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Cellular Injury and Cell Death

Normal Homeostasis
Reversible Cell Injury
Irreversible Cell Injury
Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death

At the end of this unit, the student is able to:

1- Differentiate the different types of Death

2- Enumerate the different Somatic Changes
3- Identify Microscopic Tissue Findings in Necrosis
4- Explain the Mechanism of the Changes in Somatic
5- Discuss the alterations involved in specific organs
after an injury
6- Explain the Pathophysiology of the Disease Process
7- Identify the Microscopic Changes in the Disease
8- Be oriented with the Laboratory Safety precautions in
the Histopathologic section
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death

Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death
Cellular Injury- Cell Death

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