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Business communication

Expected questions:
1. What are the responsibilities of an interviewer and an interviewee?
2. What are the different methods of communication in business organization?
3. What are the five planning steps for effective business messages? Explain
4. What are the benefits of communication in one's career?
5. Define Communication. Explain non-verbal communication in detail.
6. Define conflict. How conflicts are resolved in groups?
7. Explain National Cultural Variables.

Question 1:
What are the responsibilities of an interviewer and an interviewee?

Responsibilities of interviewer Responsibilities of interviewee
Review jobs candidate’s application Gather information about the
material organization, about the profession,
and about him/her.
Prepare a list of questions in Prepare a list of questions to ask the
advance interviewer.
Gather materials needed for the Practice the interview.
interview before the interviewee
Strive to begin the interview on Convey credibility and
schedule professionalism through their
personal appearance.
Initiate the conclusion through a Arrive on time.
wrap-up signal.
Provide a straightforward, relatively Bring materials.
brief summary of the interview.
Ask the interviewee for any Turn off cell phone
Provide the interviewee with Ask previously prepared questions.
information about what will happen
next and the schedule for making
Offer sincere thanks for Briefly summarize qualifications and
participation in the interview enthusiasm for the position.
. Formally end the interview Inquire about a schedule of future
contact and decision.

Question 2:
What are the different methods of communication in business organization?

Communication is key. When done right, it improves morale, efficiency and
working relationships.

Communication covers everything from instructing work or changing policies, to

employees requesting annual leave and even how they talk to one another. It also
covers how you talk to customers, but for this guide we’ll be covering internal
methods of communication in business.

It’s important to have clear methods of communication within your business.

They make sure everyone knows the correct process and nothing gets missed
along the way.
In this guide we’ll describe the different methods of communication in a business
environment and when you might use each one in your workplace.

Types of business communication methods

There’s a lot of different ways to communicate information at work. And the

methods of communication that businesses use won’t be right in every scenario.

You need to define the best approach for all the common requests in your

Business methods of communication can be broken down into different

categories. They are:

 Electronic communication.

 Non-electronic communication.

 Written communication.

 Verbal communication.

There is some crossover with these terms, as written communication will be

either electronic or non-electronic.

Electronic methods of communication in a business organization

Almost all businesses use electronic communication these days. It’s become vital
to the everyday management of workforces all over the world. And enabled many
businesses to work from home throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

There are many different types of electronic communication. They include:

 Email.

 Text messaging.

 Voice and video calls.

 Employee intranet and HR software.

These methods of communication can be used for a range of different purposes.
But not all of them are suitable all the time.

For example, you wouldn’t text an employee about sensitive issues, such as
redundancies or grievances. Many employment issues have a specific process you
must follow which can include written agreements or face-to-face meetings.

A good rule to follow is to:

 Use emails and texts to discuss everyday work.

 Share important documents via email.

 Set voice or video calls where a face-to-face meeting isn’t possible.

 Add non-essential company-wide updates to your employee intranet.

You can also use software for people management. BrightHR lets you manage
loads of HR essentials, such as, annual leave requests, sick leave and staff rotas.

Non-electronic methods of communication in business

Non-electronic business communication includes face-to-face meetings, and

physical copies of documents. Such as reports, payslips, and invoices.

Many businesses have moved to a paperless system in recent years. Going

paperless is better for the environment, space-saving and, with cloud-based
systems, means you can access your documents from anywhere.

However, there are some documents that require a physical non-electronic copy.
You may need to submit physical paperwork to the government as part of your
tax and employment records.

Methods of written communication in business

As mentioned above, you can have written forms of communication in both

electronic and non-electronic formats.
Written communication is any message that uses the written word, such as
emails, letters, and contracts.

Using methods of written communication can keep your business safe and
compliant with employment law.

Written communication can save time, money and create a record of what was
said and done. Keeping these records can help to prevent unfair dismissal claims.

You should have written copies of all your workplace policies, and employment
contracts for staff.

Methods of verbal communication in business

There are many forms of verbal methods of communication used in business.


 Meetings and job interviews.

 Presentations and some training.

 Conversations between employees.

Any form if spoken word counts as verbal communication. These business

methods of communication are typically used for less formal matters.

This is because you should keep written correspondence for anything that could
have a significant impact on the way your business operates.

Despite that, there are times where a face-to-face meeting is required. It’s a legal
requirement to hold a consultation meeting with employees when deciding on

There’s a strict redundancy process you must follow which involves both written
and verbal communication.
Question 3:
What are the five planning steps for effective business messages? Explain


Business communication:
The Process of Preparing Effective Business Message 2 Why preparing for
effective business message? Whether we are preparing a written or an oral
business message, to be effective we need to plan, organize, draft, revise, edit,
and proofread. The seven C qualities and awareness of legal and ethical aspects as
well is Necessary. Even with the most advanced office technology, the need for
careful preparation of either written or oral messages demands efforts

Five Planning Steps

Before writing a message, the following steps are necessary for effective

1. Identify your purpose.

2. Analyze your audience – readers or listeners.
3. Choose your ideas.
4. Collect data to support your ideas.
5. Organize your message.

1. Identify your purpose.

The objective of your message always twofold: the reason for the message itself and the creation of

Specific Purpose
You need to ‘assess your reader’ to decide what they already know and what level of
terminology or jargon will be acceptable. •How much detail do you need to research or include
making sure that your document achieves its purpose? Purpose should be clear and
straightforward. .

 If you purpose realistic Is this the right time?

 Is the right person delivering the message?
 Is your purpose acceptable to you organization?
• Informational (announcing your firm’s new location) etc.
• To persuasive (promotion of product), etc.
• Negotiate a contract, {deals, agreement}

Relational purpose
Create goodwill (credit refusal letter) Creating goodwill is especially important when
communicating with foreign companies, including the Govt of those companies. Courtesy and
patience in waiting for a response are especially necessary.

2. Analyze your audience

See your message from your receivers’ point of view, their needs, interest, attitude, even their
culture. Ask yourself some key question about your audience

1. Who are they?

2. What is their probable reaction to your message?
3. How much do they already know about the subject?
4. what is their relationship to you

Salutation of the letter, Proper placement of first and last name, correct titles,
Basic communication principles, Try to see that person as member of a groups
(business/professional, or laborer, supervisor, colleague of subordinate, woman
or man, new or long time, young/middle age/elder, education level, attitude,
Weather the listener/reader will react positively or

3. Choose the ideas to include:

The ideas you include depend on the type of message you are sending, the situation, and the
cultural context. While answering a letter, one can underline the main points to discuss and get
the ideas briefly on a pad. If one is writing unsolicited or a complex message, one can begin by
listing ideas as they come to mind. Then most important facts can be changed into message. It
is better that the message written to welcome a customer should have other incentives or
policies what the firm offers. * Consider your reader’s viewpoint (be in his place).

 4. Collect all the facts to back up these ideas:

Be sure to collect enough data to support your ideas; check names, date, addresses etc… After
the main ideas, the writer / speaker should ask himself what specific facts, updated figures or
quotations he needs. The knowledge of the company’s policies, procedures, and product details
is necessary for an effective communication.

5. Organize Your Message:

Organizing your material before writing your first draft can prevent rambling and unclear
message. Disorganized, rambling messages often seem careless, confusing, and unimportant .

Question 4:
What are the benefits of communication in one's career?


Benefits of effective communication skills

Effective communication is an art, there’s always room to keep learning, growing, and developing our
talents. This is why we always need to be continuously developing this skill. The benefits of having good
communication skills are enormous and will have a positive influence on both your personal and
professional life.

A business that promotes the benefits of good communication will result in employees understanding
their roles and responsibilities, and help to build trustworthy and positive colleague and client
relationships. And in turn, these skills can help in reducing errors or failures.

Here are some of the benefits of effective communication…

The ability to listen to others, discuss options/opinions and embrace conversation demonstrates to
others that you want to make the best decisions for your group or business. Communication can also
build trust between an employee and their manager as they accomplish tasks, deliver opinions and
ideas, and set goals for themselves (and the business).This is true in both trusting the people that you
work with but also the trust that is required between an employee and their clients or customers.
Team building
Whether it is dividing the responsibility of tasks among multiple people or making sure one person
knows that it’s their responsibility, trust and communication is key so all team members have the same
understanding of the expectations and duties of the team. Communication within a team creates a more
positive working environment for your staff and what’s more, if your team feels like they can talk to the
more senior staff about any concern/queries too, this creates trust and loyalty.

Better relationships
This is true in both your personal and professional lives! But in the workplace, listening to what
someone is saying, offering feedback, providing suggestions or simply replying to an email demonstrates
mutual respect and helps people feel heard.

Increased job satisfaction

An employee who feels trusted and works with others who also practice effective communication at
work are more likely to experience increased job satisfaction. The environment you create for your team
members will have an impact on how engaged employees are in their roles

Increase productivity and engagement

By providing employees with the tools to work confidently so that they know what is expected of them,
they will be more likely to engage with their work and workplace as a whole. What's more is that staff
who are engaged in their roles and have a good understanding of their duties and responsibilities are
less concerned with other workplace issues and distractions and can focus on their tasks at hand,
therefore increasing productivity.

Communication is one of the most important parts of solving and preventing problems. You should
make sure all staff is heard and everyone involved has a chance to speak, and come to a solution that
everyone agrees to and resolves the problem.

Handle conflict
More often than not, conflict will happen because of poor communication. Open communication
between all employees is essential in preventing misunderstandings and conflict. So you might find that
you have to adjust your communication style to individuals to have more positive relationships.
Question 5:
Define Communication. Explain non-verbal communication in detail.


Communication is usually defined as the transmission of information. The term
can also refer just to the message communicated or to the field of inquiry
studying such transmissions. Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and
sharing information -- in other words, talking or writing, and listening or reading.
Good communicators listen carefully, speak or write clearly, and respect different

Nonverbal Communication
Non-verbal communication occurs without using any oral or written
word. Instead of written or oral words, it relies on various non-verbal
cues like physical movements, tasks, colors, signs, symbols, signals
charts, etc. to express feelings, attitudes or information.

Although no word is used in non-verbal communication, it can

effectively communicate many human feelings more accurately than
verbal methods of communication.

Types of non-verbal communication:

Common types of nonverbal communication are; eye contact, facial
expressions, gestures, posture and body orientation, body language,
touch, Para-linguistic, silence.
Types of Nonverbal Communication

 Eye contact  Para-linguistic

 Facial expressions  Humor
 Gestures  Touch
 Posture and body  Silence
orientation  Personal Appearance
 Body Language  Symbol
 Space and Distance  Visual Communication
 Proximity

Eye contact
Eye contact, an important channel of interpersonal communication,
helps regulate the flow of communication. And it signals interest in
others.Furthermore, Eye contact with audiences increases the
speaker’s credibility. Teachers who make eye contact open the flow of
communication and convey interest, concern, warmth, and credibility.
Facial expressions
Nonverbal Communication: Definition, Types, Importance (Explained).
The face is an important communicator. It is commonly said that the
face is the index of the mind. Facial expressions are indicated through
the mouth (open, wide or closed), eyelids (raised or lowered), nose
(wrinkled or relaxed), cheeks (drawn up or back) and the forehead
(lowered or rose).
If you fail to gesture while speaking, you may be perceived as boring,
stiff and un-animated. A lively and animated teaching style captures
students’ attention, makes the material more interesting, facilitates
learning and provides a bit of entertainment. Head nods, a form of
gestures, communicate positive reinforcement to students and indicate
that you are listening.
Posture and body orientation
You communicate numerous messages by the way you walk, talk, stand
and sit. Standing erect, but not rigid, and leaning slightly forward
communicates to students that you are approachable, receptive and
friendly. Speaking with your back turned or looking at the floor or
ceiling should be avoided; it communicates disinterest to your class.
Body Language
Body language is another widely recognized form of non-verbal
communication. Body movements can convey meanings and messages.
Body language may take two forms of unconscious movements and
consciously controlled movements.
Space and Distance
Space and distance are significant non-verbal tools in the case of
organizational communication. A spacious and well-decorated room
indicates a person’s position in the organization hierarchy and external
people get a message about his importance and authority only by
visiting his room.
Cultural norms dictate a comfortable distance for interaction with
students. You should look for signals of discomfort caused by invading
students’ space. Some of these are:

 Rocking
 Leg swinging
 Tapping
 Gaze aversion
This facet of nonverbal communication includes such vocal elements as:

 Tone  Timbre
 Pitch  Loudness
 Rhythm  Inflection

For maximum teaching effectiveness, learn to vary these six elements

of your voice. One of the major criticisms is of instructors who speak in
a monotone. Listeners perceive these instructors as boring and dull.
Humor is often overlooked as a teaching tool, and it is too often not
encouraged in college classrooms. Laughter releases stress and tension
for both instructor and student.
Touch is a widely used form of non-verbal communication tool. By
touching, one can express a wide range of emotions. However, the
accepted modes of touch vary depending on the gender, age, relative
status, intimacy and cultural background of the persons.
Silence is a powerful tool for communication. It may have a positive or
negative meaning. In a classroom, silence indicates that students are
listening carefully and attentively. In the same way, through silence one
can communicate his lack of interest or a failure to understand.
Personal Appearance
Appearance is also an important non-verbal communication tool.
Appearance includes dress, hair, jewelry, makeup, belt buckles and so
on. Appearance indicates the degree of importance or interest a person
conveys to an occasion. Through uniform, we can identify a student, a
doctor, a lawyer, a police officer, etc.
A symbol is something that represents an idea, a physical entity or a
process but is distinct from it. The purpose of a symbol is to
communicate meaning. For example, a red octagon may be a symbol
for “stop”.

Question 6:
Define conflict. How conflicts are resolved in groups?


A conflict is a struggle and a clash of interest, opinion, or even principles. Conflict
will always be found in society; as the basis of conflict may vary to be personal,
racial, class, caste, political and is mental struggle resulting from in
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more parties reach a peaceful
resolution to a dispute.1

In the workplace, there can be a variety of types of conflict:

 Conflict may occur between co-workers, between supervisors and
subordinates, or between service providers and their clients or customers.

 Conflict can also occur between groups, such as management and

the labor force, or between entire departments. Compatible or opposing
needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands.

Conflict Resolution Process

The resolution of conflicts in the workplace typically involves some or all of
the following processes:

1. Recognition by the parties involved that a problem exists.

2. Mutual agreement to address the issue and find some resolution.
3. An effort to understand the perspective and concerns of the opposing
individual or group.
4. Identifying changes in attitude, behavior, and approaches to work by
both sides that will lessen negative feelings.
5. Recognizing triggers to episodes of conflict.
6. Interventions by third parties such as human resources
representatives or higher-level managers to mediate.
7. Willingness by one or both parties to compromise.
8. Agreement on a plan to address differences.
9. Monitoring the impact of any agreements for change.
10. Disciplining or terminating employees who resist efforts to defuse

Question 7:
Explain National Cultural Variables.


An entire country may have a series of cultural norms/standards; individual ethnic/tribal groups
within that country may accept most of those norms as well as adding their own. The National
Cultural Variables are following:     

 Education
 Regulation
 Economics
 Politics
 Social norms
 Language.

You should be aware of the fact about the education level of the person which you are
speaking. So communication lot depends upon education. The following charts shows the
education levels of Chinese, Asian and U.S Mangers so you see the ratio of education levels in
manager in different parts of world.

Laws and Regulations

In both the under-developed and developed nations, various government regulations affect
business communications and sale of products. The type of product to be advertised-for
instance, “Cigarette” is restricted in Europe; also money spent on advertising is limited. Other
countries such as France, Mexico and the province of Quebec also have restriction on the use of
foreign languages in advertisements.


Availabity of capital and transportation and the standard of living per capita vary from nation to
nation. The opportunity to borrow money, the rate of inflation (price raise), and the exchange
rates influence business and a country’s ability to communicate concerning that business. For
example in Pakistan the competitors usually set their own prices. In contrast IEEE set their own
standard for different computer equipment’s

Politics also affect our communication when we are doing business with our company can
result even in personal harm. Even concepts of democracy will vary as interpreted in Korea, the
Philippines, or Great Britain. Indeed, the sweeping political changes in Eastern Europe and its
altered concepts of government will affect future business relations. Even the events
Tiananmen Square affected individual and business contacts with china; more changes will
certainly occur in the future. All such events affect communication, understanding of a country,
and a company’s willingness to do business in an unclear political environment.

Religion in different areas of the world can affect the business and communications. Recent
statistics have shown some religious have totally changed the style of business and even the
structure of that specific country. E.g. In Afghanistan, Chechnya, Arabia, Iraq etc. In various
ways national environmental constraints, education, law and regulations, economics, politics
and religion effect a nation’s social norms. Also family boundaries may exist between persons,
based on caste, class, age. So aware of a nation’s social norms

. Language

Everybody knows that knowing the language of a country is the most significant contribute to
improved communication, on personal and business level. Your communication is good when
both sender and receiver have same language. An important constraint that under girds all the
preceding is language. English is a world language and to a major extent the language of
business. But, you know some basic vocabulary of your host country. Each language has it is
own sentence patterns and vocabulary. Thus, writing and speaking in a second language are
more prone to errors. It is an easy take to find support for this assertion: language problems are
often core to communication misunderstandings. 

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