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recycling is important today when the world is already a polluted place.

for this reason it is necessary to separate waste collection and try to avoid
waste, but it should not only be taught at school how to reduce pollution, parents
should also teach their children to do this by teaching them that separate waste
collection consists of collecting certain types of waste separately, making their
disposal and reuse more convenient and safer. People use 3.5 million tons of
plastic, a third of which is packaging. Millions of animals die every year because
they become entangled or suffocate from discarded plastic. Additionally, 9.5
million tonnes of paper and cardboard are used, which is more than two trees per
person, equivalent to a forest the size of Wales. Finally, the English consume 17
billion cans, or an average of 300 per person. Almost all of the above waste could
be recycled. Recycling helps preserve the world's limited natural resources: trees,
metals, oil, coal and glass.

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