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Pear Deck

A Student Self-
Care Recipe
Contributed by Pear Deck Community Educator
Michael E. Creekmore, Jr. LPC
How has this school year made you feel?
You can circle more than one! It’s OK to have many different feelings about this year.

Excited Sad Angry Worried Exhausted Accomplished

What can we do to manage
our stress?
What is self-care?
Self-care is an intentional act that
one takes in order to promote their
own mental, physical, and emotional
An effective self-care recipe should address all
three categories:

Physical Health Mental Health Emotional Health

The state of our physical Our cognitive, behavioral, and Our ability to accept and
body and how well it's emotional well-being. It’s all manage feelings through
operating. about how people think, feel, and challenge and change.
Which pictures show self-care?
The events of 2020 helped us
realize that self-care is essential.

What are some

activities you can do
for self-care?
Self-care is a lot like cooking: the right
recipe with the proper ingredients can be
Today you get to be the
cook! Let’s try making a
special, delicious recipe
for yourself.
Which of these ingredients do you think are
essential for your own recipe?
Feel free to add your own ingredients in the blank boxes!

Relaxation time Sleep Hobbies Foods you like

Spending time with

Meditation Reading Exercise
friends & family

Time away from

screens and devices Music
Self-care is a unique,
individualized recipe.
What tastes good to
some doesn’t taste good
to others. Take time to
create your own recipe
by catering to your own
Using the
ingredients you
identified before,
write your self-
care recipe!
How confident are you in your ability to “cook”
this recipe?

Very confident Kind of confident Not confident

How can your self-
care recipe help when
you feel stressed or

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