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Learning objectives
1. describe your self-esteem when you are
at home, school, and community;
2. identify the factors that help you in
developing your self-esteem; and
3. recognize your strength and make use of
it to have a better self-esteem.
4. Express ways on how to exhibit self
esteem through an essay
is a term that describes how you feel about yourself
or how you see yourself. Everybody goes through
phases of depression or self-doubt. However, if this
continues for an extended period of time, it might result
to complications, like mental health concerns like
sadness or anxiety. Some of the signs and symptoms of
low self-esteem might also be indicators of these issues.
People with high self-esteem are often optimistic
about themselves and their lives. They become
considerably more resilient as a result and are
better equipped to deal with life's ups and downs.
People with low self-esteem are frequently harsher on
themselves. They have a harder time overcoming from
failures and adversities. This may result in individuals
averting potentially dangerous situations. However, this
might actually lower their self-esteem since they will
feel even worse about themselves as a result.
Improving Your Self-Esteem
1. Distinguish and challenge your negative
beliefs Become aware of your self-
perceptions. Make a list of both the
statement and the facts to remind
yourself that your negative self-
perceptions are wrong.
Improving Your Self-Esteem
2. Identify the good facts about yourself It's also
a good idea to jot down positive aspects of
yourself, such as your talents, skills, or
compliments you've received. Remember the
facts and remind yourself of your positive
qualities when you think you’re down.
Improving Your Self-Esteem
3. Shape a constructive relation and stay
away from toxic dealings You'll almost likely
learn that certain people and relationships
make you feel better than others. Try to
stay away from people who actually make
you feel horrible about yourself.
Improving Your Self-Esteem
4.Give a Break You are not required to feel
pleased with yourself at all times. Self-esteem
can affect depending on the situation, the day,
and the hour. Some people are at comfortable
and optimistic amongst colleagues and friends,
yet anxious and apprehensive with strangers.
Improving Your Self-Esteem
5. Develop your self-confident and learn to
say “No” Low self-esteem makes it difficult
for people to speak up for themselves or say
no to others. Because they do not like to
refuse anyone, they may feel pressured at
home or at school.
Improving Your Self-Esteem
6. Enhance your physical capability When
we are fit and healthy, it is much easier
for us to feel good about ourselves. People
with low self-esteem often overlook
themselves because they do not believe
they "deserve" to be looked after.
Improving Your Self-Esteem
7. Face your challenges People with poor self-
esteem generally avoid difficult or challenging
situations. Taking on a challenge might be a
good approach to build your self-esteem. This
doesn't mean you have to do everything
yourself; in fact, part of the challenge may be
“Activity: ”
Construct an essay expressing
ways on how to exhibit self-
esteem in all ways, areas or
related factors.

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