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BPNT in marketing: two

research perspectives

By Soonhan Haddad
( 211-23-0004)

1.Advancingbasic psychological needs theory in marketing research

by Faheem Gul Gilal.

2. Human Brands: Investigating Antecedents to Consumers' Strong

Attachments to Celebrities by Matthew Thomsan.



Self-Determination Theory (SDT): BPNT is a component of Self-Determination Theory, developed by

Deci and Ryan. SDT posits that people have innate psychological needs that drive their behavior. BPNT
focuses on three of these needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT) Assumptions:

● Innate Needs: People have three innate psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and
● Universal: These needs are universal and apply to individuals regardless of culture or age.
● Intrinsic Motivation: When these needs are met, individuals are more intrinsically motivated.
● Optimal Functioning: Meeting these needs is crucial for well-being and optimal functioning.
● Behavior Regulation: Behavior is influenced by the satisfaction of these psychological needs.
● Versatile Application: BPNT can be applied across various contexts to understand and improve
motivation and behavior.
Advancing basic psychological needs theory in marketing research

● Significance of motivation in marketing science

● Limitations of traditional theories
● BPNT in marketing research
● Comprehensive Synthesis of BPNT literature(2006-
● Contribution to marketing Literature.
Conceptual model
Implications for Market practitioners

● Fundamental Psychological Needs: BPNT identifies three core psychological needs—

autonomy, competence, and relatedness—essential for intrinsic motivation and well-being.
● Fresh Marketing Perspective: Applying BPNT in marketing research offers a novel lens for
understanding consumer behavior.
● Autonomy Satisfaction: By addressing consumers' desire for choice and control, marketers
can enhance satisfaction and motivation.
● Competence Fulfillment: Providing opportunities for skill development and challenges can
boost consumer satisfaction and intrinsic motivation.
● Relatedness Building: Fostering connections and shared experiences can strengthen
consumer satisfaction and intrinsic motivation.
● Consumer-Centric Approach: BPNT guides marketers in meeting fundamental needs,
promoting happiness, brand passion, and loyalty.
● Effective Marketing Strategies: Understanding and applying BPNT can lead to more impactful
and customer-centric marketing strategies.
Human Brands: Investigating Antecedents to Consumers' Strong
Attachments to Celebrities

Focus on Consumer Attachment to "Human Brands”

Ryan and Deci (2000) argue that the satisfaction

of A-R-C needs leads to the "development of secure attachments within specific relationships"

Study 1:
● Utilized a survey
● Analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Study 2:
● Qualitative approach
● Supports the proposed theoretical model
Study 3:
● Naturalistic sample
● Tested alternative hypotheses with hierarchical regression.

H1: The more a person perceives a human brand as fulfilling

his or her autonomy needs, the more intensely attached he
or she will be to the human brand.

H2: The more a person perceives a human brand as fulfilling

his or her relatedness. the more intensely attached he or
she will be to the human brand.

H3a The more a person perceives a human brand as fulfilling

his or her competence needs, the more intensely attached
he or she will be to the human brand.
H3b: The relationship between how a person perceive.s a
human brand to be fulfilling his or her competence needs
and intense attachments is nonnegative

Study 1
● Consumer attachments to human brands lead to increased satisfaction, trust, and commitment.
Study 2
● Study 2 highlighted the emotional richness of the consumer experience with attached human brands
Study 3
● Study 3 provided additional confirmation of the theoretical model using a different sample.
Attachment Strength is Distinct
● Attachment strength is separate from trust, satisfaction, commitment, and other constructs tied to
strong relationships.
Predictive Power
● Attachment strength predicts various relationship features and benefits for marketers.
Comprehensive Benefits
● Attachment strength is theoretically robust and can be achieved by creating feelings of autonomy
and/or relatedness.
Efficient Metric
● Attachment strength offers a useful way to conceptualize and measure the strength of consumer-
brand relationships.
Theoretical Implications

● Fostering Strong Attachments for Organizations

● Creating Feelings of Autonomy
● Promoting Feelings of Relatedness
● General Conditions for Attachment:
● Need for Interaction:
● Role of Authenticity
● The Role of Competence
● Consideration for Different Contexts
● Potential as Endorsers
● Transfer of Positive Affect to Brand Extensions

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