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What is Politics
Politics is the process of making and
implementing decisions that apply to a group
of people, whether it's a small community, a
nation, or even the global community. It
encompasses a wide range of activities,
including voting, policymaking, diplomacy,
and conflict resolution.
Aristotle's famous statement that
"man is a political animal" is a
central concept in his political
philosophy and can be found in his
work "Politics. "This statement
carries several important
implications and ideas:
Political by Nature: Aristotle said that politics,
in the sense of living in organized societies with
rules and governance structures, is an essential
part of human nature. He believed that humans
come together in communities not merely for
survival but also for the pursuit of a good life,
which includes moral and intellectual
The Rights of the Man
Thomas Paine
The rights of man was one of the most
widely read books of its time. Paine
argues that human rights depend on
nature, and that charters, with an
implication that they are granted and can
therefore be withdrawn, can have no
basis in law.
Basis of Human Rights - Paine asserts
that human rights are not something that
governments or authorities bestow upon
individuals; rather, they are inherent to
human nature. He argues that all
individuals are born with certain
fundamental rights, such as the right to
life, liberty, and property. These rights
are not gifts from a ruler or government
but are natural and inalienable.
In summary, Paine's argument in "The Rights of
Man" is that human rights are inherent and not
dependent on government charters or grants. He
believes that governments should exist to protect
these natural rights and that when they fail to do
so, citizens have the right to challenge and reform
their government. His pamphlet was a significant
contribution to the intellectual foundations of the
American and French Revolutions and the broader
development of modern ideas about individual
rights and the role of government.

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