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Pros and Cons of Fad

Diets and Supplements

Leilah Caitlin Dela Fuente
Dana Camille Hilario
Richmond Magramo
What are Fad diets?
-Fad diets are plans sold as the best and fastest
approach to losing weight.

-is a diet that becomes popular for a short time,

similar to fads in fashion, without being a
standard dietary recommendation, and often
making pseudoscientific or unreasonable
claims for fast weight loss or health
improvements. Fad diets are not supported by
clinical research and their health
recommendations are not peer-reviewed.

"Lose 50 pounds in two weeks!“
"Burn fat fast with our new protein shake!“
"Lose weight fast!“

Have you ever heard these phrases before? Weight loss

programs and diets often use catchy, seemingly easy weight loss
solutions to promote their company or their products.

Are their promises of
weight loss true and
sustainable? Are they safe
for everyone?
We are bombarded with new diet trends, social media
influencers telling us what foods we should or should not eat,
and food products tailored to weight loss. Among all of the
noise circulating in the world of nutrition, it may be hard to
determine what is true and what is not about these claims.

Time to break down a few popular diets and examine the pros
and cons of some trending diets. Here are some examples of fad

Ketogenic Diet
The Ketogenic diet has grown in popularity
over the years. Despite its origin as a treatment
for epilepsy, it has now become a more
common diet for weight loss. The hallmark of
this diet is the high amount of fat and low
intake of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the
body's main source of fuel but when this is
severely restricted, as it is on a true keto diet,
the body is forced to be fueled by another
source (fat). The breakdown of the standard
ketogenic diet is 70% of daily calories come
from fat, only 20% for protein, and 10%

 More accessible and available keto  Carbs are your body's primary energy
alternatives to common foods (bread, source, limiting your intake of these
chips, flour, sweeteners). may cause brain fog, irritability,
fatigue, and constipation. This
 The severe decrease in carbohydrates collection of symptoms is known as
can cause the body to hold less water, "keto flu."
leading to quick weight loss.
 Weight loss on the diet may not lead to
 May help manage blood sugar levels long-term weight loss or maintenance.
by decreasing intake of simple
carbohydrates.  Eliminates healthy food from your
diet, such as whole grains, fruits, and
some vegetables. These foods are high
in vitamins and minerals that your
body needs.

 The diet does not differentiate between

healthy and unhealthy types of fat.

Atkins / Low
Carbohydrate Diet
The Atkins Diet, similar to the keto diet, is a
low carbohydrate diet to aid in weight loss and
disease prevention. The standard Atkins diet is
less restrictive than the keto diet and has three
variations of the diet designed to fit your goals.

 Protein and fat are not digested as  This diet excludes many healthy foods,
quickly as carbohydrates, which can including fruits and vegetables, that
suppress the appetite and keep your provide essential vitamins/minerals
feeling full longer. and fiber in the diet.

 Limiting carbohydrates may help  This diet also allows processed meats,
reduce the amount of non-nutritive which can raise your risk for heart
foods you are consuming. problems and certain cancers.

 Fewer simple carbohydrates may help  A low-carb diet may cause

control your blood sugar, this is constipation, low blood sugar, kidney
especially important for people with issues, and electrolyte imbalances.

Paleo Diet
The Paleo diet is designed to resemble the diet
of human ancestors who relied on hunting and
gathering thousands of years ago. This diet
includes meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits,
nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, and healthy fats and
oils. Foods excluded from this diet include
processed foods, sugar, soft drinks, grains, most
dairy products, legumes, artificial sweeteners,
vegetable oils, margarine and translate fats. This
diet was designed with a focus on improving
overall health, including improving insulin
sensitivity, lowering blood pressure, weight
management, improving cholesterol balance,
better satiety, healthy blood glucose levels, and
overall lower risks of early mortality.

 This diet eliminates many processed  The food portions allowed by the diet
foods that negatively impact our exceed the recommended daily
health. allowances s for those foods.

 Multiple studies have shown that  The elimination of whole grains may
following this diet can lead to fairly mean a decreased intake of fiber,
significant weight loss. which is beneficial to gut health.

 One study indicated a reduction of salt  The diet does not allow the
intake in patients with insulin consumption of legumes, which are
resistance and metabolic syndrome highly beneficial to gut health and rich
and a lower intake of high-glycemic- in magnesium, selenium and
index products. manganese.

 High consumption of plant products  Humans today are not genetically

provides many anti-inflammatory identical to ancestors from the
benefits. Paleolithic period, as the paleo diet
assumes. We have evolved in order to
 The higher intake of protein and fats adapt to our changing environment.
can lead to a greater sense of satiety.

Submitted to:
Ma’am Mycka Mariano

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