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Objectives of BCRW
On the successful completion of this paper, candidates are
supposed to acquire Proficiency Level knowledge and skill and will
be able to:
1.Comprehend the concepts and principles of communication in
public sector.
2.Apply knowledge and demonstrate interpersonal and
intrapersonal skills.
3.Understand different types of electronic communication, its key
features, benefits and limitations.
4.Understand and write various types of communication used in
public sector, including Noting, Drafting, Audit Paras Development
and writing of Audit Reports.
5.Write Precis, Summary and Reports etc applicable to Public
Course Contents In Weightage Percentage

S.No Syllabus Contents Area Weightage %

Fundamentals of Communication & Types of Communication 20-30

1 in Public Sector & their Preparation

Noting, Drafting, Precis Writing & Report Writing 40-60


Secretariat Instructions/Manual of Secretariat Instructions & 20-30

3 Rules of Business

Total 100
Meaning Of Communication
The English word 'Communication' has been derived
from Latin word 'Communis' which means
'Common'. Consequently, it implies that the
communication is common understanding through
minds and hearts. This common understanding
results not only through transfer of information and
idea but also from transmission of the attitude.
Communication is complete when the receiver
understands in the same sense and spirit that the
communicator intends to convey.
Definition Of Communication
W.H. Norman and Summer define:
"Communication is an exchange of facts,
ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more
Important Features Of Communication

1.Communication always exists

2.It is a continuous process
3.It is a two way process
4.Perception plays dominant role in
5.It is Universal in nature
6.It is a social process
Key Purposes/Objectives Of Communication
The key purposes of communication can be summarized as:
Acquiring Information:
Collecting and analyzing, checking and processing numerous types
of communication both internal and external to an organization.
This often involves initiative to generate ideas and solution.
Disseminating Information:
Sharing information to those who need it to perform their job
make a decision or solve a problem. This might involve coordinating
plans and communicating goals and structure.
Maintaining relationships:
Relationships between coworkers and both suppliers and
customers need managing through effective and appropriate
communication to ensure continuity of operations and ultimate
profitability of the organization.
Benefits Of Good Communication
Following are benefits of good communication:
Individual Benefits:
i. Recognition in the form of praises
ii. Pay raises
iii. Promotion
Collective Benefits:
i. Effective and appropriate decisions can be made in a timely manner.
ii. Develops clear understanding
iii. Brings desirable results
iv. Enhances conflict resolution (Resolves issues)
v. Improves relationship quality
vi. Boosts productivity
vii. Fuels innovation
Characteristics Of Effective Communication

Communication should demonstrate the following

characteristics in order to maximizes its impact
1. Accurate - facts and figures including numbers, times, dates
and names must be accurate as inaccuracies can create a bad
impression for an organization which can ultimately impact on
its credibility and profitability.
2. Appropriate media and channel - This means selecting the
right type of communication such as an email, letter,
telephone call, report or meeting. Before communicating
something consider, how you would feel and what message
you would actually receive if it was you receiving that
particular message via that particular type of communication.
3. Clear- There should be little doubt as to what is meant by
communication. This requires careful choice of language
and keeping the communication as simple as possible.
4. Appropriate language (Image & Tone) - The image and tone
that are used reflect both the sender and their organization.
It is particularly important when communicating with
parties external to the business/organization to set the right
image and tone to ensure the message been communicated
is not distorted and misinterpreted.
Common advice around language includes:
*Avoid using complex words.
*support words with tables, graphs and other images.
*avoid jargon and technical terms unless absolutely
Types Of Communication Used In Public
Public sector uses various forms of written
communication to carry on official work. They are
used to serve different purposes and
requirements. Each one of the forms has practical
use. Their language and phraseology for each
category is of different nature but the fundamental
and essential principles relating to drafting a
communication are more or less the same for all
categories of public sector official communication.
Following are different types of communication used in Public Sector
1. Letter
2. Demi official letter
3. Office memorandum
4. Memorandum
5. Unofficial memorandum
6. Endorsement
7. Notification
8. Resolution
9. Press communique/note
10. Telegram
11. Express letter
12. Savings gram
13. Order
14. Office order
It is the most common form of official
communication used in public sector offices.
All types of formal official correspondence use
it to carry out official functions.
Correspondence between different ministries
of Federal Govt. do not use this form of
communication. An official letter consists of
the following parts:
1. Letter head bearing the name of Government of
Pakistan and that of the ministry or department.
Besides full address should also be given.
2. Number and date of the communication.
3. Name and or designation of the sender.
4. Name and designation of the addressee.
5. Brief subject should be mentioned in order to give the
addressee an indication of the contents of the letter.
7. Salutation.
8. Main text of the letter.
9. Subscription.
10.Signature and designation of the sender.
Significant Points In A Letter
1. All official letters which are issued from a ministry and
intended to convey the orders or views of the Government of
Pakistan must specifically be expressed to have been written
under the direction of the government. Such an official letter
begins with the expression "I am directed to........"
2. The letters which are address to official authorities should be
started with the salutation "Sir". The letters which are issued
to the non official individuals or group of individuals should
begin with the salutation, "Dear sir" or "Sirs". The letters
addressed to different firms are to be started with the
salutation "Gentleman" or "Dear Sirs".
3. All official letters terminate with the
subscription "Yours faithfully" followed by the
signature designation and telephone number
of the person signing the letter.
4. In official letters from heads of individual
offices or from individual officers who do not
write by the direction of the Government but
on their own authority, the expression, "I am
directed to" is not used but the form "I have
the honour to" is written

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