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•Today you will learn:

• What is cancer?
• What are the risk factors?
• What are some statistics on cancer?
• What are treatments for cancer?
• What are symptoms and signs of cancer?
• How do I check for cancer?
• Cancer is a non-
communicable disease
when cells divide
uncontrollably and may
spread throughout the
•It is caused by the
changes in your DNA.

•It is estimated 1 in 2
people will get cancer.
Someone may not know the exact cause
of cancer,it may be due to a mix of
these following risk factors.
• Smoking
• Diet / lifestyle
• Radiation e.g. the sun or chemicals
• Viruses and infections
Now we’ve had an
overview of cancer
I will be focusing
on breast cancer
Breast cancer is the
most common type
of cancer in the uk
and affects women
Statistics and graphs for breast cancer.
2009 and 2018
• Around 55,000 women and 370 men get diagnosed with breast
cancer in the UK every year.
• This means 1 in 7 women are diagnosed with it.
• But fortunately 9 in 10 women survive breast cancer and recover back
to normal
Treatments for (breast) cancer:

• Surgery. Remove as much cancer as possible

• Chemotherapy. Use of drugs to kill cancer cells
• Radiotherapy. Using radiation to kill the cancer cells
• Hormone therapy. Slows growth of tumours by blocking the bodies
ability to produce hormones.
I personally believe it is important to
raise awareness for signs and symptoms
of breast cancer .
These are the signs and symptoms that
may occur if you have (breast) cancer.

• Your breasts may change size or colour

• They may become red or/and swollen
• Skin irritation may occur
• Swelling and pain
• Weakness and fatigue
• Weight loss which is unintentional
• Breast pain

If you have these signs and symptoms I advise

you talk to your local gp or doctor
Now let’s watch a video from the NHS to tell
us how to check for these symptoms
I will now be asking you guys
some questions on information
from my powerpoint

• If you have any questions this is your time to ask 

Thank you for listening to my

presentation. I hope you have
learnt about cancer.

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