ever·​sion i-ˈvər-zhən  -shən
1: the act of turning inside
out : the state of being turned
inside outeversion of the
2: the condition (as of the foot)
of being turned or rotated
Short definition of Inversion:

Inversion is a movement in

which the plantar surface
(sole) of the foot rotates
towards the mid-line of the
body. Another way to describe
this movement is to say that the
plantar surface (sole) of the foot
turns medially, i.e. turns inwards.
circumduction (uncountable)
(anatomy) The circular (or,
more precisely, conical)
movement of a body part,
such as a ball-and-socket
joint or the eye. It consists of a
combination of flexion,
extension, adduction, and
abduction. Windmilling the arms
and rotating the hand from the
wrist are examples of
Rotation – this is where
the limb moves in a
circular movement
around a fixed joint
towards or away from
the midline of the

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