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By Armin Ahmed

What is a Living Wage?

A living wage is the income/ and the minimum
amount of how much someone earns to meet their
basic needs. The word ‘minimum’ implies that it is
the least amount of money you can possible earn,
but sometimes some workplaces do increase their
minimum wage pay.
Is it Enough?
In this image, it shows
that the current UK
Living Wage is £10.90,
but specifically in
London it is £11.95. This
shows how expensive it is
to live in London
compared to other
Are we still getting paid less?
According to the Living Wage Foundation’’s research, they have found
out that approximately 3.9 million workers in the UK are still paid less
than the living wage. Including 1.3 million workers who are paid that
amount of minimum wage, and also 2.6 million workers who are paid
more than the minimum wage, but yet not enough to reach the
standard of the living wage.
Throughout the past years,
there have been some changes
in the living wage, and it has
thoroughly affected the
people of London, but is still
not enough to cover the full
amount. So in conclusion,
this has been an issue for a
long time and is yet to be

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