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Environmental facts

1. It takes around 450 years for a

plastic bottle to degrade.
2. Recycle paper and for every
tonne of paper you save 17 trees.
3. Rainforests have taken
thousands of years to form but
every second a portion the size of
a football field is destroyed.
4. Only a dripping tap means
you’re wasting 13 liters of water
a day
5. Over 40,000 children die every
day due to starvation.
6. 3 million people die every year
due to air pollution
7. Energy saved from one
recycled aluminium can will
operate a TVset for 3 hours
8. Americans use 50 million tons
of paper annually - consuming
more than 850 million trees
9. Every day 50 to 100 species of
plants and animals become
extinct as their habitat and human
influences destroy them
10. In France 20,000 people died
in a heat wave in 2003

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