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Grade 7

Term 1
Welcome to my class!
We are going to have tons of fun…. But only if:

1. You plug in your ears – and use them!

2. You ask questions related to the class work – cause, that is how we learn!
3. You listen VERY carefully to what I say – psssst…!
I sometimes give test and exam tips in class, you must just listen VEEEEERRRYYYY carefully… (The
way I speak will give it away…)
4. We respect each other in this class:
• No fighting
• No gossiping
• No name calling
• No bullying – of any kind.
Some rules with regards to my books (Your working books):

1. You will be taught using PowerPoint – I will very rarely write on the board … Maybe if Eskom and the sun fails on us or in a zombie
apocalypse (or maybe I forgot my laptop charger at home or something stupid like that…)

2. When you see “xxx” (or kissy, kissy, kissy), it means: LEAVE A LINE OPEN.

3. Everything I underline, YOU underline too…

4. When there is a NEW date… yes, you must draw a line after your last work.

5. When you see brackets “()” – You DO NOT write down what is in the brackets, its there for information purposes ONLY. UNLESS, I
say, “write down the brackets” .

6. Always… work NEAT.

7. Your homework will be given to you and sent to your parents on WhatsApp – No excuses for homework not done… Yes, I will be doing
spot checks.

8. Your book has a number on… (will get one), when I ask that you hand in your book, PLEASE do so!

9. All of the papers I give you, has already been cut to size… You don not need to cut out anything – Just stick and go!

10. When I use colour, you use colour.

11. Yes, you may use colour pen to write down answers to questions.

12. Most importantly: Remember, I love you with all my heart.

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