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Etapa Ensino Fundamental Língua

Anos Finais Inglesa

Can you talk about

different perspectives
in literary works?
8º ANO
Aula 3 – 3º Bimestre
Conteúdo Objetivos
● Lexical: vocabulário ● Identificar as principais
relacionado ao tema da características relacionadas ao
aula; gênero conto;
● Temático: características ● Ler e compreender um trecho
e informações relacionadas de um conto;
ao gênero conto. ● Discutir sobre as relações
amorosas nas obras literárias
ao longo dos séculos.
Para começar
Look at the book cover on the right side.
In pairs, reflect on the questions and
discuss them.
a. Do you know or have heard about this
book and its author?
b. In this book, do you think we will find
a single story or a collection of them?

5 minutos
Para começar
Look at the book cover on the right side. In
pairs, reflect on the questions and discuss
a. Do you know or have heard about this
book and its author?
Personal answers.
b. In this book, do you think we will find a
single story or a collection of them?
The book presents a collection of
tales by the Australian author Henry
Foco no conteúdo 20 minutos

In pairs, read the extract of the short story from the collection of
tales, Joe Wilson and his mates, by Henry Lawson.
Answer the following question:
a. Do you think this narrative is long and complex or short and

Joe Wilson and his mates (1901) is a collection of

short stories by Australian poet and author Henry
The collection contains twenty stories which are mostly
reprinted from a variety of newspaper and magazine
sources, with several published here for the first time.
Foco no conteúdo
And, oh, but wasn’t I happy walking home with Mary
that night! She was too little for me to put my arm Glossary
round her waist, so I put it round her shoulder, and waist: cintura
that felt just as good. [...] whispered:
She wouldn’t go back to the dance yet; she said she’d sussurrou
go into her room and rest a while. There was no one unless: a menos
near the old verandah; and when she stood on the que
end of the floor she was just on a level with my it dawned on me:
me dei conta
proposing: propor
‘Mary,’ I whispered, ‘put your arms round my neck (em casamento)
and kiss me.’ a chap like me:
She put her arms round my neck, but she didn’t kiss um cara como eu
me; she only hid her face.
Foco no conteúdo
‘Kiss me, Mary!’ I said.
‘I — I don’t like to,’ she whispered. Glossary
‘Why not, Mary?’ Then I felt her crying or laughing, or waist: cintura
half crying and half laughing. I’m not sure to this day whispered:
which it was. sussurrou
unless: a menos
‘Why won’t you kiss me, Mary? Don’t you love me?’ que
‘Because,’ she said, ‘because — because I — I don’t — it dawned on me:
I don’t think it’s right for — for a girl to — to kiss a me dei conta
man unless she’s going to be his wife.’ proposing: propor
(em casamento)
Then it dawned on me! I’d forgot all about proposing.
a chap like me:
‘Mary,’ I said, ‘would you marry a chap like me?’ um cara como eu
And that was all right.
Foco no conteúdo
a. Do you think this narrative is long and complex or short and
Aqui nós temos um exemplo de um conto (a short story).
O conto pode ser definido como uma narrativa curta e
com um único conflito. Isso significa que, nessas histórias,
há poucos personagens, o tempo e o espaço são reduzidos ao
essencial e, além disso, o enredo (a sequência de ações pelas
quais os personagens passam) é marcado pela existência
de um único acontecimento relevante. Dessa forma, em geral,
os contos apresentam apenas um clímax (aquele momento de
maior tensão da narrativa).
Foco no conteúdo
Vamos, agora, conhecer um pouco mais sobre algumas características
desse gênero literário.
O conto costuma ser estruturado em quatro partes: introdução,
desenvolvimento, clímax e conclusão. Vamos a elas:
• Introdução: é o início da narrativa. Nela, podemos descobrir o
contexto da narrativa: quem são as personagens, qual é o espaço e
o tempo nos quais a história vai ser narrada e quais são os
primeiros acontecimentos dela.
• Desenvolvimento: apresenta as ações que modificam o estado
inicial da narrativa. Vemos o conflito (situação-problema) que fará
as personagens agirem para resolvê-lo.
Foco no conteúdo
• Clímax: é o momento de maior tensão, quando o problema está no
auge e as ações tomadas definirão o rumo da história.
• Conclusão (ou desfecho/solução do conflito): como o nome já
diz, é o final da história, que será provavelmente diferente de como
ela começou. Pode mostrar que o problema foi solucionado ou não,
dependendo muito mais do tipo de conto que estamos lendo.
Na prática
Which part of the text shows that courtship between a man
and a woman in the 1900’s couldn’t happen before marriage?

a. ‘Mary,’ I whispered, ‘put your arms round my neck and kiss

me.’ ( )
b. ‘Because,’ she said, ‘because — because I — I don’t — I
don’t think it’s right for — for a girl to — to kiss a man unless
she’s going to be his wife.’ ( )
c. ‘I — I don’t like to,’ she whispered. ( )
Na prática
Which part of the text shows that courtship between a man
and a woman in the 1900’s couldn’t happen before marriage?

a. ‘Mary,’ I whispered, ‘put your arms round my neck and kiss

me.’ ( )
b. ‘Because,’ she said, ‘because — because I — I don’t — I
don’t think it’s right for — for a girl to — to kiss a man unless
she’s going to be his wife.’ ( X )
c. ‘I — I don’t like to,’ she whispered. ( )
Na prática
Read the extract once more. Decide if the sentences are true
(T) or false (F).

a. Joe asks Mary to kiss him. ( )

b. Mary doesn’t love Joe. ( )
c. Mary thinks kissing a man without marrying is not right. ( )
d. Joe doesn’t want to propose to Mary. ( )
Na prática
Read the extract once more. Decide if the sentences are true
(T) or false (F).

a. Joe asks Mary to kiss him. ( T )

b. Mary doesn’t love Joe. ( F )
c. Mary thinks kissing a man without marrying is not right. ( T )
d. Joe doesn’t want to propose to Mary. ( F )
Na prática
In groups, discuss the questions below:

a. Comparing with today, the courtship between a man and a

woman in the 1900’s be common or uncommon? Explain.
b. It is possible that people from other places think and act
differently towards relationships? Why?
Na prática
In groups, discuss the questions below:

a. Comparing with today, the courtship between a man and a

woman in the 1900’s be common or uncommon? Explain.
Personal answers.
b. It is possible that people from other places think and act
differently towards relationships? Why?
Personal answers.
Aplicando Time for a
A group discussion hands-on
In groups of five or six, discuss different views
about relationships and marriage in literary
Follow the steps:
• Choose some literary works, such as novels,
short stories or poems;
• Talk about the couples in these literary
works and reflect on their relationship in the
society that they live in.
20 minutos
Aplicando Time for a
• Think about what the couples do during activity!
the story:
• Do they spend time together?
• Are they allowed to kiss?
• Are they supposed to get married?
• Take notes of relevant information.
O que aprendemos hoje?
● Identificamos as principais características relacionadas
ao gênero conto;
● Lemos e compreendemos um trecho de um conto;
● Discutimos sobre casais de obras literárias do
Tarefa SP
Localizador: 97299

1. Professor, para visualizar a tarefa da aula, acesse com

seu login:
2. Clique em “Atividades” e, em seguida, em “Modelos”.
3. Em “Buscar por”, selecione a opção “Localizador”.
4. Copie o localizador acima e cole no campo de busca.
5. Clique em “Procurar”.

Slides 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 e 18 –
. Acesso em: 2 jun. 2023.
Slide 8 –
Acesso em: 2 jun. 2023.
Slides 9 e 10 –
. Acesso em: 2 jun. 2023.

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